1994-01-23 - No Subject

Header Data

From: nobody@eli-remailer
To: cypherpunks@toad.com
Message Hash: 1c2011ef4013675dfcbf860df2d7412ea36afd6cf31ee3e3f31e8b9476a54b56
Message ID: <9401232248.AA04828@toad.com>
Reply To: N/A
UTC Datetime: 1994-01-23 22:58:20 UTC
Raw Date: Sun, 23 Jan 94 14:58:20 PST

Raw message

From: nobody@eli-remailer
Date: Sun, 23 Jan 94 14:58:20 PST
To: cypherpunks@toad.com
Subject: No Subject
Message-ID: <9401232248.AA04828@toad.com>
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain

Source filtering of detweiler remail and anonymous posting requests
from various NIS based accounts in the domain lance.colostate.edu 
and ntu,edu at Fort collins colorado as well as sending evidence of
account/remailer/anonymous forwarder/posting requests to
postmaster@lance.colostate.edu will be facilated by the following accounts 
list. It was derived from netfind, it is by no means exhaustive but
it is the start of a source denial database. Further possible
hosts in the BIND database be found via nslookup and dig as usual.
traceroutes may detect detweilers attempt to use a connection laundry.
As previous postings from MEDUSA have shown detweiler accounts and hosts
he hides behind can be researched and filtered. Time analysis of the login 
patterns I beileve will show that the "Jeff Detweiler" is
yet another smokescreen. I also suggest contacting the Internetc NIC listed
POC and informing him of NSFNET AUP's that have been violated.
 The POC's of interest would be for the domains



        Sam Hill - blacknet researcher
our key and remailer block follows as usual...

MAIL IS FORWARDED TO larry@ntuvax.ntu.edu
NOTE:	this is a domain mail forwarding arrangement - so mail intended
	for "larry" should be addressed to "larry@ntu.edu"
	rather than "larry@ntuvax.ntu.edu".

SYSTEM: ntupub.ntu.edu
	Login name: larry     			In real life: LArry Detweiller
	Directory: /users/NTU/larry         	Shell: /bin/csh
	Last login Fri Jan 21 16:14 on tty02 from LARRY
	Project: What am I working on?
	No Plan.

- Found multiple matches for "larry", so unable to determine most
  recent/last login information,
  or most promising electronic mail information.
  Please look at the above search history and decide for yourself which is best.

- Found multiple matches for "larry", so unable to determine most
  recent/last login information,
  or most promising electronic mail information.
  Please look at the above search history and decide for yourself which is best.

SYSTEM: jenkins.lance.colostate.edu
	Login name: jd231825  			In real life: Jeff Detweiler
	Directory: /users/UNGRAD/ES/jd231825	Shell: /bin/csh
	Never logged in.
	No Plan.
	Login name: ld231782  			In real life: L. Detweiler
	Phone: 4988278
	Directory: /users/UNGRAD/ES/ld231782	Shell: /bin/tcsh
	Last login Mon May 24, 1993 on ttyp0 from parry.lance.colo
	No Plan.

SYSTEM: casco.lance.colostate.edu
	Login name: jd231825  			In real life: Jeff Detweiler
	Directory: /users/UNGRAD/ES/jd231825	Shell: /bin/csh
	Never logged in.
	No Plan.
	Login name: ld231782  			In real life: L. Detweiler
	Phone: 4988278
	Directory: /users/UNGRAD/ES/ld231782	Shell: /bin/tcsh
	Last login Sun Jan  9 11:11 on ttyp1 from longs.lance.colo
	No Plan.

SYSTEM: elbert.lance.colostate.edu
	Login name: jd231825  			In real life: Jeff Detweiler
	Directory: /users/UNGRAD/ES/jd231825	Shell: /bin/tcsh.restrict
	Never logged in.
	No Plan.
	Login name: ld231782  			In real life: L. Detweiler
	Phone: 4988278
	Directory: /users/UNGRAD/ES/ld231782	Shell: /bin/tcsh.restrict
	Never logged in.
	No Plan.

SYSTEM: derby.lance.colostate.edu
	Login name: jd231825  			In real life: Jeff Detweiler
	Directory: /users/UNGRAD/ES/jd231825	Shell: /bin/csh
	Never logged in.
	No Plan.
	Login name: ld231782  			In real life: L. Detweiler
	Phone: 4988278
	Directory: /users/UNGRAD/ES/ld231782	Shell: /bin/tcsh
	Never logged in.
	No Plan.

- Found multiple matches for "detweiler", so unable to determine most
  recent/last login information,
  or most promising electronic mail information.
  Please look at the above search history and decide for yourself which is best.

SYSTEM: silex.lance.colostate.edu
	Login name: jd231825  			In real life: Jeff Detweiler
	Directory: /users/UNGRAD/ES/jd231825	Shell: /bin/csh
	Last login Tue Dec 17, 1991 on ttyp0 from eolus
	No Plan.
	Login name: ld231782  			In real life: L. Detweiler
	Phone: 4988278
	Directory: /users/UNGRAD/ES/ld231782	Shell: /bin/tcsh
	Never logged in.
	No Plan.

