1998-01-11 - LUC Public Key Crypto…

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From: Jim Choate <ravage@ssz.com>
To: cypherpunks@ssz.com (Cypherpunks Distributed Remailer)
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UTC Datetime: 1998-01-11 01:26:35 UTC
Raw Date: Sun, 11 Jan 1998 09:26:35 +0800

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From: Jim Choate <ravage@ssz.com>
Date: Sun, 11 Jan 1998 09:26:35 +0800
To: cypherpunks@ssz.com (Cypherpunks Distributed Remailer)
Subject: LUC Public Key Crypto...
Message-ID: <199801110150.TAA15260@einstein.ssz.com>
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In the process of doing some research on Gauss I stumbled across this...

   |                                                                    |
   |      Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make       |
   |      violent revolution inevitable.                                |
   |                                                                    |
   |                                          John F. Kennedy           |
   |                                                                    |
   |                                                                    | 
   |            _____                             The Armadillo Group   |
   |         ,::////;::-.                           Austin, Tx. USA     |
   |        /:'///// ``::>/|/                     http://www.ssz.com/   |
   |      .',  ||||    `/( e\                                           |
   |  -====~~mm-'`-```-mm --'-                         Jim Choate       |
   |                                                 ravage@ssz.com     |
   |                                                  512-451-7087      |

Forwarded message:

>    Dr. Dobb's Web Site
>                           LUC PUBLIC-KEY ENCRYPTION
>    A secure alternative to RSA
>    Peter Smith
>    Peter has worked in the computer industry for 15 years as a
>    programmer, analyst, and consultant and has served as deputy editor of
>    Asian Computer Monthly. Peter's interest in number theory led to the
>    invention of LUC in 1991. He can be reached at 25 Lawrence Street,
>    Herne Bay, Auckland, New Zealand.
>      _________________________________________________________________
>    According to former NSA director Bobby Innman, public-key cryptography
>    was discovered by the National Security Agency in the early seventies.
>    At the time, pundits remarked that public-key cryptography (PKC) was
>    like binary nerve gas--it was potent when two different substances
>    were brought together, but quite innocuous in its separate parts.
>    Because the NSA promptly classified it, not much was known about PKC
>    until the mid-seventies when Martin Hellman and Whitfield Diffie
>    independently came up with the notion and published papers about it.
>    Traditional cryptographic systems like the venerable Data Encryption
>    Standard (DES) use the same key at both ends of a message
>    transmission. The problem of ensuring correct keys leads to such
>    expensive expedients as distributing the keys physically with trusted
>    couriers. Diffie and Hellman (and the NSA) had the idea of making the
>    keys different at each end. In addition to encryption, they envisioned
>    this scheme would also lead to a powerful means of source
>    authentication known as digital signatures.
>    RSA, developed in 1977, was the first reliable method of source
>    authentication. The RSA approach (patented in the early eighties)
>    initiated intense research in "number theory," one of the most
>    recondite areas of mathematics. Although C.F. Gauss studied this topic
>    in the early 1800s (referring to it then as "higher arithmetic"), very
>    little real progress has been made in solving the problem of factoring
>    since then. The means available today are essentially no better than
>    exhaustive searching for prime factors. In terms of intractability
>    theory, however, no one has yet proved that the problem is
>    intractable, although researchers believe it to be so.
> The RSA Algorithm
>    RSA works by raising a message block to a very large power, then
>    reducing this modulo N, where N (the product of two large prime
>    numbers) is part of the key. Typical systems use an N of 512 bits, and
>    the exponent to which blocks are raised in decryption is of the same
>    order. An immediate problem in implementing such a system is the
>    representation and efficient manipulation of such large integers.
>    (Standard microprocessors don't really have the power to handle normal
>    integer sizes and functions; even numeric coprocessors are inadequate
>    when integers of this size are involved.)
>    RSA has dominated public-key encryption for the last 15 years as
>    research has failed to turn up a reliable alternative--until the
>    advent of LUC. Based on the same difficult mathematical problem as
>    RSA, LUC uses the calculation of Lucas functions instead of
>    exponentiation. (See text box entitled, "How the Lucas Alternative
>    Works.")
