From: J. Michael Diehl <>
Message Hash: d4debf6dc42e4cfd2289de8702f279e2569bf72f5d388024c57118f04ae6a5ab
Message ID: <>
Reply To: N/A
UTC Datetime: 1993-05-25 07:04:28 UTC
Raw Date: Tue, 25 May 93 00:04:28 PDT
From: J. Michael Diehl <>
Date: Tue, 25 May 93 00:04:28 PDT
Subject: my menu sys.
Message-ID: <>
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain
After I posted my menu batch file for pgp, I realized that I hadn't put my name
on it, which I felt I should do. So, here it is, with with my copyleft message
attatched. I hope someone enjoys it.
rem This is the PGP menu system by Mike Diehl version 0.0. This program
rem requires 4dos replacement to run. It may run under norton's
rem N-dos. Since I wrote this program for my own use, and in an effort to help
rem with the cypherpunk cause, I am releasing this program into the public
rem domain. I ask that this message not be removed, and that you do not
rem distribute modified copies of this program. Further, I hope that, if you
rem think this program makes pgp easier to use, you will send me an (encrypted)
rem email message telling me so. It helps my ego to think someone likes my
rem program besides me. ;^) I have enclosed my pgp 2.2 public key at the end
rem of this file. Take care, and enjoy. Mike Diehl.
@echo off
break on
drawbox 0 0 23 78 2 red on black
drawhline 17 0 79 1 red on black
drawbox 4 29 16 49 2 red on black
scrput 1 27 blue on black Mike's PGP shell ver. 0.0.
scrput 3 35 blue on black MAIN MENU
scrput 5 32 red on black Encrypt a file.
scrput 7 32 red on black Decrypt a file.
scrput 09 32 red on black siGn a file.
scrput 11 32 red on black Wipe file.
scrput 13 32 red on black Next menu.
scrput 15 32 red on black Quit.
scrput 18 5 white on black Select an option by typing the corisponding capitalized letter.
scrput 19 5 white on black For example, to encrypt a file, you would press the E key.
inkey /K"EeDdGgWwNnQq" %%in
goto menu1-%in
screen 17 26
drawbox 0 0 23 78 2 red on black
drawhline 17 0 79 1 red on black
drawbox 6 3 8 74 2 red on black
scrput 18 5 white on black Here you will be asked for the name of a file to be
scrput 19 5 white on black encrypted. Then you will be asked for the names of
scrput 20 5 white on black the people who should be able to read the file.
scrput 21 5 white on black Enter them all on the line separated by a space.
scrput 7 5 red on black Enter the name of the file to encrypt.
screen 7 52
input %%file
if exist %file goto menu1-e-good
scrput 15 10 red on black That file is not in the current directory!
screen 16 10
goto menu1-e
drawbox 10 3 12 74 2 red on black
scrput 11 5 red on black Enter the name(s) of the recipients.
screen 11 52
input %%in
rem I never claimed that this would be elegent....
drawbox 0 0 23 78 2 red on black
drawhline 17 0 79 1 red on black
scrput 18 5 white on black Here you are asked if you want to mark this message "For Your Eyes Only,"
scrput 19 5 white on black and if you want to sign the message. If you reply 'y' to the first
scrput 20 5 white on black question, the recipient will only be ablt to display the message. He
scrput 21 5 white on black won't be to save it. If you reply 'y' to the second question, the
scrput 22 5 white on black recipient will know for certain that the message is from you.
drawbox 6 3 8 74 2 red on black
scrput 7 5 red on black Would you like to mark this "For Your Eyes Only?"
inkey /K"ynN" %%f
drawbox 10 3 12 74 2 red on black
scrput 11 5 red on black Would you like to sign this message?
inkey /K"ynN" %%s
if "%f" == "y" goto f
if "%s" == "y" goto s
pgp -pe %file %in
goto encrypted
if "%s" == "y" goto sf
pgp -mep %file %in
goto encrypted
pgp -mesp %file %in
goto encrypted
pgp -pes %file %in
echo %@name[%file].asc is the name of the encrypted file.
goto main
drawbox 0 0 23 78 2 red on black
drawhline 17 0 79 1 red on black
drawbox 6 3 8 74 2 red on black
scrput 18 5 white on black Here you will be asked for the name of a file to be
scrput 19 5 white on black read. Then you will be asked if you want to save the
scrput 20 5 white on black plaintext file. If you do, you will be asked for a
scrput 21 5 white on black new filename.
scrput 7 5 red on black Enter the name of the file to read.
screen 7 52
input %%file
if exist %file goto menu1-d-good
scrput 15 10 red on black That file is not in the current directory!
screen 16 10
goto main
pgp -m %file
goto main
drawbox 0 0 23 78 2 red on black
drawhline 17 0 79 1 red on black
drawbox 6 3 8 74 2 red on black
scrput 18 5 white on black Here you will be asked for the name of a file to be
scrput 19 5 white on black signed. If you sign a message, it can be proved that
scrput 20 5 white on black it came from you. There is no "Plausible Deniability."
scrput 7 5 red on black Enter the name of the file to signed.
