1996-04-14 - Re: Is crypt(1) a prohibited export?

Header Data

From: Jeremey Barrett <jeremey@forequest.com>
To: Chris McAuliffe <cmca@alpha.c2.org>
Message Hash: 052ca47c8d7de6cbcf0c74c28d2ea8c3b1e24d629c1f2706152a84bf96f20132
Message ID: <Pine.BSI.3.91.960414025712.7867B-100000@newton.forequest.com>
Reply To: <199604140937.CAA26892@eternity.c2.org>
UTC Datetime: 1996-04-14 13:06:38 UTC
Raw Date: Sun, 14 Apr 1996 21:06:38 +0800

Raw message

From: Jeremey Barrett <jeremey@forequest.com>
Date: Sun, 14 Apr 1996 21:06:38 +0800
To: Chris McAuliffe <cmca@alpha.c2.org>
Subject: Re: Is crypt(1) a prohibited export?
In-Reply-To: <199604140937.CAA26892@eternity.c2.org>
Message-ID: <Pine.BSI.3.91.960414025712.7867B-100000@newton.forequest.com>
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain

On Sun, 14 Apr 1996, Chris McAuliffe wrote:

> While not paying attention, Jeremey Barrett <jeremey@forequest.com> wrote:
> >crypt() is a hash function, and hence is not subject to export restriction.
> >(To my knowledge).
> crypt(3) is a library routine implementing a hash function. Crypt(1) is
> a general purpose cryptography program implementing an algorithm similar
> to an enigma rotor machine. My question stands.

Ah. My mistake... the man page I have on crypt(1) says this:

     This program is not available on  software  shipped  outside
     the U.S.

Jeremey Barrett
Senior Software Engineer			jeremey@forequest.com 
The ForeQuest Company       			http://www.forequest.com/

   "less is more."
		-- Mies van de Rohe.

   Ken Thompson has an automobile which he helped design.  Unlike most
   automobiles, it has neither speedometer, nor gas gage, nor any of the
   numerous idiot lights which plague the modern driver.  Rather, if the
   driver makes any mistake, a giant "?" lights up in the center of the
   dashboard.  "The experienced driver", he says, "will usually know
   what's wrong."

		-- 'fortune` output
