1993-05-20 - Re: Encripted huffman-like compression

Header Data

From: Peter Wayner <pcw@access.digex.net>
To: stig@netcom.com
Message Hash: 0a44c10fdc8e809868a2d31a97f00e393e2b416b7dd90237994ac0ffa9510aac
Message ID: <199305201501.AA07930@access.digex.net>
Reply To: N/A
UTC Datetime: 1993-05-20 15:01:41 UTC
Raw Date: Thu, 20 May 93 08:01:41 PDT

Raw message

From: Peter Wayner <pcw@access.digex.net>
Date: Thu, 20 May 93 08:01:41 PDT
To: stig@netcom.com
Subject: Re:  Encripted huffman-like compression
Message-ID: <199305201501.AA07930@access.digex.net>
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain

I wrote something on this in Cryptologia several
years back. I believe it is the April Issue of 

It describes how to scramble the tree of the Huffman
compression to achieve more cryptographically useful
compression. Why is this necessary? Because people
often assume that compression removes many of the
redundancies of the language. Well, it only does this
in a theoretical sense. The patterns are still there.
If the Huffman encoding maps "T" to "01", "H" to "1001"
and "E" to "11", then the pattern "01100111" is going
to be very common in English text, but "10010111" is
going to much less common. 

-Peter Wayner
