From: (Paul Ferguson)
Message Hash: 54a37e2d2693d943b8db0791d03e3f9d900bbf1953e9e94e706696f5e95a2c94
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UTC Datetime: 1993-05-25 00:47:38 UTC
Raw Date: Mon, 24 May 93 17:47:38 PDT
From: (Paul Ferguson)
Date: Mon, 24 May 93 17:47:38 PDT
Subject: FOIA INFO 1/2
Message-ID: <>
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Phil Karn e-mailed me about posting dotted "i"s and crossed "t"
FOIA sample letters. These are perhaps the best that I've seen and
work well, however, I would suggest that takers have them notorozied
prior to sending them the agengies in question.
- --
Fund for Open Information and Accountability, Inc.
339 Lafayette Street, New York, NY 10012
(212) 477-3188
The Freedom of Information Act entitles you to request any
record maintained by a federal Executive branch agency. The
agency must release the requested material unless it falls into
one of nine exempt categories, such as "national security,"
"privacy," "confidential source" and the like, in which case the
agency may but is not compelled to refuse to disclose the
This kit contains all the material needed to make FOIA
requests for records on an individual, an organization or on a
particular subject matter or event.
Step 1: Select the appropriate sample letter. Fill in the
blanks in the body of the letter. Read the directions printed to
the right of each letter in conjunction with the following
For organizational files: In the first blank space insert
the full and formal name of the organization whose files you are
requesting. In the second blank space insert any other names,
acronyms or shortened forms by which the organization is or has
ever been known or referred to by itself or others. If some of
the organization's work is conducted by sub-groups such as clubs,
committees, special programs or through coalitions known by other
names, these should be listed.
For individual files: Insert the person's full name in the
first blank space and any variations in spelling, nicknames, stage
names, marriage names, titles and the like in the second blank
space. Unlike other requests, the signatures of an individual
requesting her/his own file must be notarized.
For subject matter or event files: In the first blank space
state the formal title of the subject matter or event including
relevant dates and locations. In the second blank space provide
the names of individuals or group sponsors or participants and/or
any other information that would assist the agency in locating
the material you are requesting.
Step 2: The completed sample letter may be removed,
photocopies and mailed as is or retyped on your own stationary.
Be sure to keep a copy of each letter.
Step 3: Addressing the letters: Consult list of agency
FBI: A complete request requires a minimum of two letters.
Sen done letter to FBI Headquarters and separate letter to each
FBI field office nearest the location of the individual, the
organization or the subject matter/event. Consider the location
of residences, schools, work and other activities.
INS: Send a request letter to each district office nearest
the location of the individual, the organization or the subject
Address each letter to the FOIA/PA office of the appropriate
agency. Be sure to make clearly on the envelope: ATTENTION--FOIA
You will notice that the sample letters include a request
for fee waiver. Many agencies automatically waive fees if a
request results in the release of only a small number of
documents, e.g. 250 pages or less. Under the Act, you are
entitled to a waiver of all search and copy fees associated with
your request if the release of the information would primarily
benefit the general public. However, in January 1983, the Justice
Department issued a memo to all federal agencies listing five
criteria which requesters must meet before they are deemed
entitled to a fee waiver. Under these criteria, a requester must
show that the material sought to be released is already the
subject of "genuine public interest" and "meaningfully
contributes to the public development or understanding of the
subject"; and that she/he has the qualifications to understand
and evaluate the materials and the ability to interpret and
disseminate the information to th public and is not motivated by
any "personal interest." Finally, if the requested information is
already "in the public domain," such as in the agency's reading
room, no fee waiver will be granted.
You should always request a waiver of fees if you believe
the information you are seeking will benefit the public. If your
request for a waiver is denied, you should appeal that denial,
citing the ways in which your request meets the standards set out
Customarily, you will receive a letter from each agency
within 10 days stating that your request has been received and is
being processed. You may be asked to be patient and told that
requests are handled cafeteria style. You have no alternative but
to be somewhat patient. but there is no reason to be complacent
and simply sit and wait.
A good strategy is to telephone the FOIA office in each
agency after about a month if nothing of substance has been
received. Ask for a progress report. The name of the person you
talk with and the gist of the conversation should be recorded.
try to take notes during the conversation focusing especially on
what is said by the agency official. Write down all the details
you can recall after the call is completed. Continue to call
every 4 to 6 weeks.
Good record keeping helps avoid time-consuming and
frustrating confusion. A looseleaf notebook with a section
devoted to each request simplifies this task. Intervening
correspondence to and from the agency can be inserted between the
notes on phone calls so that all relevant material will be at
hand for the various tasks: phone consultations, writing the
newsletter, correspondence, articles, preparation for media
appearances, congressional testimony or litigation, if that
course is adopted.
After each agency has searched and processed your request,
you will receive a letter that announces the outcome, encloses
the released documents, if any, and explains where to direct an
appeal if any material has been withheld. There are four possible
1. Request granted in full: This response indicates that
the agency has released all records pertinent to your request,
with no exclusions or withholdings. The documents may be enclosed
or, if bulky, may be mailed under separate cover. This is a very
rare outcome.
Next Step: Check documents for completeness (see
instructions below).
2. Requested granted in part and denied in part: This
response indicates that the agency is releasing some material but
has withheld some documents entirely or excised some passages
from the documents released. The released documents may be
enclosed or, if bulky, mailed under separate cover.
