Robert Rothenburg Walking-Owl <> (31 posts)

Be aware that many list participants used multiple email addresses over their time active on the list. As such this page may not contain all threads available.


Re: Frothing remailers - an immodest proposal

VoicePGP cracked in 10 minutes?…

What’s with

Fundamental Question?

Clipper Revived?


How much entropy in a key press?

Remailer Unreliability

Adding padding to PGP files

Re: The FIREWALL CHIP. U’re phone always offhook?

Wired Institutes PGP Usage For Subscriptions….

Excerpts of signed messages

dna ink

MD5 coding

Re: Effects of S.314 (Communications Decency Act)

Re: Effects of S.314 (Communications Decency Act)

Not necessarily crypto but scary anyway…

Re: The drumbeat against anonymity continues….

why pgp sucks

Four Horsemen of the Infopocalypse?

law vs technology

Re: Not necessarily crypto but scary anyway…

Factoring - State of the Art and Predictions

bill alert…

CNN (fwd) Communications (In)Decency Act?

EPIC to Debate Exon on CNN