1996-03-19 - Re: InfoWarCon V 1996: Call For Papers

Header Data

From: Mark Aldrich <maldrich@grctechs.va.grci.com>
To: Black Unicorn <unicorn@schloss.li>
Message Hash: f67d11663391b65b459eb991021119d5f0fe6844b0db95b03178f143cb5e0cda
Message ID: <Pine.SCO.3.91.960318091858.6327A-100000@grctechs.va.grci.com>
Reply To: <Pine.SUN.3.91.960317032827.11248A-100000@polaris.mindport.net>
UTC Datetime: 1996-03-19 19:22:41 UTC
Raw Date: Wed, 20 Mar 1996 03:22:41 +0800

Raw message

From: Mark Aldrich <maldrich@grctechs.va.grci.com>
Date: Wed, 20 Mar 1996 03:22:41 +0800
To: Black Unicorn <unicorn@schloss.li>
Subject: Re: InfoWarCon V 1996: Call For Papers
In-Reply-To: <Pine.SUN.3.91.960317032827.11248A-100000@polaris.mindport.net>
Message-ID: <Pine.SCO.3.91.960318091858.6327A-100000@grctechs.va.grci.com>
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain

On Sun, 17 Mar 1996, Black Unicorn wrote:

> > >                   C A L L   F O R   P A P E R S 
> > >
> > >                          InfoWarCon 5, 1996
> > >           Fifth International Information Warfare Conference
> > >            "Dominating the Battlefields of Business and War"
> > >                         September 5-6, 1996
> > >                           Washington, DC
> > 
> > I'm wondering if I should bother re-writing my "Assassination Politics" 
> > essay into the form of a paper and submitting it to these people.  While it 
> > might nominally be considered right down their alley, from a subject 
> > standpoint, even a cursory look at the location (Washington, DC) and the 
> > invited people (large companies and military) suggest that my ideas would be 
> > just about as welcome as a yarmulke at a Nazi Party convention.

I personally know Winn and several of the folks from NCSA.  You're stuff 
would be a FANTASTIC contribution, and I'm certain that it would be a 
popular session.  Yes, some of these folks are a bit "establishment," but 
they go to these things looking for new ideas, new perspectives, etc.

You sound like a guy who can hold his own in a debate, so I imagine 
you'll have no problems dealing with this crowd.  They may "challenge" 
your views, but you're not going to get attacked or anything.

BTW, I'm not one of the reviewers or organizers....

> > I'm not aware of the agenda (hidden or otherwise) of the sponsors, so 
> I don't know whether I should even bother.  Many people aren't 
> particularly appreciative of being "one-upped" (not to mention made 
> obsolete) so it's not clear that they'd give me the time of day. Any 
> ideas as to their receptiveness?

Don't read too much into this.  Last year, we had Eric Bloodaxe (Chris G) 
there, a host of, uh, shall we say "fringe" elements, and I think Eric 
Hughes was there (?Eric?  Sarah and I *think* we saw you there?), as well.
As far as an "agenda" other than the published one, I think you're probably 
being overly concerned.  It's actually a fun con and you'd be surprised 
the number of people willing to actively listen to anyone they even think 
might remotely be a "hacker."

If you show up trying to "one up" folks, however, you may not get what you 
want.  It's more of a cooperative, interactive forum;  Not a competition.

|      Liberty is truly dead              |Mark Aldrich                 | 
|    when the slaves are willing          |GRCI INFOSEC Engineering     | 
|     to forge their own chains.          |maldrich@grci.com            | 
|        STOP THE CDA NOW!                |MAldrich@dockmaster.ncsc.mil | 
|The author is PGP Empowered.  Public key at:  finger maldrich@grci.com |
|    The opinions expressed herein are strictly those of the author     | 
|         and my employer gets no credit for them whatsoever.           | 
