1993-10-27 - Re: Enough!

Header Data

From: “Philippe_D_Nave” <pdn@dwroll.dw.att.com>
To: Jim_Miller@suite.com
Message Hash: 967c7479cbdd8847932fbc748ece745ab06d22ed0554b9864f819967a6d83597
Message ID: <9310270151.AA06428@toad.com>
Reply To: <9310262303.AA00802@bilbo.suite.com>
UTC Datetime: 1993-10-27 01:52:39 UTC
Raw Date: Tue, 26 Oct 93 18:52:39 PDT

Raw message

From: "Philippe_D_Nave" <pdn@dwroll.dw.att.com>
Date: Tue, 26 Oct 93 18:52:39 PDT
To: Jim_Miller@suite.com
Subject: Re: Enough!
In-Reply-To: <9310262303.AA00802@bilbo.suite.com>
Message-ID: <9310270151.AA06428@toad.com>
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain

> "Philippe_D_Nave" writes...
> > Newbies : If you think that there is stature to be gained by
> > joining in  this sorry spectacle, think again. The only
> > place you can gain respect by abusing someone else is a
> > street gang (or the U.S. Congress, perhaps). 
> Pretty presumptuous of you to attach a motive to my post.  I don't think my  
> post was abusive, and I didn't post it in an attempt to "gain stature".
> Jim_Miller@suite.com
I have replied to several 'please subscribe me' posts over the last few
days, explaining how to contact Eric and get on the list. Looking over
the free-for-all of the past several days, I could see where newcomers
to the list would think this is the norm, rather than (hopefully) a 
passing phase. 

Did I attach a motive to your post? No.
Did I make any comment about your motives? No.
Did I hit a nerve? Looks like it.

The 'Enough!' post was intended to point out how inappropriate this latest
round of character assassination has become. I should not have included
the specific instance of the knife/gun message without also mentioning
the use of the term 'detweilering', which is another example of the same
phenomenon. For that, I apologize. Quoting that specific case makes it
look like I'm hammering that particular author, and that was not my intent.
(I've forgotten who posted that one anyway- unlike the legendary S. Boxx,
I haven't got the file space to keep my mail forever).
At any rate, be assured that I did not intend to single you out.

Philippe D. Nave, Jr.   | The person who does not use message encryption
pdn@dwroll.dw.att.com   | will soon be at the mercy of those who DO...
Denver, Colorado USA    | PGP public key: by arrangement.
