1993-03-12 - Tagging data to detect thieves

Header Data

From: Hal <74076.1041@CompuServe.COM>
To: <cypherpunks@toad.com>
Message Hash: d0cdf37862a08eb320259be895a22b43cc11338e103c962cce2ed409ec5b4eaa
Message ID: <93031207521174076.1041_DHJ35-1@CompuServe.COM>
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UTC Datetime: 1993-03-12 07:56:36 UTC
Raw Date: Thu, 11 Mar 93 23:56:36 PST

Raw message

From: Hal <74076.1041@CompuServe.COM>
Date: Thu, 11 Mar 93 23:56:36 PST
To: <cypherpunks@toad.com>
Subject: Tagging data to detect thieves
Message-ID: <930312075211_74076.1041_DHJ35-1@CompuServe.COM>
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain

Mark Ringuette asks about schemes to detect which copies of some 
proprietary information were used to resell the data.
I recall reading a paper on this in the proceedings of one of the crypto 
conferences within the past several years.  Unfortunately, I don't have 
a more accurate reference handy.  The authors referred to this problem 
as "digital fingerprinting" (i.e. adding a "fingerprint" to each copy of 
a document).
As I recall, the idea was to twiddle bits in such a way that any subset 
of copies up to a specified size would have a certain number of 
identically twiddled bits.  The thiefs who cross-correlate 64 (or 
however many) copies will not know about the bit twiddles which were 
common to all 64 copies.  Their output will still contain those common 
bit-twiddles, and this information allows the thiefs to be caught.  The 
paper shows a formula for the number of possible bit-twiddle-places and 
the number of bit-twiddles per copy needed, as a function of how many 
copies you are defending against the bad guys getting.  It was basically 
just a combinatorial/counting argument.
I do seem to recall that if the bad guys could get a lot of copies the 
number of bits needed grew exponentially.  I don't know whether 
defeating an attack with 64 copies was practical using this scheme.
Mark also asked about secret sharing.  The classic secret sharing paper 
is "How to Share a Secret"; I think it was by Shamir, in an old CACM 
from the 70's.  As I recall, he proposed encoding the data as a K-1 
degree polynomial in some modulus field.  Give each person a point on 
the polynomial.  K points are required to recover the polynomial.  I 
don't recall how the encoding of the data as a polynomial was to be 
done, but the author showed that K-1 points gives you no information 
about it.
