1995-09-10 - Precipice remailer open for business

Header Data

From: “David C. Lambert” <dcl@panix.com>
To: cypherpunks@toad.com
Message Hash: d9a8ca8b258de7deb845df69aad33d5d5005089dceba8f0c34a19727fb993ead
Message ID: <199509101908.PAA26842@panix.com>
Reply To: N/A
UTC Datetime: 1995-09-10 19:08:56 UTC
Raw Date: Sun, 10 Sep 95 12:08:56 PDT

Raw message

From: "David C. Lambert" <dcl@panix.com>
Date: Sun, 10 Sep 95 12:08:56 PDT
To: cypherpunks@toad.com
Subject: Precipice remailer open for business
Message-ID: <199509101908.PAA26842@panix.com>
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain

The Precipice Remailer is now open for business!

Below, I have included the remailer-help file.

You can get this file by sending a message to:


with a subject of "remailer-help".

- David C. Lambert


This remailer supports both type II (Mixmaster) and type I (Ghio)
cypherpunks messages.  Help files for both are below.

Both mailers have a 5 message reordering pool, with zero default latency.
Posting to Usenet is not supported.

I consider the following to be inappropriate use of this anonymous remailer,
and will take steps to prevent anyone from doing any of the following:

   - Sending messages intended primarily to be harassing or annoying
     (this includes spam/velveeta);
   - Use of the remailer for any illegal purpose
     (death threats, kiddie porn, etc).

Don't ruin this remailer for everyone by doing something stupid
and/or illegal, and I won't be forced to assist the authorities in
crushing you like an insect.

If you don't want to receive anonymous mail, send me a message, and I will
add your email address to the block list.

You can get a list of statistics on remailer usage by sending mail to
mixmaster@mix.precipice.com with Subject: remailer-stats

Have a nice day.

- David C. Lambert

The type I PGP key is:

Version: 2.6.2


The Mixmaster key is:

precipice mixmaster@mix.precipice.com 05fef5887ac55dfe7379d0ef4a2a0c4b 2.0.1

-----Begin Mix Key-----
-----End Mix Key-----

TYPE II INFO (Mixmaster 2.0.1)
This is a Mixmaster remailer. It provides an extremely high level of security.
To use it, you must have a client program to produce the messages.
This software is available from ftp://nately.ucsd.edu/pub/remail
Read the README file for instructions. This file is export restricted,
so it can not be retrieved directly.

Some information can be sent to you by the remailer by including the
following commands (one per message) in the subject line of mail to the

  remailer-help		This file.

  remailer-stats	Usage statistics for the last 24 hours.

  remailer-key		The mixmaster key file for this remailer.

A list of remailers is available from ftp://nately.ucsd.edu/pub/remail,
http://nately.ucsd.edu/~loki/, and will be posted periodically to
alt.privacy.anon-server and other privacy related groups.

TYPE 1 INFO (Ghio 2.0)

I have an automated mail handling program installed here which will take
any message with the proper headers and automatically re-send it anonymously.
You can use this by sending a message to mixmaster@mix.precipice.com, with the
header Anon-To: containing the address that you want to send anonymously to.
(Only one recipient address is permitted.)  If you can't add headers to your
mail, you can place two colons on the first line of your message, followed
by the Anon-To line.  Follow that with a blank line, and then begin your
message.  For Example:

> From: joe@site.com
> To: mixmaster@mix.precipice.com
> Subject: Anonymous Mail
> ::
> Anon-To: beth@univ.edu
> This is some anonymous mail.

The above would be delivered to beth@univ.edu anonymously.  All headers in
the original message are removed, with the exception of the Subject (and
Content-Type, if present).  She would not know that it came from Joe, nor
would she be able to reply to the message.

However, if Beth suspected that Joe had sent the message, she could compare
the time that the message was received with the times that Joe was logged
in.  However, this problem can be avoided by instructing the remailer to
delay the message, by using the Latent-Time header:

> From: joe@site.com
> To: mixmaster@mix.precipice.com
> Subject: Anonymous Mail
> ::
> Anon-To: beth@univ.edu
> Latent-Time: +1:00
> This is some anonymous mail.

The above message would be delayed one hour from when it is sent.  It is also
possible to create a random delay by adding an r to the time (ie +1:00r),
which would have the message be delivered at a random time, but not more
than an hour.

Another problem is that some mailers automatically insert a signature file.
Of course, this usually contains the senders email address, and so would
reveal their identity.  The remailer software can be instructed to remove
a signature file with the header "Cutmarks".  Any line beginning with the
same text at in the cutmarks header, and any lines following it will be

> From: sender@origin.com
> To: mixmaster@mix.precipice.com
> Subject: Anonymous Mail
> ::
> Anon-To: recipient@destination.com
> Cutmarks: --
> This line of text will be in the anonymous message.
> --
> This line of text will not be in the anonymous message.

You can add additional headers to the output message by preceeding them
with ##

> From: chris@nifty.org
> To: mixmaster@mix.precipice.com
> Subject: Nifty Anon Msg
> ::
> Anon-To: andrew@hell.edu
> ##
> Reply-To: acs-314159@chop.ucsd.edu
> A Message with a reply address.

By separating messages with cutmarks, you can send more than one message
at once:

> From: me@mysite
> To: mixmaster@mix.precipice.com
> Subject: message 1
> ::
> Anon-To: recipient1@site1.org
> Cutmarks: --
> Message one.
> --
> ::
> Anon-To: recipient2@site2.org
> ##
> Subject: message 2
> Message two.

The two messages will be delivered separately.

For added security, you can encrypt your messages to the remailer with PGP.
The remailer software will decrypt the message and send it on.  Here is the
remailer's public key:

Version: 2.6.2


To utilize this feature, create a message with two colons on the first line,
then the Anon-To line, then any other headers, such as cutmarks or latency,
then a blank line, and then the message.  Encrypt this with the remailer's
public key.  Then send it to the remailer, adding the header "Encrypted: PGP".
If you forget this, the remailer won't know that it needs to be decrypted.
Also be sure to use the -t option with PGP, or the linefeeds might not be
handled properly.

> To: mixmaster@mix.precipice.com
> From: me@mysite.org
> ::
> Encrypted: PGP
> Version: 2.6.2
> hIkCuMeAjnwmCTUBA+dfWcFk/fLRpm4ZM7A23iONxkOGDL6D0FyRi/r0P8+pH2gf
> HAi4+1BHUhXDCW2LfLfay5JwHBNMtcdbgXiQVXIm0cHM0zgf9hBroIM9W+B2Z07i
> smG6rgPhdtWlynKSZR6Gd2W3S/5pa+Qd+OD2nN1TWepINgjXVHrCt0kLOY6nVFNQ
> U7lPLDihXw/+PPJclxwvUeCSygmP+peB1lPrhSiAVA==
> =da+F
> -----END PGP MESSAGE-----

Any unencrypted text after the PGP message is also remailed.  This is to
allow sending to someone who is anonymous.  If you create a PGP-encrypted
message to yourself via my remailer, and then you give it to someone, they
can send you a message by sending the encrypted message to the remailer.
The remailer will then decrypt it and send it to you.  The message gets
anonymized in the process, so the sender will need to include a return
address if he wants a reply.

Messages sent this way can be encrypted using the Encrypt-Key: feature.
Any text following a line beginning with ** will be encrypted with this
key.  For example, if you put in your PGP message:

> ::
> Anon-To: you@yourhost.org
> Encrypt-Key: your_password
> **

The appended message after the ** will be encrypted with the key 
"your_password", using PGP's conventional encryption option.  
