1994-05-06 - (fwd) May 4 House Hearing on Clipper, F. Lynn McNulty testimony

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From: paul@hawksbill.sprintmrn.com (Paul Ferguson)
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From: paul@hawksbill.sprintmrn.com (Paul Ferguson)
Date: Fri, 6 May 94 06:26:02 PDT
To: cypherpunks@toad.com
Subject: (fwd) May 4 House Hearing on Clipper, F. Lynn  McNulty testimony
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> Newsgroups: talk.politics.crypto
> From: koontzd@io.lrcs.loral.com (David Koontz )
> Subject: May 4 House Hearing on Clipper, F. Lynn  McNulty testimony
> Message-ID: <1994May5.010923.17264@wdl.loral.com>
> Originator: koontzd@io
> Sender: news@wdl.loral.com
> Organization: Loral Rolm Computer Systems
> Date: Thu, 5 May 1994 01:09:23 GMT
> Lines: 914
>                          Security on the Internet
>                                Statement of
>                               F. Lynn McNulty
>                  Associate Director for Computer Security
>               National Institute of Standards and Technology
>                         U.S. Department of Commerce
>                                 Before the
>                           Subcommittee on Science
>                 Committee on Science, Space, and Technology
>                        U.S. House of Representatives
>                               March 22, 1994
> Mr. Chairman and Members of the Committee:
> Thank you for inviting the National Institute of Standards and
> Technology (NIST) to speak about security of the Internet and the
> role NIST plays in its security.  We share your belief in the
> importance of security on the Internet.  We also believe that
> recent events affecting the security of Internet users reinforce
> the need for attention and action.  I want to address the
> specific concerns and issues you have identified and discuss the
> role that NIST plays in the security of both the Internet and the
> evolving national information infrastructure.
> A. NIST's Computer Security Mission
> First, let me briefly review NIST's role in the computer security
> area. Under the Brooks Act (P.L. 89-306), NIST is tasked with
> developing Federal Information Processing Standards (FIPS) for
> unclassified federal computer systems.  Our security activities
> in this area were re-enforced by Congress in 1987 when it passed
> the Computer Security Act of 1987 (P.L. 100-235).  The Act
> stipulates that NIST shall "have responsibility within the
> Federal Government for developing technical, management,
> physical, and administrative standards and guidelines for the
> cost-effective security and privacy of sensitive information in
> Federal computer systems" (excepting classified systems and those
> used to process "Warner Amendment" information covered by 10
> U.S.C. 2315).  This role was essentially reiterated in P.L. 102-
> 194, the High-performance Computing Act of 1991.
> In essence, then, NIST has the responsibility -- through
> standards, guidance, and technology transfer -- for helping
> agencies protect their information technology and applications. 
> It is important to recognize that it remains the responsibility
> of agencies, service providers, and users of information
> technology to develop, implement, and manage security programs
> based on their specific risks and needs.
> Let me now turn briefly to the recent incident that was perhaps
> the primary impetus for  these hearings.  The testimony of the
> representative from the Computer Emergency Response Team (CERT)
> describes the technical details of the incident.  I will try to
> put the incident in a context and perspective.  Later, I will
> address more general Internet and NII security concerns.
> A. The Incident
> The recent incident involved the discovery of "password sniffer"
> programs on hundreds of systems throughout the Internet.  This
> "incident" was really a series of incidents on host systems
> around the Internet involving the exploitation of a combination
> of vulnerabilities present in the Internet.  First, I should note
> that over the last few years there have been many security alerts
> and incidents involving systems on the Internet.  This incident
> was different from  "routine" or ongoing incidents primarily in
> that it developed rapidly into a widespread pattern of similar
> attacks and that it resulted in threats to many other systems.  
> B. Major Vulnerabilities Exploited
> There were two major types of vulnerability that were exploited
> in this incident -- neither, by the way, being actual
> vulnerabilities of the Internet itself, but rather problems in
> systems connected to the Internet.
> Obtaining Privileged Access - The first step in the password
> sniffer attack requires the attacker to obtain privileged status
> on a target host system.  This can be done by exploiting any of a
> wide range of known attacks.  This normally can happen only when
> that host system has not been properly configured and
> administered to prevent unauthorized access.  As such, this is
> not an Internet vulnerability.  Rather, it is a general problem
> that all computer system administrators face and must address.