Next step: Check documents released for completeness (see
instructions below) and make an administrative appeal of denials
or incompleteness (see instructions below).
3. Request denied in full: This response indicates that
the agency is asserting that all material in its files pertaining
to your request falls under one or the nine FOIA exemptions.
These are categories of information that the agency may, at its
discretion, refuse to release.
Next step: Make an administrative appeal (see instructions
below). Since FOIA exemptions are not mandatory, even a complete
denial of your request can and should be appeals.
4. No records: This response will state that a search of
the agency's files indicates that it has no records corresponding
to those you requested.
Next step: Check your original request to be sure you have
not overlooked anything. If you receive documents from other
agencies, review them for indications that there is material in
the files of the agency claiming it has none. For example, look
for correspondence, or references to correspondence, to or from
that agency. If you determine that there are reasonable grounds,
file an administrative appeal (see instructions below).
Step 1: Before reading the documents, turn them over and
number the back of each page sequentially. The packet may contain
documents from the agency's headquarters as well as several field
office files. Separate the documents into their respective office
packets. Each of these offices will have assigned the
investigation a separate file number. Try to find the numbering
system. Usually the lower right hand corner of the first page
carries a hand-written file and document number. For instance, an
FBI document might be marked "100-7142-22". This would indicate
that it is the 22nd document in the 7142nd file in the 100
classification. As you inspect the documents, make a list of
these file numbers and which office they represent. In this way
you will be able to determine which office created and which
office received the document you have in your hand. Often there
is a block stamp affixed with the name of the office from whose
files this copy was retrieved. the "To/From" heading on a
document may also give you corresponding file numbers and will
help you puzzle out the origin of the document.
When you have finally identified each document's file and
serial number and separated the documents into their proper
office batches, make a list of all the serial numbers in each
batch to see if there any any missing numbers. If there are
missing serial numbers and some documents have been withheld, try
to determine if the missing numbers might reasonably correspond
to the withheld documents. If not, the release may be incomplete
and an administrative appeal should be made.
Step 2: Read all the document released to you. Keep a list
of all document referred to the text--letters, memos, teletypes,
reports, etc. Each of these "referred to" documents should turn
up in the packet released to you. If any are not in the packet,
it is possible they may be among those document withheld; a
direct inquiry should be made. In an administrative appeal, ask
that each of these "referred to" documents be produced or that
the agency state plainly that they are among those withheld. Of
course, the totals of unproduced vs. withheld must be within
reasons; that is, if the total number of unproduced documents you
find referred to the text of the documents produced exceeds the
total number of documents withheld, the agency cannot claim that
all the referred to documents are accounted for by the withheld
category. You will soon get the hand of making logical
conclusions from discrepancies in the totals and missing document
Another thing to look for when reading the released
documents if the names of persons or agencies to whom the
document has been disseminated. the lower left-hand corner is a
common location for the typed list of agencies or offices to whom
the document has been directed. In addition, there may be
additional distribution recorded by hand, there or elsewhere on
the cover page. There are published glossaries for some agencies
that will help in deciphering these notations when they are not
clear. Contact FOIA, Inc., if you need assistance in deciphering
the text.
Finally, any other file numbers that appear on the document
should be noted, particularly in the subject of the file is of
interest and is one you have not requested. You may want to make
an additional request for some of these files.
Under the FOIA, a dissatisfied requester has the right of
administrative appeal. the name and address of the proper appeal
office will be given to you by each agency in its final response
This kit contains a sample appeal letter with suggesting for
adapting it to various circumstances. However, you need not make
such an elaborate appeal; in fact, you need not offer any reasons
at all but rather simply write a letter to the appeals unit
stating that "this letter constitutes an appeal of the agency's
decision." Of course, if you have identified some real
discrepancies, you will want to set them for fully, but even if
you have not found any, you may simply ask that the release be
If you are still dissatisfied after the administrative
appeal process, the FOIA gives you the right to bring a lawsuit
in federal district court on an expedited basis.
To: FOIA/PA Unit
Federal Bureau of Investigation
This is a request under the Freedom of Information Act.
I request a complete and thorough search of all filing
systems and locations for all records maintained by your agency
pertaining to and/or captioned: ______
[describe records desired and/or insert full and
formal name]
including, without limitations, files and documents captioned, or
whose captions include
[insert changes in name, commonly used names,
acronyms, sub-groups, and the like]
This request specifically includes "main" files and "see
references," including, but not limited to numbered and lettered
sub files, "DO NOT FILE" files, and control files. I also request
a search of the ELSUR Index,a nd the COINTELPRO Index. I request
that all records be produced with the administrative pages.
I wish to be sent copies of "see reference" cards,
abstracts, search slips, including search slips used to process
this request, file covers, multiple copies of the same documents
if they appear in a file, and tapes of any electronic
I wish to make it clear that I want all records in you
office "identifiable with my request," even though reports on
those records have been sent to Headquarters and even though
there may be duplication between the two sets of files.
[ continued next message ]
Paul Ferguson | The future is now.
Network Integrator | History will tell the tale;
Centreville, Virginia USA | We must endure and struggle | to shape it.
Stop the Wiretap (Clipper/Capstone) Chip.
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1993-05-25 (Mon, 24 May 93 17:47:38 PDT) - FOIA INFO 1/2 - (Paul Ferguson)