>    Because we're working in the area of mathematics, we can formally
>    prove that LUC is a true alternative to RSA. Furthermore, we can show
>    that a cipher based on LUC will be at least as efficient. More
>    importantly, we can show that LUC is a stronger cipher than RSA. The
>    reason is that under RSA, the digital signature of a product is the
>    product of the signatures making up the product; in mathematical
>    terms, M{e}L{e}=(ML){e}. This opens RSA to a cryptographic attack
>    known as adaptive chosen-message forgery. Ironically, this is outlined
>    in a paper co-authored by Ron Rivest (the "R" in RSA). LUC is not
>    multiplicative and therefore not susceptible to this attack. Using
>    Lucas functions, V[e](M,1)V[e](L,1) is not equal to V[e](ML,1). In
>    other words, the use of exponentiation leads to RSA being
>    multiplicative in this way, while LUC's use of Lucas functions avoids
>    this weakness.
> Choosing the Algorithms
>    Lucas functions have been studied mainly in relation to primality
>    testing, and it was to these sources we turned when researching
>    efficient algorithms for implementing LUC. For given parameters, the
>    Lucas functions give rise to two series, U[n] and V[n]. The first
>    algorithm (see Listing One, page 90) calculated both, even though we
>    were only interested in V[n]. It was only in a paper on factoring
>    integers that we found a means of calculating V[n] alone (see Listing
>    Two, page 90). The pseudocode examples show that both algorithms have
>    two phases: The work done when the current bit is a 0 is half the work
>    necessary when the current bit is a 1.
>    More Details.
>    Typically, in systems like LUC the exponent used for encryption is a
>    much smaller integer than that used for decryption. A commonly chosen
>    encryption exponent is the prime number 65,537. This is a good choice
>    for fast encryption as all but 2 of the 17 bits are 0s. We have no
>    such control over the decryption exponent, but there is a way of
>    halving the work, and thus, of introducing a limited degree of
>    parallelism into the calculation.
>    Since LUC is a public-key cryptosystem, we can always assume that the
>    possessor of the private decrypting keys knows the two primes (p and
>    q) which make up the modulus, N. Consequently, we can reduce the
>    exponent and message with respect to the two primes, in each case at
>    least halving the amount of work. At the end of the calculation with
>    respect to the primes, we bring the results together to produce the
>    final plain text (see Listing Three, page 90).
> Large-integer Arithmetic
>    There's really only one source of information about large-integer
>    arithmetic: Knuth's The Art of Computer Programming. We found that
>    almost every time we referred to his book, we came up with some new
>    angle or way of tweaking some extra performance out of our code.
>    We decided to represent the large integers as 256-byte arrays, with
>    the low byte giving the length (in bytes) of the integer. For
>    instance, the 8-byte hexadecimal number 1234567890ABCDEF would appear
>    in a file view as 08 EF CD AB 90 78 56 34 12. These arrays became a
>    Pascal-type har (for hexadecimal array). We can store integers of over
>    600 decimal digits in our hars, but because the hars must be able to
>    hold the results of a multiplication, we are limited to manipulating
>    integers up to 300 decimal digits in length.
>    Implementation of addition, subtraction, and multiplication went quite
>    smoothly; implementation of division took more effort. (We took
>    comfort in not being the first to encounter problems with division.
>    Lady Ada Lovelace, the first computer programmer, said, "I am still
>    working at some most entangled notations of division, but see my way
>    through them at the expense of heavy labor, from which I shall not
>    shrink as long as my head can bear it.") We tried various methods,
>    including one based on Newton which calculated the inverse of the
>    divisor and then multiplied. (See Knuth's discussion.) We finally
>    opted for Knuth's Algorithm D, despite his warning that it contained
>    possible discontinuities. At that stage, we were working on a 16-bit
>    80286 PC; see Listing Four, page 90.
>    Of course there was much more than the division routine to consider,
>    but we found that it was the critical routine in terms of getting LUC
>    to run at a reasonable speed. Once we had upgraded to an 80386, we
>    converted to a full 32-bit implementation. The assembler code for the
>    division (still Algorithm D) is given in Listing Five (page 91).
>    Although space constraints prevent a complete presentation of the
>    code, suffice to say that we have been able to achieve a
>    signing/decryption speed on a modulus of 512 bits of over 200 bits per
>    second (33-MHz 80386, 0 wait states).
