1995-07-19 - Re: Why no action alert, coalition opposing S. 974?

Header Data

From: shabbir@panix.com
To: Paul Elliott <paul.elliott@hrnowl.lonestar.org>
Message Hash: d9f8c259fd805eee19aa845bd90cea77fe5580064e344daad89edc66819ab71c
Message ID: <199507192226.SAA10293@panix4.panix.com>
Reply To: <300d66d0.flight@flight.hrnowl.lonestar.org>
UTC Datetime: 1995-07-19 22:27:23 UTC
Raw Date: Wed, 19 Jul 95 15:27:23 PDT

Raw message

From: shabbir@panix.com
Date: Wed, 19 Jul 95 15:27:23 PDT
To: Paul Elliott <paul.elliott@hrnowl.lonestar.org>
Subject: Re: Why no action alert, coalition opposing S. 974?
In-Reply-To: <300d66d0.flight@flight.hrnowl.lonestar.org>
Message-ID: <199507192226.SAA10293@panix4.panix.com>
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain

S 974 is a silly bill.  It's like someone went around and made a list
of all the things that would irk us and then wrote legislation
around it.

However this bill isn't immediately going anywhere, and there's more
dangerous legislation on the floor that is looking a lot like a loaded

VTW is tracking this bill and will put out alerts on it if it becomes
a more valid threat.  However until then we'll not try to divide the
forces of the net on bills that aren't yet a serious threat.

Read the bill, familiarize yourself with the analyses, but let's not
go running off every time some DC bozo writes a terrible bill.  Especially
when there isn't even a subcommittee hearing scheduled yet.

Let's try and do *one thing* at a time.


In message <300d66d0.flight@flight.hrnowl.lonestar.org>, Paul Elliott writes:
>I have read the EFF analysis of Senate bill 974, which is designed to
>inhibit encryption on Networks. I think that it is a thoughtful document
>but I am concerned that there has been no action alert produced to tell
>people the most effective way to oppose this horrible Bill. People
>who are concerned about the bill need to know what Senators could most
>profitably be contacted. Also why has no coalition been formed to oppose
>this bill? I am aware that many people are busy opposing S314, but
>S974 is equally terrible as it attempts to suppress free expression.
>I could try to produce an action alert myself, but I would probably make
>errors as I am not up on the legal subtleties and the intricacies of
>Congress. Could some of the savvy people please write an action alert?
>Otherwise I will be forced to take a stab at it.
>- -- 
>Paul Elliott                                  Telephone: 1-713-781-4543
>Paul.Elliott@hrnowl.lonestar.org              Address:   3987 South Gessner #2
>                                              Houston Texas 77063
>Version: 2.6
