1996-07-17 - Re: PGP 3.0 / Windows

Header Data

From: Derek Atkins <warlord@MIT.EDU>
To: JonWienk@ix.netcom.com
Message Hash: 146ec158f8ef0940e79fe92e16509464a592b1e35d4d2cd3e1cfdcddbd9b5c9c
Message ID: <199607161529.LAA14171@toxicwaste.media.mit.edu>
Reply To: <199607160545.WAA01000@dfw-ix10.ix.netcom.com>
UTC Datetime: 1996-07-17 12:37:57 UTC
Raw Date: Wed, 17 Jul 1996 20:37:57 +0800

Raw message

From: Derek Atkins <warlord@MIT.EDU>
Date: Wed, 17 Jul 1996 20:37:57 +0800
To: JonWienk@ix.netcom.com
Subject: Re: PGP 3.0 / Windows
In-Reply-To: <199607160545.WAA01000@dfw-ix10.ix.netcom.com>
Message-ID: <199607161529.LAA14171@toxicwaste.media.mit.edu>
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain

> Has anyone heard anythong about PGP 3.0?  Is it still due Real Soon
> Now?  Or might it be worthwhile to break out VC++ and do a port as a
> cpunks cooperative project?

As I've said, there is no PGP 3.0, there is only PGPlib.

We're trying to finish it as quickly as possible.  There are only a
few more functions that are required; we just need to make sure the
API is extensible enough to handle the new features we want to add
later.  As for the current status, I've started using the message
processing application for my every-day encryption/decryption.  It
works fairly well (there are a few weird states that still need to be
worked out).  I'm still working on the key management application, so
that isn't nearly as 'ready' to be seen.

Qustion: what do you want to "port"?  PGP 2.6.2?  You're joking,
right?  Do you know how difficult that would be?  Not to mention that
you'd never get a Windows look to it because of all the printf()'s
throughout the sucker.

We're doing the best that we can to get PGPlib finished.  But the more
people who send email asking "when is it going to be finished" the
less time we have to actually finish it (since we have to spend
precious time answering the email).

I hope this answers your question(s).

