1998-11-10 - RE: NSA Threatens To “OUT” Republicans Over Hubbell Investigation

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From: Mark Hedges <hedges@infonex.com>
To: “Cypherpunks (E-mail)” <cypherpunks@cyberpass.net>
Message Hash: e1515a20e02ffd58a90291d941b5d1aca59b5f666f2ad642d24e781894323fcf
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Reply To: <5F152E6E8E6FD21195DF00104B2425AD02B277@yarrowbay.chaffeyhomes.com>
UTC Datetime: 1998-11-10 07:36:49 UTC
Raw Date: Tue, 10 Nov 1998 15:36:49 +0800

Raw message

From: Mark Hedges <hedges@infonex.com>
Date: Tue, 10 Nov 1998 15:36:49 +0800
To: "Cypherpunks (E-mail)" <cypherpunks@cyberpass.net>
Subject: RE: NSA Threatens To "OUT" Republicans Over Hubbell Investigation
In-Reply-To: <5F152E6E8E6FD21195DF00104B2425AD02B277@yarrowbay.chaffeyhomes.com>
Message-ID: <Pine.SOL.3.96.981109230545.12771B-100000@sirius.infonex.com>
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain

On Mon, 9 Nov 1998, Matthew James Gering wrote:
>Yes, I assumed as much. But it is electronic circuits that are EMP/nuclear
>hardened, not the "encryption technology." We have a populace that doesn't
>understand what cryptography is, such reckless statements don't help,
>especially putting nuclear and encryption in the same sentence.

But what a fab marketing campaign, the nuclear-hardened bozz-bangle
mind-fuzzer, for those people who don't understand. But it keeps them
listening, in addition to being extremely informative for them which do.

How'd'ya make a nuclear-hardened circuit, Tim?