> Access to Passwords - The next steps in the attack involve the
> installation of the "sniffer" program to monitor the system's
> network interface port and the collection of log-in information,
> including passwords.  The problem was not the ability of a
> properly authorized user to monitor the network port; this is
> needed for effective system administration.  The vulnerability
> here was due to the fact that most computer systems on the
> Internet (and other networks) employ re-usable passwords to
> authenticate users.  There was no exposure for host systems or
> user accounts which employed non-reusable passwords or other
> advanced methods (such as tokens or "smart cards") for user
> authentication.   This, again, is not an Internet vulnerability;
> Internet protocols do not require host systems to use passwords
> for user authentication.  It should also be noted that encryption
> of network layer information would not have solved this specific
> problem, because the monitoring occurs at a point in the
> compromised systems where messages are unencrypted anyway.
> In summary, while there were known vulnerabilities exploited in
> this incident, they were vulnerabilities in the security
> mechanisms of host systems, not the Internet itself.  
> Nevertheless, there was a serious and widespread impact of the
> incident affecting many other systems on the Internet.
> C. Impact
> The serious impact of the recent incident should be recognized;
> log-in information (i.e., account numbers and passwords) for
> potentially thousands of host system user accounts appear to have
> been compromised.  It is clear that this incident had a negative
> impact on the operational missions of some Government agencies. 
> Moreover, this should be viewed as ongoing incident, not an
> incident that has happend and been dealt with.  Indeed,
> administrators of systems throughout the Internet were advised,
> in turn, to direct their users to change their passwords.  This
> is, indeed, very significant, and we may be seeing its effects
> for some time to come.  Not only is it difficult, if not
> impossible, to identify and notify every user whose log-in
> information might have been compromised, it is unlikely that
> everyone, even if notified, will change his or her passwords. 
> Therefore, we will probably continue to see unauthorized access
> to user accounts resulting from the password "sniffing" activity
> of this incident.  Clearly, we need ways to minimize this kind of
> problem in the future.
> D. Alerting and Response to the Incident
> A Success Story - Despite the serious impact of this incident, it
> should be viewed as a clear and major success for organized
> incident response activities.  The existence and cooperation of
> several operational security incident response teams was
> instrumental in identifying this as more than a "routine"
> incident and ensuring rapid response to it.   A formal coalition
> of response teams, known as FIRST (the Forum of Incident Response
> and Security Teams) played an important role in the process.  All
> of the teams central to the incident are members of FIRST.  The
> Department of Energy's Computer Incident Advisory Capability
> (CIAC) at Lawrence Livermore Laboratory first identified the
> incident.  CERT led efforts to analyize and assess the emerging
> threat and issued initial alert messages to the other security
> incident response teams that are members of FIRST (including
> NIST).  Individual teams then spread the word among their
> constituencies.  Also of particular note was the DoD Automated
> System Security Incident Support Team (ASSIST), which has
> coordinated world-wide response efforts for all of DoD.  When it
> was clear that the incident was particularly wide-spread, notices
> were posted on several Internet "bulletin boards" and other
> forums.  A press release was also issued.  (It is important to
> note, however, that, because of the specific and inherently
> technical nature of most such incidents, press releases are not
> normally part of the alert process.)
> E. Lessons Learned
> This incident was the result of known vulnerabilities and
> already-hypothesized attack scenarios.  Rather than teach us new
> lessons, it really re-emphasizes some lessons we've already
> learned and simply increases a sense of urgency for advanced
> authentication methods and other actions.  Additional lessons
> learned were:
>       Effective incident response teams and alerting mechanisms
>      can (and, in this case, did) play an important role in
>      minimizing the impact of such incidents.
>       Traditional user authentication by means of re-usable
>      passwords does not provide strong security in today's
>      networked environment -- with or without encryption.
>       Exploitation techniques (and software which automates such
>      techniques) are rapidly shared across the network and can be
>      easily used by otherwise unskilled miscreants.  In other
>      words, you don't have to be smart (or ambitious) enough to
>      build these "weapons" to be able to obtain them and use them
>      against others.
>       Any host system, if improperly configured or managed, can
>      become an "unwitting" platform for an attack against other
>      systems in a network.  Therefore, we need to mimimize the
>      need for reliance on the integrity of individual hosts for
>      the security of other hosts and users on the Internet.
>       System administrators (which, because of the growing
>      number of workstations on the net, include an increasing
>      number of relatively unskilled users) need better awareness,
>      skills, and competence in protecting their systems;
>       The importance of security to users of the Internet (and
>      by extension the evolving national information
>      infrastructure) can no longer be seen as secondary.  If this
>      valuable national resource is to achieve its full potential,
>      its users must have confidence in the security of their data
>      and activities on the network.
