1992-11-26 - Re: Electronic Banking

Header Data

From: tony@morgan.demon.co.uk (Tony Kidson)
To: cypherpunks@toad.com
Message Hash: a161b751ea800a1b59f70b31d2d7c0dbf3fa5edcca9e88fb651007b342c46f92
Message ID: <782@morgan.demon.co.uk>
Reply To: N/A
UTC Datetime: 1992-11-26 09:30:46 UTC
Raw Date: Thu, 26 Nov 92 01:30:46 PST

Raw message

From: tony@morgan.demon.co.uk (Tony Kidson)
Date: Thu, 26 Nov 92 01:30:46 PST
To: cypherpunks@toad.com
Subject: Re: Electronic Banking
Message-ID: <782@morgan.demon.co.uk>
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain

In message <9211252219.AA00550@netcom.netcom.com> you write:
> Warning! Recently, a bunch of bowlers (women, no less) were busted for
> illegal gambling because of their "pot" they were bowling for. After
> much public outcry and laughter at the authorities, the charges were
> either dropped or reduced. I mention this because casual bowlers evoke
> sympathy, hackers and cypherpunks do not.

Using the net, the 'banker' could easily be 'offshore' and not 
subject to US law in these matters. After all the internet 
reaches into Canada and obviously (from my point of view) to the 
UK.  I think a more real problem with anonymous banking, is not 
one of 'trust' in the 'banker' but in his net access. What do you 
do when your banker, for whatever reason, becomes unreachable?


| Tony Kidson     |`morgan' is an 8MB  486/33 Cat-| Voice +44 81 466 5127    | 
| Morgan Towers,  |Warmer with a 670 MB Hard Disk.| E-Mail                   |      
| Morgan Road,    |It  resides at Morgan Towers in| tony@morgan.demon.co.uk  |
| Bromley,        |Beautiful  Down Town  Bromley. | tny@cix.compulink.co.uk  |
| England BR1 3QE |            -=<*>=-            | 100024.301@compuserve.com|
