1993-11-17 - Re: rant pointer

Header Data

From: Stanton McCandlish <mech@eff.org>
To: cypherpunks@toad.com
Message Hash: d85eff9cf934b7a81ba307110c85a1337d1f2464ae7569dc55114ab64a3d6edd
Message ID: <199311170137.UAA02117@eff.org>
Reply To: <9311110429.AA18475@toad.com>
UTC Datetime: 1993-11-17 01:40:58 UTC
Raw Date: Tue, 16 Nov 93 17:40:58 PST

Raw message

From: Stanton McCandlish <mech@eff.org>
Date: Tue, 16 Nov 93 17:40:58 PST
To: cypherpunks@toad.com
Subject: Re: rant pointer
In-Reply-To: <9311110429.AA18475@toad.com>
Message-ID: <199311170137.UAA02117@eff.org>
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain

> L. Detweiler has a rather hefty essay in the latest Risks on the
> subject of `pseudospoofing', social parasites, "a criminal group
> called the CryptoAnarchists" (with members such as "Eric May" and
> "T.C. Hughes"), and such matters.  I will not forward it to the
> list, unh unh, no way.

Reminds me of one of my proudest moments: L.D. (who this time claimed their
first name was Linda; what a pseudospoofer!) in a fit of rage labelled me
a "CYPHERPUNK CRIMINAL", caps L.D.'s.  I'm thinking of having one of those
little desk signs made, saying "Anton Mechanism, Cypherpunk Criminal" just
for kicks.  Or maybe a t-shirt. Hell I could market these, personalized:

                   Stanton McCandlish, mech@eff.org
                           [pgp sig here]
  CCCC Y   Y  PPPP   H    H  EEEEE  RRRR   PPPP   U   U  N    N   K    K
 C      Y Y   P   P  H    H  E      R   R  P   P  U   U  NN   N   K  K
 C       Y    PPPP   HHHHHH  EEEEE  RRRR   PPPP   U   U  N N  N   KKK
 C       Y    P      H    H  E      R R    P      U   U  N  N N   K  K
  CCCC   Y    P      H    H  EEEEE  R  RR  P       UUU   N   NN   K    K

        CCCC   RRRR   IIIII  M    M   IIIII  N    N     A     L     
       C       R   R    I    MM  MM     I    NN   N    A A    L
       C       RRRR     I    M MM M     I    N N  N   A   A   L
       C       R R      I    M    M     I    N  N N   AAAAA   L
        CCCC   R  RR  IIIII  M    M   IIIII  N   NN   A   A   LLLLL

Anyone buying?
Stanton  McCandlish  mech@eff.org  1:109/1103   EFF  Online  Activist & SysOp
O P E N  P L A T F O R M   C R Y P T O P O L I C Y   O N L I N E  R I G H T S
N  E  T  W  O  R  K  I  N  G      V  I  R  T  U  A  L     C  U  L  T  U  R  E
I   N   F  O :  M   E   M   B   E   R   S   H   I   P  @  E  F  F  .  O  R  G
