1994-12-12 - Re: Children’s Books Mentioning Privacy

Header Data

From: Andrew Purshottam <andy@ithaca.com>
To: DarScott@aol.com
Message Hash: baf746d76db89397d489181bf5905ca635078353eca9c0cfb58d73c9fa064d12
Message ID: <9412122006.AA01485@meefun.ithaca.com>
Reply To: <941211145500_3311823@aol.com>
UTC Datetime: 1994-12-12 21:38:11 UTC
Raw Date: Mon, 12 Dec 94 13:38:11 PST

Raw message

From: Andrew Purshottam <andy@ithaca.com>
Date: Mon, 12 Dec 94 13:38:11 PST
To: DarScott@aol.com
Subject: Re: Children's Books Mentioning Privacy
In-Reply-To: <941211145500_3311823@aol.com>
Message-ID: <9412122006.AA01485@meefun.ithaca.com>
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain

It's not exactly a children's book, but may be classified as a 
"juvenile" novel and is the young peoples' room in the berkeley public
library. but I read it as a 
5th grader, and it made a deep impression on me: _The Currents of Space_
by Isaac Asimov. A small subplot in it concerns setting of alarms by 
requesting a library book on a forbidden subject. 

Another book that has probably  interested many young people 
in privacy tech is the Zim book on codes and secret writing.
I read it in grade school, and I seem to recall reading that Diffe 
did too. 

Author:        Asimov, Isaac, 1920-
Title:         The currents of space / Isaac Asimov. 1st Ballantine Books ed. 
                 New York : Ballantine Books, 1983.
Description:   231 p. ; 18 cm.
Series:        A Galactic Empire novel.
               A Del Rey book.
               Ballantine ; 31195.
               Del Rey science fiction.
Notes:         Cover art by Darrell K. Sweet.
Other entries: Sweet, Darrell.

Author:        Zim, Herbert Spencer, 1909-
Title:         Codes and secret writing. New York, William Morrow, 1948.
Description:   [i-vi] 1-154p. illus., diagrs. 20.3 cm.
Notes:         "Books worth knowing": p. 144-145.
               Bound in orange cloth; stamped in brown. Dust jacket.
               Library of the American Cryptogram Association (George C. Lamb
Subjects:      Cryptography.
Call numbers:  UCB   Ed/Psych  Z104 .Z5 Children's Lit. Coll.