> Clearly, much can be done to improve security in the Internet. 
> The initial, research-oriented Internet and its protocols were
> designed for a more "benign" environment than now exists.  It
> could, perhaps, be described as a collegial environment in which
> the users and host computer systems are mutually trusting and
> interested in unrestrained sharing of information.  The new
> environment in which the Internet (and the NII) must operate is
> much less collegial and trustworthy.  It contains all the
> situations, people, and risks that we find in the society as a
> whole.  Thus, we have begun to reexamine and adjust our "design
> requirments" to reflect those new realities.  Security is now a
> primary concern.  The collegial Internet of the past cannot be
> the basis for the NII of the future.
> A. A Short History of Internet Security Incidents
> Despite the previous comment, security in the Internet is not
> something that has never occurred to its users and operators.  It
> is important to understand what has taken place and what is
> currently underway.
> In recent years, a number of security problems with networks in
> general and the Internet in particular have received public
> attention.  The media have carried stories of high-profile
> malicious hacker attacks via the Internet against government,
> business, and academic sites.  It often seems that hackers roam
> the Internet with virtual impunity, masking their tracks while
> moving from system to system.
> The Recent Incident Wasn't the First - Perhaps the first and
> still most significant major incident involving the Internet was
> the so-called Internet Worm, caused by Robert Morris, Jr. in
> November of 1988.  This incident, in effect, woke up the Internet
> community to at least three facts:
>       Everyone out there isn't a "good guy";
>       Internet protocols and applications had many inherent or
>      implementation vulnerabilities that create exposures to
>      misuse or intrusion; and
>       The network community needed better methods of cooperation
>      to identify and react to network incidents and emergencies.
> The first two of the above factors won't change; the last remains
> true, but has been and continues to be addressed.
> And It Won't Be The Last - In the years subsequent to the
> Internet Worm, there have been some significant trends:
>       Use of the Internet has grown exponentially -- and
>      continues unabated.  With this has come a corresponding
>      increase in the number of people with a detailed technical
>      understanding of Internet systems -- and the potential
>      vulnerabilities of those systems. 
>       "Security" incidents, such as attempted system access,
>      actual system intrusions, and other exploitations of various
>      weaknesses of systems on the Internet, also have grown
>      dramatically.  It is likely that almost every host system on
>      the Internet already has had at least some sort of security-
>      related incident.
>       The number of unskilled users who must (or should) be
>      assuming network system administrator functions will
>      continue to increase -- simply because the number of systems
>      connected to the Internet is increasing.
>       There are now growing organized efforts of Internet user
>      organizations to identify and deal with intrusions and
>      unauthorized system use.
> B. Internet Vulnerabilities vs. Host System Vulnerabilities
> It is important to recognize that the vast majority of security
> problems seen "on the Internet" are not really Internet problems
> at all.  We need to understand a subtle but important distinction
> between the Internet and its host systems.
> The Internet is, in essence, a collection of computers, usually
> called host systems, which are connected to underlying data
> communications networks.  These host systems (which may support
> one or more human users) communicate with each other by means of
> internet protocols.  The internet protocols may be thought of as
> the standard message formats by which the host systems establish
> connections to each other and exchange information -- much like
> the use of standard forms and procedures in an office
> environment.
> Security vulnerabilities can exist in the underlying
> communications network and its nodes, in the internet protocols,
> in network administration, or in host systems.  To use the
> highway analogy, a communications problem might be like a
> pothole, a bridge failure, or a closed road.  A protocol problem
> might be like a mis-marked exit sign or a failure of slower
> traffic to stay in the slow lane.  A network administration
> problem might be the lack of emergency vehicle access or
> notification and response procedures for accidents.  Last, a host
> system problem might be likened to a store proprietor along the
> highway leaving the doors open and the store unoccupied.  The
> problem is not the proximity of the highway, but the carelessness
> of the store proprietor (and the fact that not everyone on the
> highway is honest).  Most "Internet" security problems to date
> have been careless -- or unknowlegeable -- proprietors.