SYSTEM: traver.lance.colostate.edu
	Login name: jd231825  			In real life: Jeff Detweiler
	Directory: /users/UNGRAD/ES/jd231825	Shell: /bin/csh
	Never logged in.
	No Plan.
	Login name: ld231782  			In real life: L. Detweiler
	Phone: 4988278
	Directory: /users/UNGRAD/ES/ld231782	Shell: /bin/tcsh
	Last login Tue Jan 18 09:21 on ttyp0 from
	No Plan.

SYSTEM: keller.lance.colostate.edu
	Login name: jd231825  			In real life: Jeff Detweiler
	Directory: /users/UNGRAD/ES/jd231825	Shell: /bin/csh
	Never logged in.
	No Plan.
	Login name: ld231782  			In real life: L. Detweiler
	Phone: 4988278
	Directory: /users/UNGRAD/ES/ld231782	Shell: /bin/tcsh
	Last login Sun Jan  9 11:12 on ttyp2 from casco.lance.colo
	No Plan.

- Found multiple matches for "detweiler", so unable to determine most
  recent/last login information,
  or most promising electronic mail information.
  Please look at the above search history and decide for yourself which is best.

- Found multiple matches for "detweiler", so unable to determine most
  recent/last login information,
  or most promising electronic mail information.
  Please look at the above search history and decide for yourself which is best.

The domain 'lance.colostate.edu' does not run its own name servers,
	and there is no aliased domain IP address/CNAME/MX record for
	this domain -> Skipping domain search phase for this domain.
SYSTEM: longs.lance.colostate.edu
	Login name: ld231782  			In real life: L. Detweiler
	Office:  			Home phone: 498-8278
	Directory: /users/UNGRAD/ES/ld231782	Shell: /bin/tcsh
	Most recent logins:
		dolores      Fri Jan 21 16:16
		keller       Sat Jan 22 16:09
	Never logged in.
	No Plan.

SYSTEM: elbert.lance.colostate.edu
	Login name: ld231782  			In real life: L. Detweiler
	Phone: 4988278
	Directory: /users/UNGRAD/ES/ld231782	Shell: /bin/tcsh.restrict
	Never logged in.
	No Plan.

SYSTEM: casco.lance.colostate.edu
	Login name: ld231782  			In real life: L. Detweiler
	Phone: 4988278
	Directory: /users/UNGRAD/ES/ld231782	Shell: /bin/tcsh
	Last login Sun Jan  9 11:11 on ttyp1 from longs.lance.colo
	No Plan.

SYSTEM: jenkins.lance.colostate.edu
	Login name: ld231782  			In real life: L. Detweiler
	Phone: 4988278
	Directory: /users/UNGRAD/ES/ld231782	Shell: /bin/tcsh
	Last login Mon May 24, 1993 on ttyp0 from parry.lance.colo
	No Plan.

SYSTEM: dolores.lance.colostate.edu
	Login name: ld231782  			In real life: L. Detweiler
	Phone: 4988278
	Directory: /users/UNGRAD/ES/ld231782	Shell: /bin/tcsh
	Last login Fri Jan 21 16:16 on ttyp0 from NTUPUB.NTU.EDU
	No Plan.

SYSTEM: derby.lance.colostate.edu
	Login name: ld231782  			In real life: L. Detweiler
	Phone: 4988278
	Directory: /users/UNGRAD/ES/ld231782	Shell: /bin/tcsh
	Never logged in.
	No Plan.

- Among the machines searched, the machine from which user
  "ld231782" logged in most recently was NTUPUB.NTU.EDU,
  on Fri Jan 21 16:16.
- The most promising email address for "ld231782"
  based on the above search is

SYSTEM: silex.lance.colostate.edu
	Login name: ld231782  			In real life: L. Detweiler
	Phone: 4988278
	Directory: /users/UNGRAD/ES/ld231782	Shell: /bin/tcsh
	Never logged in.
	No Plan.

SYSTEM: traver.lance.colostate.edu
	Login name: ld231782  			In real life: L. Detweiler
	Phone: 4988278
	Directory: /users/UNGRAD/ES/ld231782	Shell: /bin/tcsh
	Last login Tue Jan 18 09:21 on ttyp0 from
	No Plan.

SYSTEM: keller.lance.colostate.edu
	Login name: ld231782  			In real life: L. Detweiler
	Phone: 4988278
	Directory: /users/UNGRAD/ES/ld231782	Shell: /bin/tcsh
	Last login Sun Jan  9 11:12 on ttyp2 from casco.lance.colo
	No Plan.

- Among the machines searched, the machine from which user
  "ld231782" logged in most recently was NTUPUB.NTU.EDU,
  on Fri Jan 21 16:16.
- The most promising email address for "ld231782"
  based on the above search is

- Among the machines searched, the machine from which user
  "ld231782" logged in most recently was NTUPUB.NTU.EDU,
  on Fri Jan 21 16:16.
- The most promising email address for "ld231782"
  based on the above search is

Version: 2.3


--------8<--cut here-->8--------
Encrypted: PGP

Version: 2.3a


<To reply, save everything below the "cut here" marks above
<into another file.  Type your reply here (below the blank 
<line three lines above!) and mail to remailer@utter.dis.org

To find out more about the anon service, send mail to help@anon.penet.fi.
Due to the double-blind, any mail replies to this message will be anonymized,
and an anonymous id will be allocated automatically. You have been warned.
Please report any problems, inappropriate use etc. to admin@anon.penet.fi.
