1993-11-25 - Forwarded Article

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From: russell@eternity.demon.co.uk (Russell Earl Whitaker)
To: cypherpunks@toad.com
Message Hash: ab87685f26c054ef5b1637f5b1729f6f293462a0d4e41d934f90e28341cc0ff9
Message ID: <24762@eternity.demon.co.uk>
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UTC Datetime: 1993-11-25 17:59:49 UTC
Raw Date: Thu, 25 Nov 93 09:59:49 PST

Raw message

From: russell@eternity.demon.co.uk (Russell Earl Whitaker)
Date: Thu, 25 Nov 93 09:59:49 PST
To: cypherpunks@toad.com
Subject: Forwarded Article
Message-ID: <24762@eternity.demon.co.uk>
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain

I'll write more on the (I think successful) ECFP '93 later; for

-- Russell

This article was forwarded to you by russell@eternity.demon.co.uk
(Russell Earl Whitaker):

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Xref: demon alt.wired:1244 demon.local:6413 sci.crypt:10110 uk.politics:7717
Newsgroups: alt.wired,demon.local,sci.crypt,uk.politics,alt.security.pgp
From: russell@eternity.demon.co.uk (Russell Earl Whitaker)
Path: eternity.demon.co.uk!demon!eternity.demon.co.uk!russell
Subject: MEDIA: PGP covered in London *Guardian* 25 Nov 93
Organization: Extropy Institute
Reply-To: Russell@eternity.demon.co.uk
X-Newsreader: Simple NEWS 2.0 (ka9q DIS 1.24)
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Date: Thu, 25 Nov 1993 17:34:57 +0000
Message-ID: <754248897snz@eternity.demon.co.uk>
Sender: usenet@demon.co.uk

Thursday, 25 November 1993:

All Londoners interested in the issue of communications privacy
should pick up today's *Guardian*: in the Computers section is
an article by Wendy Grossman, "Enter the crypto factor",
subtitled "How computers could give us back the privacy that
computerisation has taken away".

The article discusses the "export problems" at the centre of
Phil Zimmermann's recent troubles.

Good job, Wendy!  [She can be reached, by the way, at


Russell Earl Whitaker                   whitaker@eternity.demon.co.uk
Communications Editor                                 AMiX: RWhitaker
EXTROPY: The Journal of Transhumanist Thought
Board member, Extropy Institute (ExI)
    Co-organizer, 2nd European Conference on Computers, Freedom and
    Privacy, London, October 1994

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