> C. The Role of the Internet in the NII
> The national information infrastructure is not some system that
> will be "switched on" at some specified date in the future.  The
> NII, at least in its initial form, is here now, and like many
> other national infrastructures, is made up of many -- often
> disjoint -- elements.  The issues that we in government and
> industry must address are the directions in which we want the NII
> to evolve and how to make that happen.  In the administration's
> guiding document on the development of the NII, The National
> Information Infrastructure: Agenda for Action, one of the nine
> guiding objectives is to "Ensure Information Security and Network
> Reliability".
> One of the important elements in the current NII is the Internet. 
> The Internet may not, however, be the ultimate model or
> technology for the NII.  Nevertheless, it serves important roles
> in the evolution of the NII.  First, it is a working example of
> effective global computer networking.  Second, it is a possible
> model for future network technology.  Last -- and perhaps most
> importantly -- the Internet serves as a sort of living laboratory
> in which we can develop and experiment with technologies,
> applications, and concepts of information sharing that will be
> useful or necessary in the next century.  Again, security
> mechanisms are central to the process.
> D. The National Performance Review
> The importance of information technology security in general and
> Internet security in particular was recognized in the Vice
> President's National Performance Review.  In the area of
> information technology security, the following primary objectives
> were identified:
>       Development of cryptographic standards
>       Development of a set of generally-accepted system security
>      practices
>       Establishment of a national crisis response clearinghouse
>       Improved security awareness
>       Security of the public switched telecommunications network
>       Internet security
>       Coordinated security research and development
> In addition, the NPR report cited specific objectives in the
> related area of Privacy: 
>       Establishment of a Privacy Protection Board
>       Development of a set of Fair Information Handling
> Practices
> NIST has the lead responsibility in some of these items and a
> role in all of them.  Although each has some relevance to
> Internet security, two items are of particular relevance.
> Internet Security - This specifically focuses on the Internet. 
> It involves the development of an overall Internet security plan. 
> The Federal Networking Council has the lead in this activity,
> with the participation of several other organizations, including
> National Crisis Response Clearinghouse - This will be, in
> essence, the expansion and application of the FIRST concept to
> the entire Federal Government.  NIST has the lead responsibility
> for this item.
> E. A Self-Fulfilling Prophecy
> One of the clear directions of the administration is for agencies
> to "get connected".  Initially, that means electronic mail, and
> to most agencies, that means "on the Internet".  This presents us
> with an interesting situation.  For years, the reason that many
> agencies used as a reason not to connect to the Internet was
> concern over security -- "We don't want to open ourselves up to
> hackers."  Now, agencies are likely to rush headlong "onto the
> Internet" without careful planning, personnel skills, and
> knowledge of the security considerations.  The likely result, if
> we are not careful, is that we will see significant occurrences
> of those security problems that the agencies were always worried
> about -- a self-fulfilling prophecy.
> This is not to suggest that we should not be moving forward
> agressively on connecting to the Internet; the benefits of this
> initiative are clear and compelling.  However, it does require
> that we undertake this effort with care and intelligence.
> NIST's Computer Systems Security and Privacy Advisory Board
> (CSSPAB) will be examining this very issue at their quarterly
> meeting on March 23rd and 24th.  They will be examining the
> several agencies' plans for putting agency mission critical
> systems on the Internet.
> F. Security Incident Response Efforts
> The Need - Regardless of the security technology and other
> measures we put in place on the Internet -- or any other network
> -- we will always have security incidents.  We will discover
> exploitable vulnerabilities.  We will suffer intrusions, attacks,
> thefts, fraud, network failures, errors and omissions, and
> uncountable other possible risks.  Since we will never be able to
> anticipate, much less prevent all of these problems, we must have
> in place effective mechanisms for dealing with them when they do
> occur.  This is the role of security incident response efforts. 
> The recent Internet incident reinforces the need for such
> activities and demonstrates their value and effectiveness.
> FIRST - Beginning with the aftermath of the 1988 Internet worm
> incident, it was recognized that better methods for incident
> response and information sharing were needed.  It was also clear
> that the establishment of a single team or "hot line" would not
> work; it would simply be overwhelmed.  Out of this was born the
> concept of a coalition of response teams -- each serving its own
> constituency, but working with the others to share information,
> provide alerts, and provide mutual support in the response to
> incidents and potential incidents.  That concept was embodied in
> FIRST, the Forum of Incident Response and Security Teams.  FIRST
> has grown from an initial group of eleven, mostly Government,
> teams to over thirty teams now.  These teams include Government,
> industry, computer manufacturers, and academia -- both U.S. and
> international.
