1996-07-18 - Educational cryptanalysis competition (small prize)

Header Data

From: peter.allan@aeat.co.uk (Peter M Allan)
To: cypherpunks@toad.com
Message Hash: 3491bef5703502cb5cd6781145e71351009652fe42db8b496230963b7139770c
Message ID: <9607171243.AA26209@clare.risley.aeat.co.uk>
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UTC Datetime: 1996-07-18 08:23:10 UTC
Raw Date: Thu, 18 Jul 1996 16:23:10 +0800

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From: peter.allan@aeat.co.uk (Peter M Allan)
Date: Thu, 18 Jul 1996 16:23:10 +0800
To: cypherpunks@toad.com
Subject: Educational cryptanalysis competition (small prize)
Message-ID: <9607171243.AA26209@clare.risley.aeat.co.uk>
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain


Educational Cryptanalysis Competition  (opened 17 July 1996)

Cypherpunks teach.  Here's your chance.

I have a piece of code I wrote ages ago, before reading Schneier.

Despite identifying these points as weaknesses I still cannot
break it.

    weak keys
    rapid collapse in the case of chosen text attack
    reduced-round versions have a correlation attack

Obviously my crytanalysis needs some serious help.

The aim of this competition is:
    to show how to find AND EXPLOIT weaknesses in this cypher.
    Answers resembling "That's junk - use XXXXX." score zero.
    Well-prepared comprehensive answers could score highly.

- - Entries will be judged on educational grounds as well as on raw results.

- - All entries are placed by the entrant in the public domain, and there
  may be a compilation of good answers come out of this.
  (With entrants' names except where they state a prefernce for anonymity. )

- - Entries by teams are allowed.

- - The number of entries is unlimited.

- - The closing date is 30 Sept 1996.

- - The judge is Peter Allan. (me)

- - There is one prize (a box of chocolate coffee beans).

A full pair of programs using this code can be collected
from my mail filter.

    echo  rlprm_2.0 | mail -s send_goodies peter.allan@aeat.co.uk

Peter Allan   peter.allan@aeat.co.uk

#define RPT        15
#define CRYPT_DEPTH 4  
mkkey(origpass, key)
****  The pass (a text string) is used to produce
****  a key.  Chars used as int. Details in docs.
****  200000 passwords all gave different keys in my test.
char origpass[9];
unsigned char key[8];

	char clearpass[9];
	int  i, j, k, l, m, ten;

 /***  make the key from the clearpass ***/
 /***  unsigned char[8] from char[9] ***/

	ten = FALSE;
	k = l = m = 0;
	strcpy(clearpass, origpass);

	for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
		if (clearpass[i] == '\n')
			ten = TRUE;
		if (ten)
			clearpass[i] = '\0';
	clearpass[8] = '\0';

	for (i = 0; i < 8; i++)
		key[i] = (unsigned char) i;
	for (j = 1; j < 256; j++) {
		for (i = 0; i < 8; i++)
			key[i] = key[i] + clearpass[i] + j;
	/* swap bytes */
		k = key[j % 8] % 8;
		l = key[k] % 8;

		m = key[k];
		key[k] = key[l];
		key[l] = m;

/** this loop is redundant if chars are 8 bits
***  and for all I know they are everywhere **/

		for (i = 0; i < 8; i++)
			key[i] = key[i] % 256;

		m = m % 8;
		key[m] = 256 - key[m];

	for (i = 0; i < 8; i++)
		printf("%d ", key[i]);
	puts(" ");


sym_encrypt(abpos, key, authbuf, cipherbuf)
int  abpos;
unsigned char key[8];
unsigned char authbuf[ABLEN];
unsigned char cipherbuf[MESSLEN];
	int  i, j, k, ptr1, ptr2, rpt;
	int  ka1, ka2, kk;
	unsigned char smoke[CRYPT_DEPTH][8];
	unsigned char tmp;

****  From the key, make a set of keys to
****  be used in order.

	for (j = 0; j < 8; j++)
		smoke[0][j] = key[j];

	for (i = 1; i < CRYPT_DEPTH; i++) {
		for (j = 0; j < 8; j++)
			smoke[i][j] = smoke[i - 1][j];

		for (j = 0; j < 8; j++) {
			if (j % 2) {
				smoke[i][j] = (smoke[i][j]) * 3;
			else {
				smoke[i][j] = ((smoke[i][j]) * 3) / 4;

