1993-04-22 - The Wiretap Chip and the reaction so far

Header Data

From: baumbach@atmel.com (Peter Baumbach)
To: cypherpunks@toad.com
Message Hash: 9b7a7ee46e3d78f6931d6935fa885228238a3533b774e6a4874099b54aa2b0bc
Message ID: <9304212342.AA00841@minnow.chp.atmel.com>
Reply To: N/A
UTC Datetime: 1993-04-22 00:00:53 UTC
Raw Date: Wed, 21 Apr 93 17:00:53 PDT

Raw message

From: baumbach@atmel.com (Peter Baumbach)
Date: Wed, 21 Apr 93 17:00:53 PDT
To: cypherpunks@toad.com
Subject: The Wiretap Chip and the reaction so far
Message-ID: <9304212342.AA00841@minnow.chp.atmel.com>
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain

I have been suprised at how wide the knowledge of the Wiretap Chip has
spread. (and how quickly!)  My mom even heard about it before I could
tell her.  Most of the people I've talked to don't like the idea of
the gov't having the keys.  These people came to this conlusion on their
own.  The sources of their information might be biasing their view. :-)
I heard a commentary on National Public Radio that was against it!

Keep up the fight.  It's not a loosing battle.

There is also a bright side to this battle.  Look at all the free publicity
that privacy has gotten.  Our gov't has given ground in the early rounds 
of the negotiation by stating there is a right to encryption.  They want to
completely control that right to encryption, and this we will fight and win.


I recommend telling people about the freedom and privacy gained in other
countries by their use of PGP.  Tell them that the secret police can no
longer spy on their citizens as effectively.

privacy == freedom
no privacy == tyranny

Peter Baumbach

Boycott the KGB chip
Boycott the IRS chip