> Other Issues
>    Central to any cryptographic system are keys. In LUC, if an adversary
>    is able to find p and q, the prime factors of modulus N, then all
>    messages sent with N can be either read in the case of encryption or
>    forged in the case of signing.
>    Since the days of Gauss, research on factoring has come up with
>    various so-called "aleatoric" methods of factoring some numbers. These
>    methods are like cures for poison ivy: numerous, and occasionally
>    efficacious. One old method, found by Pierre Fermat, is very quick at
>    factoring some types of composite numbers. If N is the product of two
>    primes which are close together, then it can be easily factored. For
>    example, if p=1949, and q=1951, then N=3802499. Taking the square root
>    of N, we find that it is approximately 1949.999. Adding 1 to the
>    integral part of this (giving 1950), we square this, giving 3802500.
>    If we now subtract N from this square, we get a difference of 1, which
>    is the square of itself. This means that N has been expressed as the
>    difference of two squares. As we learned in high school, x{2}-y{2} =
>    (x-y)(x+y), and so we obtain the two factors.
>    Fermat's method works whenever the ratio of the factors is close to an
>    integer. (Note that the ratio is close to 1 in the above discussion.)
>    This attack, as cryptographers call methods used to break a cipher,
>    has to be guarded against in generating the modulus N.
>    Another guard is that neither (p + 1) and (q + 1) nor (p - 1) and (q -
>    1) should be made up of small prime factors. There are many other
>    guards of varying degrees of importance, but the entire area needs
>    consideration depending on the level of security required, and how
>    long the keys are meant to last.
>    The basic idea behind LUC is that of providing an alternative to RSA
>    by substituting the calculation of Lucas functions for that of
>    exponentiation. While Lucas functions are somewhat more complex
>    mathematically than exponentiation, they produce superior ciphers.
>    This substitution process can be done with systems other than the RSA.
>    Among these are the Hellman-Diffie-Merkle key exchange system (U.S.
>    Patent number 4,200,770), the El Gamal public-key cryptosystem, the El
>    Gamal digital signature, and the recently proposed Digital Signature
>    Standard (DSS), all of which use exponentiation.
>    The nonmultiplicative aspect of Lucas functions carries over, allowing
>    us to produce alternatives to all these. In the case of the DSS, Lucas
>    functions allow us to dispense with the one-way hashing cited (but not
>    specified) in the draft standard.
>    A New Zealand consortium has been set up to develop and license
>    systems based on LUC, which is protected by a provisional patent. For
>    more information, contact me or Horace R. Moore, 101 E. Bonita, Sierra
>    Madre, California 91024.
> References
>    Athanasiou, Tom. "Encryption Technology, Privacy, and National
>    Security." MIT Technology Review (August/September, 1986).
>    Diffie, W. and M.E. Hellman. "New Directions in Cryptography." IEEE
>    Transactions on Information Theory (November, 1976).
>    El Gamal, Taher. "A Public Key Cryptosystem and a Signature Scheme
>    Based on Discrete Logarithms." IEEE Transactions on Information Theory
>    (July, 1985).
>    Gauss, C.F. "Disquisitiones Arithmeticae," Article 329.
>    Goldwasser, S., S. Micali, and R. Rivest. "A Digital Signature Scheme
>    Secure Against Adaptive Chosen Message Attack." SIAM J. COMPUT (April,
>    1988).
>    Kaliski, Burton S., Jr. "Multiple-precision Arithmetic in C." Dr.
>    Dobb's Journal (August, 1992).
>    Knuth, D.E. The Art of Computer Programming: Volume II: Semi-Numerical
>    Algorithms, second edition. Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley, 1981.
>    Schneier, Bruce. "Untangling Public Key Cryptography." Dr. Dobb's
>    Journal (May, 1992).
>    Williams, H.C. "A p + 1 method of factoring." Mathematics of
>    Computation (vol. 39, 1982).
> How the Lucas Alternative Works
>    As with RSA encryption, use of the Lucas alternative involves two
>    public keys: N and e. The number N is assumed to be the product of two
>    large (odd) prime numbers, p and q. Encryption and decryption of a
>    message is achieved using Lucas sequences, which may be defined as
>    shown in Example 1. Note that P and Q are integers.
