1996-09-11 - Re: Hacking Mobil Telephone System ?

Header Data

From: Roger Williams <roger@coelacanth.com>
To: “Mark O. Aldrich” <maldrich@grci.com>
Message Hash: 7387650338ea7bfcb04b64ce4b91c42c0af64f7d7e3dc3c2fcaeca31027baf6d
Message ID: <rogerk9u0zvgo.fsf@sturgeon.coelacanth.com>
Reply To: <Pine.SCO.3.93.960911111553.16740A-100000@grctechs.va.grci.com>
UTC Datetime: 1996-09-11 22:16:02 UTC
Raw Date: Thu, 12 Sep 1996 06:16:02 +0800

Raw message

From: Roger Williams <roger@coelacanth.com>
Date: Thu, 12 Sep 1996 06:16:02 +0800
To: "Mark O. Aldrich" <maldrich@grci.com>
Subject: Re: Hacking Mobil Telephone System ?
In-Reply-To: <Pine.SCO.3.93.960911111553.16740A-100000@grctechs.va.grci.com>
Message-ID: <rogerk9u0zvgo.fsf@sturgeon.coelacanth.com>
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain

>>>>> Mark O Aldrich <maldrich@grci.com> writes:
  > On Wed, 11 Sep 1996, Stephan Schmidt wrote:

  >> If a hacker is able to phone using the number
  >> 0171 / 3 28 99 66 in Germany with a hacked code,
  >> the company will pay 100.000 DM (~65.000$) to a non
  >> profit organisation of the hackers choice.

  > ... I'd also expect to get paid a hell of
  > a lot more than $65 for doing a penetration test on their network.  Sixty
  > five bucks won't even pay the per diem, none the less a reasonable wage.

Um, that's 65 *thousand* bucks, which should pay the per diem for a
week or so... ;-)

Roger Williams                         finger me for my PGP public key
Coelacanth Engineering        consulting & turnkey product development
Middleborough, MA           wireless * DSP-based instrumentation * ATE
tel +1 508 947-8049 * fax +1 508 947-9118 * http://www.coelacanth.com/
