1994-01-23 - PGP FAQ and MacPGP Guide Service Announcement!

Header Data

From: an48138@anon.penet.fi (Xenon)
To: cypherpunks@toad.com
Message Hash: 85f274da3cc4b89758a74c47cb04eff246d3f91a7216cb9c6c77f5245be3b4ed
Message ID: <9401232032.AA10815@anon.penet.fi>
Reply To: N/A
UTC Datetime: 1994-01-23 20:56:32 UTC
Raw Date: Sun, 23 Jan 94 12:56:32 PST

Raw message

From: an48138@anon.penet.fi (Xenon)
Date: Sun, 23 Jan 94 12:56:32 PST
To: cypherpunks@toad.com
Subject: PGP FAQ and MacPGP Guide Service Announcement!
Message-ID: <9401232032.AA10815@anon.penet.fi>
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain

I have written a script to mail the latest PGP FAQ by Gary Edstrom and
my "Here's How to MacPGP!" guide to anyone who sends me mail with the
Subject "Bomb me!". This way I can continue to be helpful without having
to do much! So....

WHENEVER YOU SEE, "Duh, uhhh, where's da FAQ?" QUESTIONS in the crypto
groups or PGP questions in other groups, FIRE OFF AN E-MAIL OR POST,
SAYING, "Send mail to na48138@anon.penet.fi, with "Bomb me!" as the
subject." The "na" means "not anonymous".

Do it do it do it do it....



P.S. When are your remailers going to provide people with easy return
addresses like anon.penet.fi does? Julf has my name on his hard disk,
but might this be done with encryption instead? If you ever want lots
of people to start using them, they need to be able to just hit the 'r'
key, not paste a long encrypted return address into new mail. I think
any address encryption should be handled by the remailer network, not the
poor user. No wonder anon.penet.fi users number in the tens of thousands
compared to the less than a thousand of cypherpunk remailers. I also don't
like that if I add or leave out ONE extra blank line, my mail plops
into mailbox of the person running the remailer. Remailer accounts should
be dedicated only to remailing tasks. Anon.penet.fi also has a reputation
that it has earned. With thousands of messages a day streaming through it,
I'm not too worried about Julf snooping for gossip in people's mail.

I and many don't have confidence in your remailers. Why don't you make
it as your secondary goal to steal away all of anon.penet.fi's users?!
PGP itself is fantastically successful as is anon.penet.fi. Why? I don't
know. Word of mouth? Advertising (mass media on PGP, and nice anon.penet.fi
info tagged onto the end of every message instead of the negatively
subliminal "NOT"-containing headers you have). And the most important thing
of all, they are FUN. Your remailers are not yet fun, and until they are
they will not attract thousands of users and thus fail to win "consumer

To find out more about the anon service, send mail to help@anon.penet.fi.
Due to the double-blind, any mail replies to this message will be anonymized,
and an anonymous id will be allocated automatically. You have been warned.
Please report any problems, inappropriate use etc. to admin@anon.penet.fi.
