1997-09-06 - Excerpts from Cdn-Firearms Digest V1 #978

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From: jf_avon@citenet.net
To: dagenais@videotron.ca
Message Hash: 6868e3a3613fa1e260e4dc5c4e2e91880b40ed347983ae7c236f39ec6c0eb4c8
Message ID: <199709061745.NAA10147@cti06.citenet.net>
Reply To: <199709060107.TAA25737@broadway.sfn.saskatoon.sk.ca>
UTC Datetime: 1997-09-06 17:57:32 UTC
Raw Date: Sun, 7 Sep 1997 01:57:32 +0800

Raw message

From: jf_avon@citenet.net
Date: Sun, 7 Sep 1997 01:57:32 +0800
To: dagenais@videotron.ca
Subject: Excerpts from Cdn-Firearms Digest V1 #978
In-Reply-To: <199709060107.TAA25737@broadway.sfn.saskatoon.sk.ca>
Message-ID: <199709061745.NAA10147@cti06.citenet.net>
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain

On  5 Sep 97 at 19:07, Cdn-Firearms Digest wrote:

------ Forwarded message ---------
Date: Fri, 5 Sep 1997 19:07:19 -0600 
From: Karl Schrader <schraderkg@intranet.ca> 
Subject: Bill C-95

Re.: recent amendment to Criminal Code, Bill C-95
Did any legal expert analyse the recent amendment to the
Criminal Code regarding  the mere membership in an organization
consisting of more than 5 people which imposes a penalty in prison
from 5 to 14 years if any mischief is even mentioned?

This amendment is aimed at the biker gangs, however, the way it
is worded, it can be applied to any group, be they environmenta-
lists, unionists, recreational firearms owners, birdwatchers or even
stampcollectors where the mere mentioning of mischief is ground
enough to face 5-14 years in jail.

This development here in Canada is truly frightening and is remi-
niscent of a movie called "Judgement at Nuremburg" with Spencer
Tracey and Burt Lancaster, where Burt Lancaster played a
German Judge under Hitler, who applied all kinds of  laws, created
by the Nazis, which were clearly against common sense and
human values and utterly repressive. These laws were pushed
through the German puppet parliament by the then party in
power. We are all aware of what happened in the end to this
regime. Several thousand Canadians, however, had to make the
supreme sacrifice to eliminate this evil and now it rears it's ugly
head here in Canada .

This amendment was the subject of a radio interview this morning
with a defence lawyer on CBC 2. The lawyer was utterly shocked
at what can be done with this legislation and strongly expected a
charter challenge. Unfortunately this will require again enormous
amounts of funds to be wasted in a completely unproductive and
wasteful manner. Why are we constantly running up against laws
which have to be challenged  ?  Why can the new laws not be
drafted in a way that they are charterproof ? Just imagine if we
did not even have the Charter. The people who are drafting the
laws and are getting paid good salaries can not all be idiots ?
And what about the parliamentarians who pass these laws ?

One does not need a gun to destroy a human life, all that is
needed is a repressive law. Let someone with a criminal record
just try to get a job when he comes out of jail.

"" If it saves only one life !" (Wendy C.....)

FOCUS: If 97% of Canadians are being pushed around by 3%,
              there is something seriously wrong !!

Jean-Francois Avon, Pierrefonds(Montreal) QC Canada
 DePompadour, Societe d'Importation Ltee
    Finest of Limoges porcelain and crystal
 JFA Technologies, R&D consultants
    physicists and engineers, LabView programing.
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