> Sharing Sensitive Security Incident Information - In discussing
> these well-publicized problems, I think it is important to stress
> that we at NIST believe that it is not a good idea to just
> publicly announce system security weaknesses, in the hope that
> such publicity will result in immediate solutions.  Some, indeed
> most, security weaknesses cannot be fixed overnight -- for
> example, it takes time to correct errors in operating systems,
> test the new code, distribute the updated code, and install the
> code.  Inappropriate publicity about some kinds of weaknesses
> will merely serve as a call for their exploitation by malicious
> hackers.
> The FIRST concept addresses this problem by establishing a means
> for developing a level of trust and cooperation among teams that
> permits sharing of information.  The FIRST "membership" process
> involves endorsement from an existing member, thus providing an
> initial level of confidence.  Further interactions among teams
> have build a level of trust and cooperation that probably could
> never have existed otherwise.
> We believe we have demonstrated the success of this concept over
> the last few years of FIRST's existence.  Groups who would have
> never discussed security problems outside their own confines have
> been able to work together with the confidence that they can gain
> from the knowledge and experience of other groups without
> exposing their organizations to attack in the process.
> NIST's Role in FIRST - NIST has played a leadership role in FIRST
> from the beginning.  NIST led efforts to bring together existing
> teams, develop an operational framework, and get the activity
> underway.  NIST continues to serve as the secretariat of FIRST. 
> In that role, we provide coordination and technical support.  For
> example, we established and administer the electronic mail
> alerting network used by FIRST members.  We are currently
> developing plans for a much more aggressive expansion of FIRST
> membership throughout the Government.  To date, the most active
> FIRST members in the Government have been teams from the
> "traditional" Internet communities -- the DoD and research
> agencies.  We are anxious to see more active participation on the
> part of the rest of the civilian agencies of Government as they
> increasingly become "network players".
> Individual Response Teams - The role of the individual response
> team cannot be ignored.  These teams are the essence of FIRST. 
> They must establish procedures for managing incidents within
> their defined constituencies, and they must be able to
> communicate with the other FIRST teams.  The major hurdle we have
> seen for agencies to become active in incident reponse activities
> (aside from the lack of Internet connectivity in many cases) is
> the need to develop an incident response "mindset" to complement
> the traditional policy and procedures approach of many computer
> security programs.  To help address this problem, we published in
> 1991 a guidance document, NIST Special Publication 800-3,
> Establishing a Computer Security Incident Response Capability. 
> In summary, we believe that organized, coordinated, and effective
> security incident response efforts throughout government (and
> beyond) are critical to the security of the Internet (and the
> NII) now and in the future.
> G. Security Technology
> Security technology is important for the effective enforcement of
> security policies in any computer system.  Such technology is
> especially important in a highly distributed, networked
> environment -- such as the Internet -- in which physical and
> administrative controls are limited.
> Security Services - Five major security services are identified
> in International Standard 7498-2.  This standard was developed to
> specify the security aspects of the Open System Interconnect
> (OSI) model of computer networks.  The security services (and a
> short explanation of each) include:
>       Authentication - Verification of the claimed identity of a
>      computer or computer network user;
>       Access Control - Verification and enforcement of the
>      authorized uses of a computer network by a user subsequent
>      to authentication;
>       Data Integrity - Verification that the contents of a data
>      item (e.g., message, file, program) have not been
>      accidentally or intentionally changed in an unauthorized
>      manner;
>       Data Confidentiality - Protection of the information
>      content of data from unauthorized disclosure;
>       Non-repudiation - Protection against denial of sending (or
>      receiving) a data item by the sender (or receiver).
> These major security services should be augmented by a number of
> auxiliary services (audit, availability assurance) and support
> services (key management, security maintenance, network
> management).  An integrated security system must offer all these
> services with a number of security mechanisms implemented in a
> number of security products.  Technology will advance and provide
> for newer, cheaper, better products but the overall security
> system need not be changed drastically if it is designed
> properly.  NIST is working with several organizations seeking an
> overall security architecture for unclassified information.  An
> integrated security system can then be designed with
> interchangeable and interoperable parts as needed.
> Advanced Authentication - Since reusable passwords are the
> weakest security link in the present Internet, better, more
> advanced, authentication techniques are needed.  A spectrum of
> solutions exist ranging from "one-time" passwords to high tech,
> biometric identification systems.  Token based authentication and
> access control systems appear to be a reasonable compromise among
> the goals of low cost, high security and system simplicity.  NIST
> has developed several token based security systems and continues
> to evaluate several new alternatives.  Most are based on
> something a user carries with them, like a "smart card" or "smart
> token" or "smart disk."  Software modules unique to an individual
> will also suffice if good software protection is provided to the
> information in the module.