>    If a message P is to be sent, it is encoded as the residue P1 modulo N
>    of the eth term of the Lucas sequence V[n](P,1), and then transmitted.
>    The receiver uses a secret key d (based on the prime factorization of
>    N) to decode the received message P1, by taking the residue modulo N
>    of the dth term of the Lucas sequence V[n](P1,1). The secret key d is
>    determined so that V[d](V[e](P,1),1) = P modulo N, ensuring the
>    decryption of the received message P1 as P. The existence of such a
>    key d is based on the following theorem.
> Theorem
>    Suppose N is any odd positive integer, and P is any positive integer,
>    such as P{2}-4 is coprime to N. If r is the Lehmer totient function of
>    N with respect to D = P{2}-4 (see Example 2), then V[mr+1](P,1)=P
>    modulo N for every positive integer m. The condition that P{2}-4 be
>    coprime to N is easily checked, as P{2}-4=(P+2)(P-2). Also, because
>    V[d](V[e](P,1),1)=V[de](P,1), according to Example 4(e), the key d may
>    simply be chosen so that de=1 modulo r.
> The Lehmer Totient Function
>    Suppose P and Q are integers, and a and b are the zeros of X{2}-Px+Q
>    (so that P = a+b while Q = ab). Also, let D be the discriminant of
>    x{2}-Px+Q. That is, D = P{2}-4Q = (a-b){2}.
>    The Lucas sequences U[n] = U[n] (P,Q) and V[n] = V[n] (P,Q) are
>    defined for n = 0,1,2, and so on by the equation in Example3.
>    In particular, U[0] = 0, U[1] = 1, and then U[n+1] = PU[n] - QU[n-1]
>    (for n = 1,2,3,...), while V[0] = 2, V[1] = P, and similarly V[n+1]=
>    PV[n]-QV[n-1] (for n = 1,2,3,...). These sequences satisfy a number of
>    identities, including the following which may be simply obtained from
>    the definitions in Example 4.
>    Next, suppose N is any positive integer, and let r be the Lehmer
>    totient function of N with respect to D = P{2}-4Q, defined the same
>    way as in the statement of the theorem. In the special case where N is
>    an odd prime p, the Lehmer totient function of p with respect to D is
>    the number given by the equation in Example 5(a). In this case, the
>    Lucas-Lehmer theorem states that if p does not divide Q then the
>    equation in Example 5(b) holds true.
> Example of LUC
>    Let N = pxq = 1949x2089=4071461, and P = 11111, which equals the
>    message to encrypt/decrypt. The public keys will be e and N; the
>    private key will be d. First, calculate r, the Lehmer totient function
>    of P with respect to N. To do this we need to calculate the Legendre
>    of p and q. Let D = p{2}-4; then (D/1949) =-1 and (D/2089)=-1 are the
>    two Legendre values. Hence r is the least common multiple of 1949 + 1
>    and 2089 + 1; see Example 6(a). Choosing e = 1103 for our public key,
>    we use the Extended Euclidean Algorithm to find the secret key d, by
>    solving the modular equation ed = 1 mod r. d turns out to equal 24017.
>    To encrypt the message 11111, we make the calculation shown in Example
>    6(b). To decrypt the encrypted message, we calculate as in Example
>    6(c). --P.S.
