Wei Dai <weidai@eskimo.com> (127 posts)

Be aware that many list participants used multiple email addresses over their time active on the list. As such this page may not contain all threads available.


A Fire Upon the Deep

Re: Latency Costs of Anonymity

Re: Vinge’s True Email name ?

Re: Latency, bandwidth, and anonymity

analysis of RemailerNet

time stamping service (again)

Re: The Remailer Crisis

traffic analyzing Chaum’s digital mix

Re: traffic analyzing Chaum’s digital mix

Re: traffic analyzing Chaum’s digital mix

analysis of Chaum’s MIX continued

Re: Remailer

Re: Reordering, not Latency (Was: Re: Remailer)

Traffic monitoring (Was: Reordering, not Latency)

Re: commercial authecation

a simple explanation of DC-Net

(dis)advantages of DC-Net vs remailers

a new way to do anonymity

RE: a new way to do anonymity

RE: a new way to do anonymity

RE: a new way to do anonymity

law vs technology

Re: Is Cyberspace Rich Enough?

Re: Is Cyberspace Rich Enough?

fast modular reduction

question about reputation

subjective names and MITM

Certificate proposal

Re: Certificates, Attributes, Web of Trust

anonymous cash without blinding

Java idea

transaction costs in anonymous markets

Encrypted TCP Tunneler

Re: How can e-cash, even on-line cleared, protect payee identity?

idle CPU markets

Rivest on the Design of RC4

Crypto++ 1.1

/dev/random - using up entropy?

Diffie-Hellman in GF(2^n)?

Re: Diffie-Hellman in GF(2^n)?

primality code

towards a theory of reputation

Re: towards a theory of reputation

generating provable primes

Re: Elliptic curves, current status?

Re: Elliptic curves, patent status?

Re: Meeting notes from ANSI X.9 Meeting on Electronic Payment

Re: Geodesic Payment Systems? (was Re: Meeting notes from ANSI X.9Meeting on Electronic Payment)

wish list for Crypto++?

Re: What ever happened to… Cray Comp/NSA co-development

Reputation capital: FIBS case study

NSA says strong crypto to china??

Re: HAVAL (was Re: crypto benchmarks)

Revisitting Blum-Macali “digital signatures”

Disperse/Collect version 1.0

Crypto++ 2.0 beta

ANNOUNCE: Crypto++ 2.0

Re: “and two forms of ID”

Java questions

PGP Crack???

e$ seigniorage (and is this the cost of untracability?)

Re: the cost of untracability?

carrick, Blowfish & the NSA

Re: why compression doesn’t perfectly even out entropy

Re: Golden Key Campaign


[LONG] Churchill Club: 20th Anniversary PK Crypto

Re: no-cost DH?

The Joy of Java

Crypto++ 2.1

RE: Why does the state still stand:

Re: anonymous companies

Re: Why does the state still stand:

encrypted open books

holographic remailing & the scientologists

Re: holographic remailing & the scientologists (fwd)

Re: Java

Re: Contracts, Responsibilities, and Drug-Dispensing

game theory

Elliptic Curve Y2 = x3 + a * x**2 + b

papers on anonymous protocols

Re: strengthening remailer protocols

what’s in a name?

what’s in a name?

“why privacy” revisited

Re: “why privacy” revisited

game theoretic analysis of junk mail

junk mail analysis, part 2

some arguments for privacy

anonymous credit

Re: FCPUNX:McVeigh

Eternity Uncensorable?

Re: Eternity Uncensorable?

sooner or later

encouraging digital pseudonyms

cypherpunks and guns

PipeNet description

Revenge on the Nerds -Maureen on a rampage

payment mix

Is spam really a problem?

PipeNet 1.1 and b-money

eternity using politics rather than economics

Wei Dei’s “b-money” protocol