> Public Key Infrastructure - A public key infrastructure (PKI) is
> a part of an integrated security system that is needed to support
> certain user authentication, data integrity and data
> confidentiality services.  A PKI is a distributed system
> consisting of people and computers that will verify the correct
> identity of a person seeking authorization to use a computer
> system or network and then associate a public key with that user
> in a highly secure manner.  The certificate issuer in the PKI
> produces an electronic certificate which contains the identity of
> a user, the user's public key, some auxiliary information for the
> security system and the digital signature of the CERTIFICATE
> ISSUER.  The PKI should be established so that a secure "chain of
> certificates" is established between any pair of users anywhere,
> perhaps, in the world.  This allows someone to sign a secure
> message, funds transfer or electronic contract and then allows
> anyone else to verify the source and authenticity of the message,
> etc.  NIST, along with several other organizations, are seeking
> to design, implement and coordinate the requisite security
> services of the PKI.
> Obstacles to Deployment and Use of Security Technology in the
> Internet - There are several current impediments to widespread
> adoption and use of advanced computer security technologies
> within the Internet.  However, these should be viewed as
> obstacles, not barriers.
>       Historic Community Culture - The Internet community has
>      historically emphasized openess in communications.  Computer
>      security has been viewed as interfering with this goal.
>       Internet Management Organization - The Internet is a
>      loosely coupled coalition of organizations and activities
>      without a central management structure.  Minimal  rules must
>      be followed in order to connect to the Internet backbone
>      communication system, and certain protocols must be followed
>      in order to communicate with others on the network.  There
>      are few policies or practices which specify acceptable use
>      or adequate security (even though policies for both of these
>      have been developed).  The National Performance Review (NPR)
>      has identified a need for such policies.
>       Availability of Security Systems - While there are many
>      individual security products (seeking a small number of
>      narrow niche markets), there is still a lack of integrated
>      security systems.  An example of such an integrated security
>      system would be a commercially supported electronic mail
>      security mechanism (integrating a comprehensive key
>      management support system, user authentication and
>      authorization support services, and user message security
>      services).
>       Interoperability - The commercial security products that
>      solve similar security problems usually are not
>      interoperable.  A given product may have a large number of
>      features and interfaces, but will not interoperate with
>      those of other products.  Thus, communities of interest may
>      adopt and use one product, but those users must obtain a
>      second product in order to communicate with someone in
>      another community of interest.  Lack of interoperable
>      products often delay a user from selecting and using any
>      security until either a de facto or de jure standard
>      emerges.
>       Costs - Since there is yet no universal market for
>      security products fitting into a seamless security system,
>      the costs of individual security products built to fill
>      niche markets are currently high.  However, costs will go
>      down as volume and competition increase.
> There are several organizations in the Government and in the
> private sector that have roles in the security of the Internet. 
> It would be difficult to identify them all here.  Therefore, I
> will describe briefly NIST's activities and our involvement in
> other Internet-related organizations or activities.
> NIST computer security activities have both direct and indirect
> relevance to  security on the Internet.  In general, our programs
> address information technology security in all environments. 
> Howerver, since the Internet is such an important element in our
> work and of an increasing number of Government agencies, we have
> a number of activities directed specifically at the Internet.
> A. NIST's Computer Security Activities
> Overall Program - In carrying out its mission, NIST seeks to
> develop cost-effective security standards and guidelines for
> federal systems.  These are often voluntarily adopted by those
> outside the federal community.  We are working in many areas to
> develop both the technology and standards and technology that
> will be needed in the long term, and addressing short term
> requirements for better training and awareness.  We have issued
> guidelines or standards on many facets of computer security,
> including: computer security awareness training, cryptographic
> standards, password generation, smart card technology, security
> of electronic commerce, viruses and other malicious code, risk
> management, and PBX security.  We have also issued bulletins on
> many computer security issues, which may be of interest to
> federal agencies and private sector organizations, including a
> July 1993 bulletin on security considerations in connecting to
> the Internet.  NIST works directly with federal computer security
> program managers through our Federal Computer Security Program
> Managers' Forum.  We also participate on many voluntary standards
> activities, and participate in various interagency forums.
