1995-01-26 - Re: Starting a remailer

Header Data

From: sameer <sameer@c2.org>
To: klbarrus@owlnet.rice.edu (Karl Lui Barrus)
Message Hash: 69c7e1d43e541e1d140c8468abfe404120eda9f0b4ab6d2bf7d7637473561617
Message ID: <199501262120.NAA10701@infinity.c2.org>
Reply To: <9501261541.AA10742@snowy.owlnet.rice.edu>
UTC Datetime: 1995-01-26 21:23:11 UTC
Raw Date: Thu, 26 Jan 95 13:23:11 PST

Raw message

From: sameer <sameer@c2.org>
Date: Thu, 26 Jan 95 13:23:11 PST
To: klbarrus@owlnet.rice.edu (Karl Lui Barrus)
Subject: Re: Starting a remailer
In-Reply-To: <9501261541.AA10742@snowy.owlnet.rice.edu>
Message-ID: <199501262120.NAA10701@infinity.c2.org>
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain

	Ah but if you *really* want to run out of an .edu address,
contact me about getting an alias in leri.edu.

> Mo Baxter wrote:
> >I need info on what's needed to operate a secure remailer out of an edu
> >address.  I'd appreciate anything about software, installation, maintenance,
> >problems, etc... 
> If you are thinking of setting up a remailer on a general usage type
> unix shell account, then first find out if the usage policy allows you
> to run one (for example, remailer are forbidden here at Rice).
> Actually, I would recommend asking first, to head off future
> headaches, as I can think at least two other (former) remailers run at
> .edu sites that were forced to close.
> Other than that, try to find out if sendmail logs are kept, especially
> if they are world readable (this will reduce the security of the
> remailer, but you won't be able to anything about it anyway).
> The software is easily available, installation isn't hard (you have to
> install PGP as well).  Maintenance isn't much unless you expirement
> around.  I would recommend blocking anonymous mail to whitehouse.gov
> and other similar addresses.
> I don't know about problems; I never had any, but these days it seems
> more and more people are finding out about remailer, and with that
> comes abusers.  John Perry had to shut down because of abuse, after
> withstanding the RC4 posting crisis.  Be prepared for some hassles.
> Actually, I would recommend finding a remailer-friendly site like
> c2.org and setting up there.
> -- 
> Karl L. Barrus: klbarrus@owlnet.rice.edu         
> 2.3: 5AD633;   D1 59 9D 48 72 E9 19 D5  3D F3 93 7E 81 B5 CC 32 
> 2.6: 088C8F21; 97 73 9E 8B 98 3E DD B5  E8 97 64 7E 20 95 60 D9
> "One man's mnemonic is another man's cryptography" - K. Cooper

sameer						Voice:   510-841-2014
Network Administrator				Pager:	 510-321-1014
Community ConneXion: The NEXUS-Berkeley		Dialin:  510-549-1383
http://www.c2.org (or login as "guest")			sameer@c2.org
