1997-09-23 - Re: The great GAK crack (making GAK economically impossible) (fwd)

Header Data

From: Jim Choate <ravage@ssz.com>
To: cypherpunks@ssz.com (Cypherpunks Distributed Remailer)
Message Hash: 3fed9726fa533d9e063cf52276949a22c422c4a0a0e55706c6e7630bcff771bc
Message ID: <199709232203.RAA20128@einstein.ssz.com>
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UTC Datetime: 1997-09-23 22:00:35 UTC
Raw Date: Wed, 24 Sep 1997 06:00:35 +0800

Raw message

From: Jim Choate <ravage@ssz.com>
Date: Wed, 24 Sep 1997 06:00:35 +0800
To: cypherpunks@ssz.com (Cypherpunks Distributed Remailer)
Subject: Re: The great GAK crack (making GAK economically impossible) (fwd)
Message-ID: <199709232203.RAA20128@einstein.ssz.com>
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text

Forwarded message:

> Date: Tue, 23 Sep 1997 17:36:01 -0400 (EDT)
> From: Ray Arachelian <sunder@brainlink.com>
> Subject: Re: The great GAK crack (making GAK economically impossible)

> That all depends on how they are set up to accept such key requests.  Fer
> instance, say they set up a nice litte web site that takes in credit
> cards... can we say ping flood boys and girls?

Can you say 'trace'?

> Suppose they set up a mail in system where you have to mail letters to
> them.  We simply go through every magazine we find and send subscribtion
> requests to that address.  As most mags will happily send a free issue
> this will do wonders...  Send them to "Joe Smith, Care Of Key Escrow..."

Can you say 'mail fraud'?

> If they set up a phone line, we call the phone line and keep it busy...

Can you say 'phone trace'?

> If they set up a system whereby mistakes have to be refiled, then we
> simply all march down there and demand that we get our keys registered and
> we always make mistakes in something or other, or we forget our ID's.

This works if it happens to be in the current location of an individual,
seems pretty unworkable considering the geographic distribution of cpunks.

> Denial of service attacks are always possible somehow or other...  It's a
> question of what we're willing to donate to the effort.

Provided you can pay the bill to keep it going AND you use some form of
anonymity (which I doubt you could hold up for long).

   |                                                                    |
   |    The financial policy of the welfare state requires that there   |
   |    be no way for the owners of wealth to protect themselves.       |
   |                                                                    |
   |                                       -Alan Greenspan-             |
   |                                                                    | 
   |            _____                             The Armadillo Group   |
   |         ,::////;::-.                           Austin, Tx. USA     |
   |        /:'///// ``::>/|/                     http:// www.ssz.com/  |
   |      .',  ||||    `/( e\                                           |
   |  -====~~mm-'`-```-mm --'-                         Jim Choate       |
   |                                                 ravage@ssz.com     |
   |                                                  512-451-7087      |
