1994-10-05 - Re: He’s dead Jim (Chomsky)

Header Data

From: m5@vail.tivoli.com (Mike McNally)
To: jamesd@netcom.com (James A. Donald)
Message Hash: eaf8d71fd5ad42477fef7c07cab82a630f806bf3aa465a10ab5417ace7156a3d
Message ID: <9410051414.AA26525@vail.tivoli.com>
Reply To: <9410041812.AA27339@nately.UCSD.EDU>
UTC Datetime: 1994-10-05 14:14:43 UTC
Raw Date: Wed, 5 Oct 94 07:14:43 PDT

Raw message

From: m5@vail.tivoli.com (Mike McNally)
Date: Wed, 5 Oct 94 07:14:43 PDT
To: jamesd@netcom.com (James A. Donald)
Subject: Re: He's dead Jim (Chomsky)
In-Reply-To: <9410041812.AA27339@nately.UCSD.EDU>
Message-ID: <9410051414.AA26525@vail.tivoli.com>
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain

James A. Donald writes:
 > He merely provides and endless stream of justifications and
 > rationalizations for particular mass murderers...

Two things:

1)	This has got to be the oddest interpretation of Chomsky I've
seen, and for what it's worth I've never been led to believe any of
these things while reading Chomsky.  Then again, it's an interesting
view and it does cause me to at least think about matters.

2)	It's not clear to me that this is relevant to the list
anymore.  (I'm not trying to fire a shot and then call the war off;
I'm happy to discuss this via direct e-mail if anybody likes.)

| GOOD TIME FOR MOVIE - GOING ||| Mike McNally <m5@tivoli.com>       |
| TAKE TWA TO CAIRO.          ||| Tivoli Systems, Austin, TX:        |
|     (actual fortune cookie) ||| "Like A Little Bit of Semi-Heaven" |