#ifndef NOCRYPT
****     see the tech waffle file for details

	for (rpt = RPT; rpt; rpt--) {
		if (cl_debug)
			printf("encryption repeat count is %d \n", rpt);
		for (i = 0; i < CRYPT_DEPTH; i++) {
/**swap driven by values **/

			for (k = 0; k < abpos - 1; k += 2) {
				kk = authbuf[k] ^ authbuf[k + 1];
				ka1 = kk / 16;
				ka2 = kk % 16;
				kk = ka1 ^ ka2;
				if ((kk == 1) || (kk == 2) || (kk == 4) || (kk == 8) ||
				    (kk == 14) || (kk == 13) || (kk == 11) || (kk == 7)) {
					kk = authbuf[k];
					authbuf[k] = authbuf[k + 1];
					authbuf[k + 1] = kk;


/** xor with key **/
			for (k = 0; k < abpos; k++)
				authbuf[k] ^= (key[k % 8]);

/**rotation **/
			kk = authbuf[abpos - 1] / 32;
			ka1 = 0;
			for (k = 0; k < abpos; k++) {
				ka2 = authbuf[k] / 32;
				authbuf[k] = (authbuf[k] * 8) + ka1;
				ka1 = ka2;
			authbuf[0] += kk;
/**swap driven by key **/

			if (cl_debug)
				printf("   depth is %d \n", i);
			for (j = 0; j < 8; j = j + 2) {
				ptr1 = smoke[i][j] % abpos;
				ptr2 = smoke[i][j + 1] % abpos;

				tmp = authbuf[ptr1];
				authbuf[ptr1] = authbuf[ptr2];
				authbuf[ptr2] = tmp;

 /***   Now that it has been encrypted it should
 ****   be stored as 'hexabetical'  [A-P].
	for (i = 0; i < abpos; i++) {
		cipherbuf[i * 2] = (authbuf[i] % 16) + 'A';
		cipherbuf[i * 2 + 1] = (authbuf[i] / 16) + 'A';
	cipherbuf[abpos * 2] = '\0';


sym_decrypt(abpos, key, authbuf, cipherbuf)
int  abpos;
unsigned char key[8];
unsigned char authbuf[ABLEN];
unsigned char cipherbuf[MESSLEN];
	int  i, j, k, ptr1, ptr2, rpt;
	int  ka1, ka2, kk;
	unsigned char smoke[CRYPT_DEPTH][8];
	unsigned char tmp;

	for (i = 0; cipherbuf[i]; i = i + 2) {
		cipherbuf[i] = cipherbuf[i] - 'A';
		cipherbuf[i + 1] = cipherbuf[i + 1] - 'A';
		authbuf[i / 2] = cipherbuf[i] +
			cipherbuf[i + 1] * 16;

****  From the key, make a set of keys to
****  be used in order.

	for (j = 0; j < 8; j++)
		smoke[0][j] = key[j];

	for (i = 1; i < CRYPT_DEPTH; i++) {
		for (j = 0; j < 8; j++)
			smoke[i][j] = smoke[i - 1][j];

		for (j = 0; j < 8; j++) {
			if (j % 2) {
				smoke[i][j] = smoke[i][j] * 3;
			else {
				smoke[i][j] = (smoke[i][j] * 3) / 4;


#ifndef NOCRYPT
****  repeat suitable number of times:
****     first swap bytes in the authbuf
****     then cycle bits round to prevent some swaps undoing others
	if (abpos == 0)
		return RUBBISH;	/** zerodivide detected-avoided **/

	for (rpt = RPT; rpt; rpt--) {
	/* printf("encryption repeat count is %d \n", rpt); */
		for (i = CRYPT_DEPTH - 1; i > -1; i--) {
			for (j = 6; j > -1; j = j - 2) {
/*** key-driven swap  ***/
				ptr1 = smoke[i][j] % abpos;
				ptr2 = smoke[i][j + 1] % abpos;

				tmp = authbuf[ptr1];

				authbuf[ptr1] = authbuf[ptr2];
				authbuf[ptr2] = tmp;
/**rotation **/
			kk = authbuf[0] % 8;
			ka1 = 0;
			for (k = abpos - 1; k >= 0; k--) {
				ka2 = authbuf[k] % 8;
				authbuf[k] = (authbuf[k] / 8) + ka1;
				ka1 = ka2 * 32;
			authbuf[abpos - 1] += (kk * 32);

/** xor with key **/
			for (k = 0; k < abpos; k++)
				authbuf[k] ^= (key[k % 8]);

/*** value-driven swap  ***/

			for (k = 0; k < abpos - 1; k += 2) {
				kk = authbuf[k] ^ authbuf[k + 1];
				ka1 = kk / 16;
				ka2 = kk % 16;
				kk = ka1 ^ ka2;
				if ((kk == 1) || (kk == 2) || (kk == 4) || (kk == 8) ||
				    (kk == 14) || (kk == 13) || (kk == 11) || (kk == 7)) {
					kk = authbuf[k];
					authbuf[k] = authbuf[k + 1];
					authbuf[k + 1] = kk;





Version: 2.6.3i
Charset: noconv

