1993-03-19 - Re: CYPHER: Problems with pgp2.2 ELM scripts?

Header Data

From: J. Michael Diehl <mdiehl@triton.unm.edu>
To: R.Tait@bnr.co.uk
Message Hash: 2149cfd30acdbd4947f18b5ae2c5429a7970c5a3e90f39f2c45136bc5d0d5e59
Message ID: <9303192136.AA11513@triton.unm.edu>
Reply To: <199303181729.20139@bnsgs200.bnr.co.uk>
UTC Datetime: 1993-03-19 21:38:18 UTC
Raw Date: Fri, 19 Mar 93 13:38:18 PST

Raw message

From: J. Michael Diehl <mdiehl@triton.unm.edu>
Date: Fri, 19 Mar 93 13:38:18 PST
To: R.Tait@bnr.co.uk
Subject: Re: CYPHER: Problems with pgp2.2 ELM scripts?
In-Reply-To: <199303181729.20139@bnsgs200.bnr.co.uk>
Message-ID: <9303192136.AA11513@triton.unm.edu>
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain

> Hi all,
> Has anyone apart from me experienced problems with Vesselin's perl
> scripts for ELM that came bundled with pgp2.2? I'm running ELM 2.4 pl21,
> on a Sparc IPX, and basically, sometimes morepgp works, and sometimes
> it doesn't. mailpgp is proving fine. 

I am too.  When I try to read my mail w/ elm, I get a (long!) pause then
the message:

Bad flag -S

And the program bugs out.

> Now, I'm no perl wiz, so I can't really dive in and fix it, nor am I
> asking for someone to fix it (unless they want to), but it would be nice
> to know that it's just not my utter ineptitude...  ;=)

Then we're both inept. ;^)

| J. Michael Diehl ;-) |  I thought I was wrong once.  But, I was mistaken. |
|                      +----------------------------------------------------+
| mdiehl@triton.unm.edu| "I'm just looking for the opportunity to be        |
| Thunder@forum        |            Politically Incorrect!                  |
| (505) 299-2282       |                        <me>                        |