> While NIST has published guidance in a wide variety of areas,
> including Internet-specific topics, NIST's computer security
> program is not focused primarily on the Internet -- or any other
> specific network or technology.  Operational responsibility for
> the Internet, and thus specific, operational responsibility for
> security, rests outside NIST.  Nevertheless, the Internet is
> central to much of the information technology activities and
> plans of Government agencies, and NIST has a responsibility to
> address those needs.
> General Activities Affecting the Internet - Some of the general
> research, standards, and guidance activities of NIST that affect
> the Internet include the following:
>       Smartcard technology development and application
>       Advanced authentication technology development and
> application
>       Trusted systems criteria and evaluation
>       Cryptographic methods, interfaces, and applications 
> Specific Activities Affecting the Internet - In addition, NIST
> has undertaken a number of activities that focuse directly on
> Internet security issues.  These include the following:
>       CSL Bulletins - guidance on connecting to the Internet
>       Special Publications - guidance  on Incident Response
> Capability
>       FIRST leadership and support 
> Firewalls Research - One of the most actively examined methods of
> protecting systems or subnetworks connected to the Internet is
> the use of "firewalls" -- specially-programmed machines to
> control the interface between a subnetwork and the Internet. 
> NIST has established, with the assistance of the National
> Communications System and others, a new Firewalls Research
> Laboratory effort to extend and share knowledge in this important
> area.
> In addition to these programmatic activities, NIST is involved in
> a number of groups and activities that are directly involved in
> Internet security.
> B. Information Infrastructure Task Force
> Security is being addressed on several fronts in the Information
> Infrastructure Task Force (IITF).  There are specific security
> efforts in each of the three main committees of the IITF, plus
> the Privacy Working Group of the Information Policy Committee. 
> NIST is involved all of these efforts.
> C. OMB Circular A-130
> NIST is working with the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) in
> the revision of Appendix III of OMB Circular A-130.  This
> appendix specifically addresses agency information technology
> security programs.  Although this does not address the Internet
> specifically, we expect the new appendix to include the
> requirement for agency incident response capabilities.
> D. Federal Networking Council
> The Federal Networking Council (FNC) is an interagency group
> which coordinates the computer networking activities of federal
> agencies that serve general and specific research communities. 
> The FNC established a security working group to address various
> security needs and seek common security services and mechanisms
> meeting these needs.  The security working group, under the
> leadership of NIST, has initiated the following activities:
> Security Policy for Use of the National Research and Education
> Network - a high level security policy which specifies the
> principles and goals of security in the NREN and then assigns
> responsibilities to six categories of participants in the NREN
> (completed and approved by the FNC).
> Security Architecture for the NREN - a comprehensive but generic
> categorization of the components of security needed to satisfy
> the security requirements of the NREN.  This activity has been
> initiated but not completed.
> Security Action Plan for the NREN - a first draft of an action
> plan for developing and fielding security prototype components
> (e.g., smartcards, access control tokens) has been developed; 
> participants in the user acceptance testing are being solicited.
> E. Internet Society Security Activities
> The sponsors and supporters of the Internet have conducted
> several security activities over the past several years.  The
> CERT and FIRST activities, previously described, were major
> activities to alert users of potential and on-going security
> problems and to provide information on what to do about them. 
> The following are other activities and the roles that NIST has
> played in each of them.
> Internet Security Policy - The Internet Engineering Task Force
> (IETF) sponsored the development of a policy for secure operation
> of the Internet.  This policy specified six basic guidelines for
> security:
>       assure individual accountability;
>       employ available security mechanisms;
>       maintain security of host computers;
>       provide computers that embody security controls;
>       cooperate in providing security; and
>       seek technical improvements.  
> These guidelines were expanded and clarified in the Security
> Policy for Use of the National Research and Education Network. 
> NIST participated in the development of the Internet security
> policy and was a major player in development of the NREN security
> policy.
> Privacy Enhanced Mail - The IETF sponsored the development of the
> Privacy Enhanced Mail (PEM) system.  PEM provides the ability to
> protect the integrity and confidentiality (i.e., privacy) of
> electronic messages on a user-selected basis.  PEM utilizes the
> popular Simple Mail Transfer Protocol as the foundation for
> private (sometimes also called, trusted or secure) mail.  PEM
> uses the Federal Data Encryption Standard for confidentiality
> protection.  Digital signatures are used to assure the integrity
> of a message and to verify the source (originator) of the
> message.  NIST was a participant in the group that developed the
> specifications for PEM.  It is available both as a free,
> unsupported software package and a licensed supported software
> system.
