1992-11-09 - Analysis of cost to produce random serail generator.

Header Data

From: pmetzger@shearson.com (Perry E. Metzger)
To: crunch@netcom.com
Message Hash: 134290fd9d948f51f68ca442ba2858445fcc94efa7c9bc6d33c11c652a1ff245
Message ID: <9211092238.AA05660@newsu.shearson.com>
Reply To: <9211092136.AA25999@netcom2.netcom.com>
UTC Datetime: 1992-11-09 23:09:26 UTC
Raw Date: Mon, 9 Nov 92 15:09:26 PST

Raw message

From: pmetzger@shearson.com (Perry E. Metzger)
Date: Mon, 9 Nov 92 15:09:26 PST
To: crunch@netcom.com
Subject: Analysis of cost to produce random serail generator.
In-Reply-To: <9211092136.AA25999@netcom2.netcom.com>
Message-ID: <9211092238.AA05660@newsu.shearson.com>
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain

>From: crunch@netcom.com (John Draper)

>Although,   it IS possible to use a cesium noise source (Don't know
>the cost of that)  and perhaps I can cut that price down by about
>a half or a third,  but the design time would be much increased,
>and perhaps there would be twice as much electronics,  and perhaps
>the posibility that the randomness won't be as good.

Remember also that a radioactive source thats decaying fast enough to
put out 20,000 bits a second the way the RBG1210 can isn't something
you want to stand near.

>Total parts		$63.50  (100 quantity) 
>Cost (4 X parts)       $254.00   

I don't get this -- why is cost four times parts? Is that including

Also, shouldn't it just be possible to buy a couple of components and
do as well as the Newbridge Micro unit? It would seem that we should
be able to build something a lot cheaper than $52 if all we need is a
noise source that will make a line go high or low on a clock input...