> by Peter Smith
> { To calculate Ve(P,1) modulo N }
>  Procedure LUCcalc;
>  {Initialise}
>  D := P*P - 4; ut := 1; vt := P; u := ut; v := vt;
>  If not odd(e) then BEGIN u := 0; v := 2; END;
>  e := e div 2;
>  {Start main}
>  While e > 0 do
>    BEGIN
>    ut := ut*vt mod N; vt := vt*vt mod N;
>    If vt < 3 then vt := vt + N;
>    vt := vt - 2;
>    If odd(e) then
>      BEGIN
>      c := (ut*v + u*vt) mod N;
>      v := (vt*v + D*u*ut) mod N;
>      If odd(v) then v := v + N; v := v/2;
>      If odd(c) then c := c + N; u := c/2;
>      END;
>    e := e div 2;
>    END;
>  END;    {LUCcalc}
> { The required result is the value of v.}
> Pseudocode for calculating Lucas Functions
> Procedure wiluc  {   V = V(M) Mod N, the Mth Lucas number(P,1) }
> Var
>                     V,Vb,P,Vf,N,M,NP, Vd, Vf : LargeInteger ;
>                     carry, high_bit_set      : boolean ;
>                     bz                        : word ;
>   Va := 2 ;   { V[0] }  Vb = P ;   { V[1] }
>   NP := N - P; bz := bits(M) -1 ; { test bits from high bit downwards }
>   For j := 1 to bz do
>       BEGIN
>       Vc := Vb * Vb; Vf = Vc ; If Vf < 2 then Vf := Vf + N
>       Vf := Vf - 2; Vd := Va * Vb
>       {  Vc := V, Vd := V*Vb, Vf := V-2}
>      If high_bit_set Then
>           BEGIN
>           Vb := P * Vc; If Vb < Vd then Vb := Vb + N; Vb := Vb - Vd;
>           If Vb < P then Vb := Vb + N; Vb := Vb - P; Va := Vf
>           END ;
>      Else BEGIN { "even" ie high bit not set }
>           Va := Vd; If Va < P then Va := Va + N; Va := Va - P;
>           Vb := Vf;
>           END ;
>      High_bit_set := next_bit_down(M);
>      {This boolean function determines the setting of the next bit down}
>      Va := Va Mod N; Vb := Vb Mod N
>      END ; { for j to bz }
> END ; {wiluc}
> { Pseudocode for splitting decryption/signing over p and q
>   (N = p*q) }
> Procedure hafluc ( var s,p,q,m,e : LargeInteger ; qix : word ) ;
> var                            ep,emq,
>                                temp,pi,qi,
>                                b,n,pa,qa : LargeInteger ;
> { This procedure applies only to decipherment and signing, where the primes
>   making up the modulus N ( = p * q) are known (or can be easily deduced,
>   since both keys are known). Applying it allows us to halve the amount of
>   work. Encipherment is usually done with a small key - standard is 65537. }
>   Begin
>   Qpr (pa,qa,p,q,m,qix ) ; {} {assumes qix already calculated }
>   ep  = e ;              ep  = ep  Mod pa
>   emq = e ;   emq  = emq Mod qa
>   mp  = m ;    mp  = mp Mod p
>   mq  = m ;    mq  = mq Mod q
>   wiluc(q2,mq,emq,q) ;        wiluc(p2,mp,ep,p) ;
>   if p2 < q2 then
>       Begin
>       temp = q         q  = p    p  = temp
>       temp = q2        q2 = p2   p2 = temp
>       End ;
>   temp = p2   temp = temp - q2
>   n = p * q
> { Solve with Extended Euclidean algorithm qi = 1/q Mod p. The algorithm
> for the Extended Euclidean calculation can be found in Knuth. }
>   r = temp * p
>   r = r mod N
>   s = r * qi
>   s = s Mod n
>   s = s + p2
> End ; { hafluc }
> Procedure SignVerify ;
>   Begin
>   h4 = 4
>   p = large prime...
>   q = large prime...
>   n = p * q
>   bz := bits(n) ;
>     {write(cf,'  generate 4 keysets (d,e)  for p1,q1') ;}
> {
>       qix table for T[qix]
>      Convention for qix
>  This calculation is explained below.
>    Lehmer totient      qix   Legendre values for p  and   q
>    i.e. T[qix] = LCM
>    (p - 1),(q - 1)     1                         1        1
>    (p - 1),(q + 1)     2                         1       -1
>    (p + 1),(q - 1)     3                        -1        1
>    (p + 1),(q + 1)     4                        -1       -1
>     e = encryption key,  small prime eg 65537
>     mu = message as large integer less than n
>     Solve e * d[qix] = 1 Mod T[qix] using Extended Euclidean Algorithm
>     where T[qix] is lcm(p1,q1), the Lehmer totient function of N
>     with repect to mu, according to the above table.
>     This gives 4 possible values of d, the decryption/signing key.
>     The particular value used depends on the message mu, as follows:
>     Let D = mu2 - 4. Calculate the Legendre values of D with respect to
>     both p and q. This value is -1 if D is a quadratic non-residue of
>     p (or q), and equal to 1 if D is a quadratic residue of p (or q).
>     N.B. This part is the most difficult part of LUC! Take care.
>     Signing (Deciphering):
>     hafluc (a,pu,qu,mu,d,qix)
>     Verifying (Enciphering):
>     Use Wiluc.
