1993-05-21 - FOIA info

Header Data

From: fergp@sytex.com (Paul Ferguson)
To: cypherpunks@toad.com
Message Hash: cf1224247aa4793e95cf4668a0604df24a405803d3410f896336760ac150fe39
Message ID: <mwuw4B1w165w@sytex.com>
Reply To: N/A
UTC Datetime: 1993-05-21 18:42:21 UTC
Raw Date: Fri, 21 May 93 11:42:21 PDT

Raw message

From: fergp@sytex.com (Paul Ferguson)
Date: Fri, 21 May 93 11:42:21 PDT
To: cypherpunks@toad.com
Subject: FOIA info
Message-ID: <mwuw4B1w165w@sytex.com>
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain

A quick addendum to my post on alt.privacy yesterday. After making a
few phone calls, I found that these are the correct addresses to send
requests for information under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA):
Central Intelligence Agency:
  Mr. John H. Wright
  Information and Privacy Coordinator
  Central Intelligence Agency
  Washington, DC  20505
Federal Bureau of Investigation:
   Federal Bureau of INVESTIGATION
   J. Edgar Hoover Building
   9th and Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W.,
   Washington, DC  20535
   ATTN: FOIA/PA Section
National Security Agency:
   Director, NSA/CSS
   9800 Savage Road
   Fort George G. Meade, Maryland  20755-6000
For those who live in The Commonwealth of Virginia, this is the
address of the Richmond field office:
Federal Bureau of Investigation
111 Greencourt Road
Richmond, Virginia  23228

Paul Ferguson               |  The future is now.
Network Integrator          |  History will tell the tale;
Centreville, Virginia USA   |  We must endure and struggle
fergp@sytex.com             |  to shape it.
          Stop the Wiretap (Clipper/Capstone) Chip.
