1993-04-18 - MEDIA: Partial List

Header Data

From: Matthew J Miszewski <MJMISKI@macc.wisc.edu>
To: cypherpunks@toad.com
Message Hash: 8e0dbab0b9ab7be70ab2f4601bf15221d29a24e4e1e823806093f33f68d7fd67
Message ID: <23041812084521@vms2.macc.wisc.edu>
Reply To: N/A
UTC Datetime: 1993-04-18 17:09:08 UTC
Raw Date: Sun, 18 Apr 93 10:09:08 PDT

Raw message

From: Matthew J Miszewski <MJMISKI@macc.wisc.edu>
Date: Sun, 18 Apr 93 10:09:08 PDT
To: cypherpunks@toad.com
Subject: MEDIA: Partial List
Message-ID: <23041812084521@vms2.macc.wisc.edu>
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain

  OK a couple of things.  First, this is a partial list as should be
obvious by the truncation of the first entry.  If and when I can find
the whole and complete list I will post it.  Second, I post this grudgingly
realizing that some might abuse it.  I do feel however that the tone
of discussion on the list has been positive and intellectual enough
to positively affect the cause.  I realize this list is not exhaustive
but it is a start.  Ill work on expansion.  I suggest, as have others, that
we utilize one simple technology extensively - fax/fax-modems.  Also remember
that Washington responds to perceived PUBLIC opinion.  Most people
dont understand crypto much less know our names.  It should appear that
these comments are coming from a good cross section of the country.
Finally, I agree with the poster that suggested that we put forth some
spokespeople of sorts.  Media types love point people rather than the
horizontal structure of cypherpunks.  I know we will never get total agreement
on whom they should be, but I think that Tim May, John Gilmore, Eric Hughes,
etc. are pretty much acceptable (They represented us eloquently in WIRED)
Use the list with good intent.
Lane Vernardos
Fax: 212 7652724
Associated Press
50 Rockefeller Plaza
New York NY 10020
Phone: 212 6211600
This Week With David Brinkley
1717 De Sales St., NW
Washington DC 20036
David Glodt
Phone: 202 8877777      Fax: 202 8877977
CBS Evening News
524 W. 57th St.
New York NY 10019
Tom Bettag
Phone: 212 9753693      Fax: 212 9751519
CBS This Morning
524 W. 57th St.
New York NY 10019
Eric Sorenson
Phone: 212 9752824      Fax: 212 9752115
CSM Publishing Society
One Norway St.
Boston MA 02115
Phone: 800 2257090
One CNN Center
Box 105366
Atlanta GA 30348
Phone: 404 8271500
CNN, Washington Bureau
111 Massachusetts Ave., NW
Washington DC 20001
Phone: 202 8987900
Face the Nation, CBS News
2020 M St., NW
Washington DC 20036
Marianne Brooks
Phone: 202 4574321      Fax: 202 4666237
Good Morning America, ABC News
1965 Broadway
New York NY 10023
Jack Riley
Phone: 212 4961800      Fax: 212 8874724
Larry King Show, Mutual Radio
1755 S. Jefferson Davis Hwy.
Arlington VA 22202
Pat Piper
Phone: 703 6852175      Fax: 703 6852142
Larry King Live TV, CNN
111 Massachusetts Ave., NW
Washington DC 20001
Thomas Haddad
Phone: 202 8987900      Fax: 202 8987617
Los Angeles Times
Times-Mirror Square
Los Angeles CA 90053
Phone: 800 5281637      Fax: 213 2377679
MacNeil/Lehrer News Hour
P.O. Box 2626
Washington DC 20013
Phone: 703 9982870
MacNeill/Lehrer News Hour WNET
356 W. 58th St.
New York NY 10019
Les Crystal
Phone: 212 5603113      Fax: 212 5817353
Meet the Press, NBC News
4001 Nebraska Ave., NW
Washington DC 20016
Christie Basham
Phone: 202 8854200      Fax: 202 3622009
Morning Edition, NPR
2025 M St., NW
Washington DC 20036
Phone: 202 8222000
N B C Nightly News
30 Rockefeller Plaza
New York NY 10112
Steven Freidman
Phone: 212 6644971      Fax: 212 6646045
New York Times, DC Bureau
1627 Eye St., NW, 7th Floor
Washington DC 20006
Phone: 202 8620300
New York Times
229 W. 43rd St.
New York NY 10036
Phone: 212 5561234
444 Madison Ave.
New York NY 10022
Phone: 212 3504000
Nightline, ABC News
47 W. 66th St.
New York NY 10023
Dorrance Smith
Phone: 212 8874995      Fax: 212 4563335
ABC News
1717 DeSales, NW
Washington DC 20036
Ted Koppel
Phone: 202 8877364
Public Broadcasting Service
1320 Braddock Pl.
Alexandria VA 22314
Phone: 704 7395000
Time Magazine, DC Bureau
Washington DC 20001
Mr. Cloud, Bureau Chief
Phone: 202 8614000
Time Warner, Inc.
Time Life Bldg.
Rockefeller Center
New York NY 10020
Phone: 212 5221212
The Today Show
30 Rockefeller Plaza
New York NY 10112
Tom Capra
Phone: 212 6644249
USA Today
1000 Wilson Blvd.
Arlington VA 22229
Phone: 703 2763400
U S  News & World Report
2400 N St., NW
Washington DC 20037
Phone: 202 9552000
United Press International
1400 Eye St., NW
Washington DC 20006
Phone: 202 8988000
P.O. Box 2626
Washington DC 20013
Phone: 703 9982626
Wall Street Journal
200 Liberty St.
New York NY 10281
Phone: 212 4162000
Washington Post
1150 15th St., NW
Washington DC 20071
Phone: 202 3346000