> In summary, then, I think that recent Internet security
> experiences have taught us -- or have reinforced -- some
> important lessons, and there are some obvious actions that should
> follow.
> A. Lessons and Conclusions
> The Internet Is a Lightning Rod - The public already knows about
> the Internet and understands that the Internet will be a part of
> the national information infrastructure.  Thus, any security
> problems affecting the Internet reflect on the entire NII effort
> and could undermine the public's confidence in and willingness to
> use that developing infrastructure. 
> Internet Security is Not a "Second Tier" Issue - The attention
> that security incidents receive in the media and the impact that
> recent incidents have had on the operations of some agencies and
> other Internet users make it clear that security is now a first
> level concern that must be addressed.
> Organized Incident Response Efforts Work - Despite the widespread
> impact of recent incident, it is clear that organized,
> cooperative incident response efforts -- which we in the Federal
> Government had in-place -- were instrumental in identifying and
> mitigating its effect.  This incident reinforces the importance
> and need for such efforts.
> Traditional, Re-Usable Passwords are Inadequate in a Network
> Environment - The nature of data communications networks makes
> unacceptable the continued reliance on traditional, re-usable
> passwords for user authentication.
> Secure Systems Operations Require Skilled Personnel - The highly
> powerful and sophisticated workstations that are increasingly
> being connected to the Internet are often operated by technically
> unskilled users.  Further, most systems come "out of the box"
> configured for the easiest-to-install-and-use options -- usually
> also the most insecure configuration.  To be installed,
> connected, and operated securely, these systems currently require
> the users to be full-fledged system adminstrators, not just
> "ordinary users".  This is an unreasonable and unrealistic
> expectation.
> B. Recommendations for Action
> Implement the NII/NPR Action Items - The recommendations of the
> National Performance Review in the area of information technology
> security address specifically some of the needs for the Internet. 
> NIST and the other action agencies will be working to implement
> those recommendations. 
> Deploy Advanced Authentication Technology - We must move forward
> agressively to deploy already-available technology to replace the
> traditional re-usable password as the method of choice for user
> authentication.  Technologies developed at NIST and those
> becoming available in the marketplace can make marked
> improvements in the near term.  In the longer term, we must begin
> establishment of sectoral and national certificate
> infrastructures to enable more generally available and
> interoperable methods of authentication.
> Promote and Expand Incident Response Activities - The concept
> works.  We must now move actively to ensure that agencies
> throughout Government and constituencies nation-wide establish
> active and cooperating incident response capabilities.  NIST
> plans to continue to lead such efforts within the Government and
> promote them world-wide through FIRST and similar activities.
> Educate and Train System Administrators - In the long run, we
> cannot demand that users of increasingly sophisticated technology
> be technical experts, i.e., system administrators. We must find
> ways to deliver secure systems "out of the box".  In the short
> term, however, we must better train system users.  If agencies
> are going to connect their networks (and thereby their agencies)
> to the Internet and other external networks, their technical
> personnel must understand the risks involved and be trained and
> equipped to manage such connections securely.  NIST and others
> have published technical guidance to assist in this process and
> will be developing additional guidance in the future.  Agencies
> must take it upon themselves, however, to ensure adequate
> technical training of their personnel.
> Use Available Security Technology - Computer users, system
> administrators, and service providers should evaluate and, where
> cost-effective, employ current security products and technologies
> to reduce risks to acceptable levels.
> C. Conclusion
> There are always trade-offs involved in the use of new or complex
> technology -- especially in something as potentially universal as
> the Internet and the evolving national information
> infrastructure.  The challenge, of course, is to find the right
> balance of risks and costs against the benefits.  However, I must
> emphasize that even with a complete restructuring and replacement
> of the current Internet we would continue to have security
> incidents and other problems.  Historically, with the
> introduction of any new technology, the miscreants and charlatans
> are not far behind.  Our task is to work as hard as we can to
> anticipate and avoid such problems and, we hope, get and stay a
> step or two ahead of the game.  I would also like to assure you
> that NIST -- in concert with the several other key players in the
> Internet -- is both aware of the importance of Internet security
> in the context of the evolving national information
> infrastructure and actively undertaking efforts to meet that
> need.  
> Mr. Chairman, I want to thank you again for the opportunity to
> speak to your committee.  We at NIST -- and the other communities
> of interest involved in the Internet and the NII -- look forward
> to working with your committee and others in the Congress on this
