1993-05-03 - ANON: hop.mail replacements random number generation in perl

Header Data

From: “Stop the Big Brother CHip” <pleiku!kelly@netcom.com>
To: cypherpunks@toad.com
Message Hash: aaafe2efc699d2a6d1ee8bc60a3223776c4cfc1c2eea80c6b194949b9d12bfbd
Message ID: <9305030043.AA25635@netcomsv.netcom.com>
Reply To: N/A
UTC Datetime: 1993-05-03 00:42:56 UTC
Raw Date: Sun, 2 May 93 17:42:56 PDT

Raw message

From: "Stop the Big Brother CHip" <pleiku!kelly@netcom.com>
Date: Sun, 2 May 93 17:42:56 PDT
To: cypherpunks@toad.com
Subject: ANON: hop.mail replacements random number generation in perl
Message-ID: <9305030043.AA25635@netcomsv.netcom.com>
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text


Hi All,
      I am currently upgrading Hal's Remailer to work
with SVR4(mail lock files as opposed to flock) and encryption
of the message body.

I am also looking at the implementation of  the following design goals:

 * Definition and implementation of a cryptographic MIX protocol compatible
  with the present day remailers(or with minor script changes).

Another area I am working at present on is a replacement for the
present anon.mail and hop.mail in perl. Design goals for that
companion script are:

 * Automatic generation of random hop routes for anonymous encrypted
  remailer return addressing blocks(function 2 from hop.mail)

 * Hop.mail mailing of files(Function 1) with auto route selection
 and generation.

Other desirable properties of a automatic remailer route generation 
script would be:
  * An encrypted remailer would always be selected as the beginpoint and
    endpoint in a remailer random route selection.

  * Non-Encrypted but anonymous remailers can only be used as the linkage
    remailer between 2 encrypted remailer nodes.

  * The next remailer number generated must be different than the previous
    remailer number generated.
  * route generation scripts should generate n number of nested
    remailer blocks where n is greater 4 and less than 30.

  * remailer numbers may be used multiple times in the same route
    generation subject to the conditions listed above.
  * a random seed needs to be generated to prime the generator.

  * A MUCH better function than  perl's rand is needed.

For the curious I am implementing this on a Stock SVR4 system with
MH 6.8(MIME). All scripts are being implemented in PERL (PL36).

I am interested in critique, additional desirable design goals etc.

- --
Parts of this .sig borrowed with permission from T.C.May.
Perhaps it will indeed get me busted also.
Kelly Goen             | Crypto Anarchy: encryption, digital money,  
kelly@netcom.com       | anonymous networks, digital pseudonyms, zero
Intelligence Systems   | knowledge, reputations, information markets, 
Specialists Inc.       | black markets, face banks, data havens, dark
                       | tech, covert channels, shared secrets,
                       | alt.whistleblowers, collapse of governments.
Technical Monkeywrench | Public Key: PGP 2.2.
PGP 2.2 Key available from PGP Keyservers on the Internet.

pub  1024/1BA573 1992/09/09  kelly <kelly@netcom.com>
          Key fingerprint =  EF 7A 38 99 22 84 E3 3B  90 2A DB 80 DC 65 DA 31 


Version: 2.2