> End.
> Algorithm D in 32-bit Intel assmbler
> Author: Christopher T. Skinner
> Short version of Mod32.Txt with scalings just as comments
>                Modulus routine for Large Integers
>                         u = u Mod v
> Based on:
> D.E.Knuth  The Art of Computer Programming
>            Vol 2 Semi-Numerical Algorithms 2ed 1981
>            Algorithm D page 257
> We use a Pascal Type called "har" ( for "hexadecimal array")
> Type
>             har = Array[0..255] of byte ;
> Var         u,v : har ;
> Note that u[0] is the length of u and that the
> integer begins in u[1]
> It is desirable that u[1] is on a double word boundary.
> ; Turbo Pascal Usage:      ( Turbo Pascal v6.0)
> ; {$L Mod32a}   { contains mod32 far }
> ; {$F+}   { far pointers }
> ; procedure Mod32 ( var u,v : har ) ;
> ; Turbo Assembler code: (TASM v2.01)--requires 32-bit chip ie 386 or 486
> ; nb FS and GS can be used as temporary storage. Don't try to use them as
> ; segment registers because Windows 3.0 restricts their allowed range, even
> ; after you have finished out of Windows. You will hang for sure, unless you
> ; have used a well-behaved protected-mode program to reset them, or cold boot.
> Data    Segment Word Public Use16
>     vdz     dw ?        ; size  v    words
>     va  dd ?            ;     hi dword v
>     vb  dd ?            ; 2nd     "    v
>     vi  dw ?        ; ^v[1]
>         savdi   dw ?            ; used in addback
> Data    EndS
> Code    Segment Word Public  Use16
>     Assume  cs:Code, ds:Data ,es:Nothing
>         Public  mod32
> ; Pascal Parameters:
> u   Equ DWord Ptr ss:[bp+10]      ; Parameter 1 of 2   (far)
> v       Equ DWord Ptr ss:[bp+ 6]      ; parameter 2 of 2
> uof     equ word ptr  ss:[bp+10]
> vinof   equ word ptr  ss:[bp+ 6]
> mod32   Proc    far
>     push bp
>     mov  bp,sp
>         push di
>         push si
>         push ds          ; save the DS
>         ; Before using Mod32 check that:
>         ;     v > 0
>         ;     v < u         u <= 125 words
>         ;     v[0] is a multiple of 4   and at least 8
>         ;     v[top] >= 80h           (may need to scale u & v)
>         ;     make u[0] = 0 Mod 4     (add 1..3 if required)
> domod:
>         ; now point to our v
>         mov ax,seg v
>         mov ds,ax
>         assume ds:Data
>         mov si, offset v
>         cld
>         assume es:Nothing
>     xor ah,ah
>     mov al,es:[di]   ; ax = size of u in bytes    "uz"
>     mov cx,ax        ; cx = uz
>     mov bx,ax        ; bx = uz
>     mov al,[si]
>     mov dx,ax    ; dx  = size v bytes
>     shr ax,2
>     mov vdz,ax   ; vdz    "     dwords   vz = 0 mod 4
>     sub bx,dx        ; bx = uz - vz  difference in bytes
>     mov ax,bx        ; ax = uz - vz
>     sub ax,3     ; ax = uz - vz - 3     ->  gs
>     sub cx,3     ; cx =  uz - 3
>     add cx,di        ; cx = ^top dword u
>     add ax,di
>     mov gs,ax    ; gs = ^(uz-vz-3)  u start   (by -4  down to 1)
>         inc di
>         mov fs,di    ; fs = uf = ^u[1] , end point
>     inc si
>     mov vi,si    ; vi = ^v[1]
>     add si,dx
>     mov eax,[si-4]
>     mov va,eax   ;  va = high word of v
>     mov eax,[si-8]
>     mov vb,eax       ;  vb = 2nd highest word v
>     mov di,cx    ; set di to ut , as at bottom of loop
> d3:
>     mov edx,es:[di]  ; dx is current high dword of u
>     sub di,4
>         mov eax,es:[di]  ; ax is current 2nd highest dword of u
