1995-09-22 - /dev/audio RNG

Header Data

From: Yih-Chun Hu <yihchun@u.washington.edu>
To: Joe Block <jpb@miamisci.org>
Message Hash: 25f8babdabc2b62da69c3ff5b8f0903f17bf0505ce133245ba4de843dcd9e083
Message ID: <Pine.OSF.3.91j.950921212806.29336B-100000@saul1.u.washington.edu>
Reply To: <v01520c05ac87bbe891da@[]>
UTC Datetime: 1995-09-22 04:38:47 UTC
Raw Date: Thu, 21 Sep 95 21:38:47 PDT

Raw message

From: Yih-Chun Hu <yihchun@u.washington.edu>
Date: Thu, 21 Sep 95 21:38:47 PDT
To: Joe Block <jpb@miamisci.org>
Subject: /dev/audio RNG
In-Reply-To: <v01520c05ac87bbe891da@[]>
Message-ID: <Pine.OSF.3.91j.950921212806.29336B-100000@saul1.u.washington.edu>
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain

I've been working on a Linux RNG. I'm sure you could port this, but it 
might take some work for Microsoft based programs...

--- CLIP HERE ---
$s||die"Syntax: $0 bytes security\n";open(O,"|./md5");while(time<$t){
read(A,$x,500);print O $x;}close O;}close A;print"\n";

# USAGE: rng <bytes> <security level>. One external command is used:
# ./md5 which I created using 
#   gcc -O3 -mpentium -o md5 md5.c md5drivr.c 
# where md5drivr.c is modified so that MDFilter()'s line printf("\n")
# is commented out.
--- CLIP HERE ---

Runtime = security * (bytes/16) assuming your machine is fast enough.
Each set of 16 bytes uses $s seconds of /dev/audio input to create.
I guess you could replace /dev/audio with /dev/mouse. Of course, if you
get nothing but d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e you may want to use
some other source. :)

+---- Yih-Chun Hu (finger:yihchun@cs.washington.edu) ----------------------+
| http://www.cs.washington.edu/homes/yihchun     yihchun@cs.washington.edu |
| http://weber.u.washington.edu/~yihchun         yihchun@u.washington.edu  |
+---- PGP Key Fingerprints (Keys by FINGER or on WWW) ---------------------+
| 1024/E50EC641        B2 A0 DE 9E 36 C0 EB A6  F9 3E D2 DD 2F 27 74 79    |
| 2047/DF0403F9        18 EB 62 C8 7F 06 04 67  42 76 24 E2 99 D1 07 DC    |
