1996-04-09 - International Net-Censorship Efforts Update

Header Data

From: “Declan B. McCullagh” <declan+@CMU.EDU>
To: cypherpunks@toad.com
Message Hash: 19f26b215edd9ad67c03f4719da8a7b04a75a2ee2a0b9a7a1fb8c11362d34f6a
Message ID: <8lOQ_Jy00YUvN==nMc@andrew.cmu.edu>
Reply To: N/A
UTC Datetime: 1996-04-09 07:44:39 UTC
Raw Date: Tue, 9 Apr 1996 15:44:39 +0800

Raw message

From: "Declan B. McCullagh" <declan+@CMU.EDU>
Date: Tue, 9 Apr 1996 15:44:39 +0800
To: cypherpunks@toad.com
Subject: International Net-Censorship Efforts Update
Message-ID: <8lOQ_Jy00YUvN==nMc@andrew.cmu.edu>
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain

I've just doubled the number of international net-censorship efforts
that I track on my web page: <http://www.cs.cmu.edu/~declan/zambia/>.

Included are new updates reporting on Germany, France, Australia,
Singapore, Canada, and China, among others. Please send me reports on
countries I've missed!




                              By Declan McCullagh

     France, China, Germany, Singapore, Jordan, the U.S., and many other
     countries are moving towards tighter control of the Internet. France
     and Germany want to see an international agreement of information
     controls emerge. Recently China required all of its estimated 40,000
     Internet users to register at the local police station. This
     international crackdown marks a turning point in the development of
     the Net.

     Germany cuts off access to holocaust revisionist web site (1/96)
     German Internet update, new laws planned (3/29/96)
     Los Angeles Times on German vs. U.S. netcensorship (3/13/96)
     German minister predicts collapse of governments (3/12/96)
     Germany's CompuServe net-censorship (12/31/95)
     French government bans controversial book (1/96)
     French Jewish students sue ISPs for revisionist materials (3/14/96)
     French Jewish students sue ISPs for revisionist materials (3/15/96)
     France calls for "global Internet rules" (2/3/96)
     Swiss statement on voice over Internet (3/16/96)
     Sweden proposes CDA-type law to control Internet (4/3/96)
     Italian net-censorship necessary, says Simon Wiesenthal Ctr (1/11/96)
     Turkey cracks down on Internet (2/18/96)
     Belgium bans non-escrowed encryption (1/10/96)
  Asia and Pacific Rim
     Singapore leader condemns Net (3/7/96)
     Indonesia attacks Net (3/11/96)
     Malaysia complains about uncensored Net, censors it (3/11/96)
     Singapore censors political, religious net.info (3/6/96)
     China cracks down on Internet, "state security" cited (1/24/96)
     China's anti-cyberporn efforts (2/4/96)
     New York Times on China's net.crackdown (2/5/96)
     China's history of Net-regulation, cyberporn concerns (1/1/96)
     China requires Internet users to register with police (2/16/96)
     U.S. State Dept criticizes China's net.censorship (3/8/96)
     China applauds German net.censorship (1/11/96)
     Australia considers net.legislation (2/13/96)
     New South Wales tries net-censorship (4/3/96)
     Australians upset by German Zundelcensorship (4/7/96)
     Letter to Canadian minister (3/19/96)
     Canada needs to regulate Net, says Simon Wiesenthal Ctr (2/20/96)
  Middle East
     Persian Gulf States reluctant to move online (4/6/96)
     Jordan installs Internet screening facility (1/8/96)
     Saudi Arabian government says no unrestricted Net access (1/10/96)

