1996-05-16 - RE: Why does the state still stand:

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From: “Jean-Francois Avon” <jf_avon@citenet.net>
To: cypherpunks@toad.com
Message Hash: ddbbbf10d7644ce0243fb1aa0124ef35bf9168a48895233021357f3c109313f0
Message ID: <9605152158.AA06933@cti02.citenet.net>
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UTC Datetime: 1996-05-16 07:32:47 UTC
Raw Date: Thu, 16 May 1996 15:32:47 +0800

Raw message

From: "Jean-Francois Avon" <jf_avon@citenet.net>
Date: Thu, 16 May 1996 15:32:47 +0800
To: cypherpunks@toad.com
Subject: RE: Why does the state still stand:
Message-ID: <9605152158.AA06933@cti02.citenet.net>
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain

On 15 May 96 at 17:32, Black Unicorn wrote:

> I disagree.  The key is prior or on site clearing.  Anonymous
> businesses will have to depend more on reputation, and even
> reputation has its limits when it comes to parties that obviously
> have no accountabilty at all.
> Participants in such a market will have to be wary of the "last
> shot" or "last round" problem.  (Specifically that one party to the
> transaction may no longer wish to participate in the market, and not
> need to and thus is free to screw the market, "cash in" his
> reputation and retire on the proceeds as a result.
> Still, escrows or multiple escrows will be the answer here.

> > Again, depending on the context, AP might wery well be the only
> > solution or be no workable solution at all.
> Now, tell me how AP is a solution if everyone in the corporation is
> double blinded?  Who do anonymous parties put out betting pools on?

Agreed.  I just supposed there might be some of the involved entities 
that are not totally anonymous.  I don't think that you'd deliver 
completely anonymously a bulldozer or any other physical goods to 
some "anonymous" address.  Somehow, if the transaction involves 
anything physical, there is potential for a anonimity breach.

> > Any physical currency can be made traceable (put a chemical or
> > radioactive tracer or a zillion other tricks...)
> And so?  Because I possess or have received cash from someone does
> not mean that it is mine, nor that I earned it, nor that I am not
> merely holding it, nor that I am not acting as trustee.

Agreed too.  But still, it might attract troublemakers.
> Income tax and currency taxes depend on realization events.  Even in
> the strictest sense, realization is a thin and vague concept.

Since I am not a layer, would you care to elaborate a bit more on 
> Your only remaining option is to tax possession of currency.  Good
> luck.

Why?  Don't they already do that through Tax on Capital?

> Again, who are you going to kill?

Nobody.  I thought that through you long law studies, you did learn
to read... Or is it my english that is too imperfect?

Dear Unicorn, what in the hell makes you concludes that my
"disclaimer" means that I am going to kill somebody?  I just say that
after having turned the idea around for some time, I see it as
ineluctable that *some* groups will implement it.  Just bring me
*one* single fact of reality that will show me that it is not
possible to implement and you will have made my day.  Even if it is
implemented for any entirely wrong reason, I do not think that we
can prevent it's implementation.

BTW, since I was off from CPunks for a while, would you please tell 
me if you published the suite of you writings on assets concealement?
I would then proceed to get it from the archives if it was published.



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