>     mov ecx,va
>     cmp edx,ecx
>     jae  aa          ; if high word u is 0 , never greater than
>     div ecx      ;          mov ebx,eax
>         mov esi,edx  ; si = rh
>     jmp short ad     ; Normal route -- -- -- -- -->
> aa:     mov eax,0FFFFFFFFh
>     mov edx,es:[di]  ; 2nd highest wrd u
>     jmp short ac
> ab: mov eax,ebx      ; q2
>     dec eax
>     mov edx,esi      ;  rh
> ac: mov ebx,eax      ; q3
>     add edx,ecx
>     jc d4        ; Knuth tests overflow,
>     mov esi,edx
> ; normal route:
>  ad:
>         mul vb       ; Quotient by 2nd digit of divisor
>     cmp edx,esi  ; high word of product : remainder
>     jb  d4           ; no correction to quot, drop thru to mulsub
>         ja  ab           ; nb unsigned use ja/b not jg/l
>     cmp eax,es:[di-4] ; low word of product : 3rd high of u
>     ja  ab
> d4:          ; Multiply & subtract * * * * * * *
>     mov cx,gs
>     mov di,cx    ; low start pos in u for subtraction of q * v
>         sub cx,4
>         mov gs,cx
>         xor ecx,ecx
>     Mov  cx,vdz  ; word count for q * v
>         mov  si,vi   ; si points to v[1]
>         xor ebp,ebp      ; carry 14Oct90 bp had problems in mu-lp
>         even
> ;    ** ** ** ** **  **  **  **
> ba:     lodsd        ; eax <- ds[si]
>     mul ebx      ; dx:ax contains product   carry set if dx > 0
>         add eax,ebp
>         adc edx,0
>     sub es:[di],eax
>         adc edx,0
>         mov ebp,edx
>         add di,4
>     loop ba      ; dec cx , jmp if not 0
> ; .. .. .. . .. .. . .. .. . .. . . ..
>         sub es:[di],edx
>         jnc d7
>     mov si,vi    ;  add back (rare)
>         mov savdi,di
>     mov di,gs
>         add di,4
>     clc
>     mov cx,vdz
> bb:     lodsd        ; eax = ds[si]   si + 2
>     adc es:[di],eax
>         inc di
>         inc di
>         inc di
>         inc di
>         loop bb
>         xor eax,eax
>         mov es:[di],eax
>         mov di,savdi
>         ; test with:
>         ; 1,00000000,00000000,00000001/ 80000000,00000000,00000001
> d7:
>     mov bx,fs     ; fs ^u[1]
>         mov ax,gs     ; gs = current u start position
>     cmp ax,bx     ; current - bottom
>     jb d8
>         sub di,4
>     jmp d3
> d8:
> ; here we would scale u down if it had been scaled up
> quex:                 ; quick exit if v < u
>         cld              ; just in case
>         pop ds
>         pop si
>         pop di
>         pop bp
>     ret 8       ; 2 pointers = 4 words = 8 bytes
> mod32   EndP        ;
> Code    Ends
>     End
> Algorithm D in 16-bit Intel assembler
> Author: Christopher T. Skinner
>    mod16.txt 21 Au8 92     16 bit modulus
> ; divm  Modulus
> Data    Segment Word Public
>     vwz     dw ?        ; size  v    words
>     va  dw ?            ;     hi word v
>     vb  dw ?            ; 2nd    "    v
>     vi  dw ?        ; ^v[1]
>     uf  dw ?        ; ^u[3]
>     uz  dw ?            ; size u byte
>     vz  dw ?             ;   "   v  "
>     ua      dw ?        ; ^( u[0] + uz - vz -1 ) , mul sub start
>     ut  dw ?            ; ^ u[topword]
>     qh      dw ?
>     uzofs   dw ?        ; ttt
>     vzofs   dw ?        ; ttt
> Data    EndS
> Code    Segment Word Public
>     Assume  cs:Code, ds:Data
>         Public  diva
> u   Equ DWord Ptr [bp+10]       ; ES:DI
> v       Equ DWord Ptr [bp+6]        ; DS:SI
>     ; NB v Must be Global, DS based...
