1996-07-09 - Re: Grubor remailer? (Was Re: Lucifer remailer)

Header Data

From: panzer@dhp.com (Matt)
To: cypherpunks@toad.com
Message Hash: 0198bc4369f324423c2f9ec7883c7c7bb109097320462da7a29261e46f0950c7
Message ID: <4rsugh$evg@dhp.com>
Reply To: <199606272114.RAA04139@phoenix.iss.net>
UTC Datetime: 1996-07-09 09:49:08 UTC
Raw Date: Tue, 9 Jul 1996 17:49:08 +0800

Raw message

From: panzer@dhp.com (Matt)
Date: Tue, 9 Jul 1996 17:49:08 +0800
To: cypherpunks@toad.com
Subject: Re: Grubor remailer? (Was Re: Lucifer remailer)
In-Reply-To: <199606272114.RAA04139@phoenix.iss.net>
Message-ID: <4rsugh$evg@dhp.com>
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain

The joys of having mailing lists gatewayed to news, you find this stuff 
weeks late....  Sorry for the delay

Alex F (alexf@iss.net) wrote:
: > dhp is not "Grubor's domain," it's just a Pittsburgh ISP
: > with liberal terms of service (which is why it can run
: > remailers).    Perhaps you're thinking of "manus.org"?
: > 

: I thought that DHP is mostly Canadian.  I know that Panzer deals w/ 
: them & he is running from Pitt. but I think that the others are 
: mostly from Canada.  I work w/ a few of them, but they are not here 
: to ask about this (at the moment.  They just went out for dinner).  I 
: don't think that DHP (Data Haven Project) is really an ISP per se...

DHP is an ISP.  We are small, but this is mostly because we have a small
dialin pool and are not trying to compete with all the local providers for
people who are "learning the 'net".  We are looking for people who are
interested in a second account for privacy, and are at least competent to
know what a "shell account" is.  If you would want some more info, feel
free to hit our web page (though it's partially out of date), or drop me
some email. 

As to "grubor's domain" I'll be more than happy to tell you that DHP.COM
is not his domain.  Refer to the Grubor faq for more information on the
number of Pittsburgh ISP's he's joined, etc... 

 -Matt     (panzer@dhp.com)                         DI-1-9026
 "That which can never be enforced should not be prohibited."
