1993-11-19 - CYPHERPUNK CRIMINAL t-shirts

Header Data

From: Stanton McCandlish <mech@eff.org>
To: cypherpunks@toad.com
Message Hash: 402ba872d6b4ddc50dd17da53bc051549ac62822df12ab4064a39796cafadbe2
Message ID: <199311191704.MAA10471@eff.org>
Reply To: N/A
UTC Datetime: 1993-11-19 17:06:55 UTC
Raw Date: Fri, 19 Nov 93 09:06:55 PST

Raw message

From: Stanton McCandlish <mech@eff.org>
Date: Fri, 19 Nov 93 09:06:55 PST
To: cypherpunks@toad.com
Message-ID: <199311191704.MAA10471@eff.org>
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain

Several people apparently missed the original post and have no idea what
t-shirt is being referred to.  Here it is again.  So far I've gotten about
30 "I want one" responses.  I'm not sure if the customization is doable,
especially the digital signature, but we'll see.

_______ begin fwd ______________

> L. Detweiler has a rather hefty essay in the latest Risks on the
> subject of `pseudospoofing', social parasites, "a criminal group
> called the CryptoAnarchists" (with members such as "Eric May" and
> "T.C. Hughes"), and such matters.  I will not forward it to the
> list, unh unh, no way.

Reminds me of one of my proudest moments: L.D. (who this time claimed their
first name was Linda; what a pseudospoofer!) in a fit of rage labelled me
a "CYPHERPUNK CRIMINAL", caps L.D.'s.  I'm thinking of having one of those
little desk signs made, saying "Anton Mechanism, Cypherpunk Criminal" just
for kicks.  Or maybe a t-shirt. Hell I could market these, personalized:

                   Stanton McCandlish, mech@eff.org
                           [pgp sig here]
  CCCC Y   Y  PPPP   H    H  EEEEE  RRRR   PPPP   U   U  N    N   K    K
 C      Y Y   P   P  H    H  E      R   R  P   P  U   U  NN   N   K  K
 C       Y    PPPP   HHHHHH  EEEEE  RRRR   PPPP   U   U  N N  N   KKK
 C       Y    P      H    H  E      R R    P      U   U  N  N N   K  K
  CCCC   Y    P      H    H  EEEEE  R  RR  P       UUU   N   NN   K    K

        CCCC   RRRR   IIIII  M    M   IIIII  N    N     A     L     
       C       R   R    I    MM  MM     I    NN   N    A A    L
       C       RRRR     I    M MM M     I    N N  N   A   A   L
       C       R R      I    M    M     I    N  N N   AAAAA   L
        CCCC   R  RR  IIIII  M    M   IIIII  N   NN   A   A   LLLLL

Anyone buying?

_____________ end fwd __________________

They'd be black w/white lettering of course, so they glow mightily under
the black light.  What I'm looking to do is *maybe* make these shirts,
mostly in XL, but some XXL's also since people ask for them, and in a good
weight of cotton, then sell them at a not unreasonable profit. Probably
$10 or $15 + p/h.  This will not be done immediately, I'm still trying to
figure out how much it would cost to do this, especially if they are
customized.  Probably will make a non-custom version, and if possible a
custom one that would cost a little more.  Time will tell, but I can't
guarantee anything yet, since many of the details are up in the air, and
I'll have to see whether or not I can afford the initial outlay (I'm
planning to move by Jan., so this proj might get backburnered until Feb.
or something.  If you are in, just send a note, and I'll add you to the
list (probably w/o replying) of people that want one.  Please specify if
you would NOT be interested if it's not customized, as that's significant.

Now back to the regularly scheduled flames, code haggling and NSA bashing.

Stanton  McCandlish  mech@eff.org  1:109/1103   EFF  Online  Activist & SysOp
O P E N  P L A T F O R M   C R Y P T O P O L I C Y   O N L I N E  R I G H T S
N  E  T  W  O  R  K  I  N  G      V  I  R  T  U  A  L     C  U  L  T  U  R  E
I   N   F  O :  M   E   M   B   E   R   S   H   I   P  @  E  F  F  .  O  R  G

Stanton  McCandlish  mech@eff.org  1:109/1103   EFF  Online  Activist & SysOp
O P E N  P L A T F O R M   C R Y P T O P O L I C Y   O N L I N E  R I G H T S
N  E  T  W  O  R  K  I  N  G      V  I  R  T  U  A  L     C  U  L  T  U  R  E
I   N   F  O :  M   E   M   B   E   R   S   H   I   P  @  E  F  F  .  O  R  G