> diva    Proc    far
>     push bp
>     mov  bp,sp
>         push ds
>     cld     ; increment lodsw in mulsub
>     lds si,v
>         les di,u
>     xor ah,ah
>     mov al,es:[di]  ; ax = uz size of u in bytes N.B. uz is not actually used
>     mov cx,ax       ; cx = uz
>     mov bx,ax       ; bx = uz
>     mov al,ds:[si]
>     mov dx,ax   ; dx  = size v bytes
>     shr ax,1
>     mov vwz,ax  ; vwz    "     words
>     sub bx,dx       ; bx = uz - vz  difference in bytes
>     mov ax,bx       ; ax = uz - vz
>     dec ax      ; ax = uz - vz - 1     ->  ua
>     dec cx      ; cx =  uz - 1
>     add cx,di       ; cx = ^top word u
>     mov ut,cx   ; ut = ^top word u
>     add ax,di
>     mov ua,ax   ; ua = ^(uz-vz-1)  u start   (by -2  down to 1)
>         inc di
>     mov uf,di   ; uf = ^u[1] , end point
>     inc si
>     mov vi,si   ; vi = ^v[1]
>     add si,dx
>     mov ax,ds:[si-2]
>     mov va,ax   ;  va = high word of v
>     mov ax,ds:[si-4]
>     mov vb,ax       ;  vb = 2nd highest word v
>     mov di,cx   ; set di to ut , as at bottom of loop
> d3:
>     mov dx,es:[di]          ; dx is current high word of u
>     dec di
>     dec di
>     mov ut,di
>         mov ax,es:[di]        ; ax is current 2nd highest word of u
>     mov cx,va
>     cmp dx,cx
>     jae  aa   ;if high word u is 0 , never greater than
>     div cx          ;
>         mov qh,ax
>         mov si,dx       ; si = rh
>     jmp ad          ; Normal route -- -- -- -- -->
> aa:     mov ax,0FFFFh
>     mov dx,es:[di]      ; 2nd highest wrd u
>     jmp ac
> ab: mov ax,qh
>     dec ax
>     mov dx,si       ;  rh
> ac: mov qh,ax
>     add dx,cx
>     jc d4           ; Knuth tests overflow,
>     mov si,dx
> ad:     mul vb          ; Quotient by 2nd digit of divisor
>     cmp dx,si       ; high word of product : remainder
>     jb  d4          ; no correction to quot, drop thru to mulsub
>         ja  ab          ; nb unsigned use ja/b not jg/l
>     cmp ax,es:[di-2]    ; low word of product : 3rd high of u
>     ja  ab
> d4:         ; Multiply & subtract * * * * * * *
>     mov bx,ua
>     mov di,bx   ; low start pos in u for subtraction of q * v
>     dec bx
>     dec bx      ;
>     mov ua,bx
>     Mov  cx,vwz ; word count for q * v
>         mov  si,vi  ; si points to v[1]
>     mov bx,qh
>         xor bp,bp
> ;    ** ** ** ** **  **  **  **
> ba:     lodsw       ; ax <- ds[si]   si + 2  preserve carry over mul ?
>     mul bx      ; dx:ax contains product   carry set if dx > 0
>     add dx,bp
>         xor bp,bp
>     sub es:[di],ax
>     inc di
>     inc di
>     sbb es:[di],dx
>     rcl bp,1
>     loop ba     ; dec cx , jmp if not 0
> ; .. .. .. . .. .. . .. .. . .. . . ..
>         rcr bp,1
>         jnc d7
>     mov si,vi   ;  add back (rare)
>     mov di,ua
>        inc di
>     inc di
>     clc
>     mov cx,vwz
> bb:    lodsw        ; ax = ds[si]   si + 2
>     adc es:[di],ax
>     inc di
>     inc di
>     loop bb
>     mov cx,ut
>     add cx,4
>     sub cx,di
>     shr cx,1        ; word length of u
> bc:    mov Word Ptr es:[di],0
>        inc di
>     inc di
>        loop bc  ;
>     dec di      ;
>     dec di      ;
>     clc
> d7:
>     mov ax,uf
>     cmp ua,ax
>     jb d8
>     dec di      ; New these are suspicious, with an add back and a
>     dec di      ; New
>     jmp d3
> d8:
>              cld   ; just in case
>        pop ds
>     pop bp
>     ret 8       ; 2 pointers = 4 words = 8 bytes ???
> diva    EndP        ;
> Code    Ends
>     End
>      _________________________________________________________________
>    Copyright &copy; 1998, Dr. Dobb's Journal
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