screen 7 52
input %%file
if exist %file goto menu1-g-good
scrput 15 10 red on black That file is not in the current directory!
screen 16 10
goto main
pgp -s %file
echo %@name[%file].asc is the name of the signed file.
goto main
drawbox 0 0 23 78 2 red on black
drawhline 17 0 79 1 red on black
drawbox 6 3 8 74 2 red on black
scrput 18 5 white on black Here you will be asked for the name of a file to be
scrput 19 5 white on black wiped. Remember, after a file is wiped...
scrput 20 5 blink white on black There is no way to retrieve the file!
scrput 7 5 red on black Enter the name of the file to wiped.
screen 7 52
input %%file
if exist %file goto menu1-w-good
scrput 15 10 red on black That file is not in the current directory!
screen 16 10
goto main
pgp -w %file
goto main
drawbox 0 0 23 78 2 red on black
drawhline 17 0 79 1 red on black
drawbox 4 29 16 49 2 red on black
scrput 1 27 blue on black Mike's PGP shell ver. 0.0.
scrput 3 35 blue on black SECOND MENU
scrput 5 32 red on black Add a key.
scrput 7 32 red on black Extract a key.
scrput 09 32 red on black View a key.
scrput 11 32 red on black Fingerprint.
scrput 13 32 red on black Next menu.
scrput 15 32 red on black Quit.
scrput 18 5 white on black Select an option by typing the corisponding capitalized letter.
scrput 19 5 white on black For example, to add a key to your ring, you would press the A key.
inkey /K"AaEeVvFfNnQq" %%in
goto menu2-%in
goto menu1-q
drawbox 0 0 23 78 2 red on black
drawhline 17 0 79 1 red on black
drawbox 6 3 8 74 2 red on black
scrput 18 5 white on black Here you will be asked for the name of a file that
scrput 19 5 white on black contains the keys to be added to your public key ring.
scrput 7 5 red on black Enter the name of the file to read.
screen 7 52
input %%file
if exist %file goto menu2-a-good
scrput 15 10 red on black That file is not in the current directory!
screen 16 10
goto main
pgp -ka %file
goto main
drawbox 0 0 23 78 2 red on black
drawhline 17 0 79 1 red on black
drawbox 6 3 8 74 2 red on black
scrput 18 5 white on black Here you will be asked for the key ID to be extracted.
scrput 19 5 white on black Then you will be asked for the names of the file to
scrput 20 5 white on black put the key in.
scrput 7 5 red on black Enter the key ID to extract.
screen 7 52
input %%in
drawbox 10 3 12 74 2 red on black
scrput 11 5 red on black Enter the name of the file that is to hold the key.
screen 11 59
input %%file
if not exist %file goto menu2-e-good
scrput 10 10 red on black That file already exists in the current directory!
screen 16 10
goto main
pgp -kx %in %file
echo %@name[%file].asc contains the key for %in.
goto main
pgp -kv
goto main
drawbox 0 0 23 78 2 red on black
drawhline 17 0 79 1 red on black
drawbox 6 3 8 74 2 red on black
scrput 18 5 white on black Here you will be asked for the name of the person who's key fingerprint you
scrput 19 5 white on black want to examine.
scrput 7 5 red on black Enter the name of the person.
screen 7 52
input %%in
pgp -kvc %in
echo Remember to write this information down!
goto main
drawbox 0 0 23 78 2 red on black
drawhline 17 0 79 1 red on black
drawbox 4 29 16 49 2 red on black
scrput 1 27 blue on black Mike's PGP shell ver. 0.0.
scrput 3 35 blue on black THIRD MENU
scrput 5 32 red on black Generate a key.
scrput 7 32 red on black Remove a key.
scrput 09 32 red on black Disable a key.
scrput 13 32 red on black Next menu.
scrput 15 32 red on black Quit.
scrput 18 5 white on black Select an option by typing the corisponding capitalized letter.
scrput 19 5 white on black For example, to generate a new key, you would press the G key.
inkey /K"GgRrDdNnQq" %%in
goto menu3-%in
pgp -kg
goto main
drawbox 0 0 23 78 2 red on black
drawhline 17 0 79 1 red on black
drawbox 6 3 8 74 2 red on black
scrput 18 5 white on black Here you will be asked for the name of the key to be
scrput 19 5 white on black removed.
scrput 7 5 red on black Enter the name of the key to remove.
screen 7 52
input %%in
pgp -kr %in
goto main
goto menu1-q
drawbox 0 0 23 78 2 red on black
drawhline 17 0 79 1 red on black
drawbox 6 3 8 74 2 red on black
scrput 18 5 white on black Here you will be asked for the name of the key to be
scrput 19 5 white on black either disabled or re-enabled.
scrput 7 5 red on black Enter the name of the key.
screen 7 52
input %%in
pgp -kd %in
goto main
goto main
I may be reached by any of these addresses.,
Or, in care of Rory McManus at
Version: 2.2
Return to May 1993
Return to “J. Michael Diehl <>”
1993-05-25 (Tue, 25 May 93 00:04:28 PDT) - my menu sys. - J. Michael Diehl <>