1993-04-12 - forward: cryptanalysis talk abstract

Header Data

From: david@staff.udc.upenn.edu (R. David Murray)
To: cypherpunks@toad.com
Message Hash: b2e42c12d62afc45c1b20438ed552010ea5887a8939c1a8cfa6bf5279bd3b03f
Message ID: <9304121808.AA14458@staff.udc.upenn.edu>
Reply To: N/A
UTC Datetime: 1993-04-12 18:10:31 UTC
Raw Date: Mon, 12 Apr 93 11:10:31 PDT

Raw message

From: david@staff.udc.upenn.edu (R. David Murray)
Date: Mon, 12 Apr 93 11:10:31 PDT
To: cypherpunks@toad.com
Subject: forward: cryptanalysis talk abstract
Message-ID: <9304121808.AA14458@staff.udc.upenn.edu>
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain

Thought people might find this abstract of a talk being given here at
Penn of some interest.  Please let me know if I'm wrong <grin>.
(And, no, I won't be attending; almost all of it would be over my head.
What is in this abstract is probably as much of it as I could understand
without considerable preparation <grin>).

In article <119753@netnews.upenn.edu>, holland@central.cis.upenn.edu (Billie Holland) writes:
> 	   Statistical Techniques for Language Recognition:
> 	An Introduction and Empirical Study for Cryptanalysts
> 			   Alan T. Sherman
> 		     Computer Science Department
> 	       University of Maryland Baltimore County
> In cryptanalysis, how can a computer program recognize when it has
> discovered all or part of the secret message?  For example, how can a
> program recognize character strings such as ``Attack at dawn!'',
> ``DES@RT ST\&RM'', or ``?tta????t d?wn'' as fragments of intelligible
> messages?  In the early days of cryptology a human would perform these
> language-recognition tasks manually.  In this talk I will explain how
> to recognize language automatically with statistical techniques.
> Statistical techniques provide powerful tools for solving several
> language-recognition problems that arise in cryptanalysis and other
> domains.  Language recognition is important in cryptanalysis because,
> among other applications, an exhaustive key search of any cryptosystem
> from ciphertext alone requires a test that recognizes valid plaintext.
> Although I will focus on cryptanalysis, this talk should be relevant
> to anyone interested in statistical inference on Markov chains or
> applied language recognition.
> Modeling language as a finite stationary Markov process, I will adapt
> a statistical model of pattern recognition to language recognition.
> Within this framework I will consider four well-defined
> language-recognition problems: 1) recognizing a known language, 2)
> distinguishing a known language from uniform noise, 3) distinguishing
> unknown 0th-order noise from unknown 1st-order language, and 4)
> detecting non-uniform unknown language.  For the second problem I will
> give a most powerful test based on the Neyman-Pearson Lemma.  For the
> other problems, which typically have no uniformly most powerful tests,
> I will give likelihood ratio tests.  I will also discuss the
> chi-squared test statistic $X^2$ and the Index of Coincidence $IC$.
> In addition, I will present the results of computer experiments that
> characterize the distributions of five test statistics when applied to
> strings of various lengths drawn from nine types of real and simulated
> English.
> This is joint work with Ravi Ganesan.  Most of this work was carried
> out while Sherman was a member of the Institute for Advanced Computer
> Studies, University of Maryland College Park.
> 			Thursday, 15 April 93
>                         TOWNE BUILDING - 337
> 			     3:00 - 4:30

david			david@staff.udc.upenn.edu
