From: J. Michael Diehl <>
To: (Stanton McCandlish)
Message Hash: a0d939b918da815b5bacd27cca784bb1bed89b8c8088ec67e6b6ad83f1b0e332
Message ID: <>
Reply To: <>
UTC Datetime: 1993-06-02 06:49:17 UTC
Raw Date: Tue, 1 Jun 93 23:49:17 PDT
From: J. Michael Diehl <>
Date: Tue, 1 Jun 93 23:49:17 PDT
To: (Stanton McCandlish)
Subject: Re: Term software development/design
In-Reply-To: <>
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MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain
> All of these ideas (on new term programs for grabbing news, and for
> getting PGP sigs from scrollback, etc etc) are all very interesting and
> worthy of more work. However, I think the BEST way to do this, is to
> convince Mustang Software (or whoever) to add hooks for PGP or other
> encryption packages, and then the rest should soon follow. Most users
> WILL NOT quit using QModem (or whatever) for a new term program that has
> nothing special but crypto. BUT if you can get crypto into the popular
> packages, then lots of users WILL use it since well it's THERE, and easy
> to get to and they don't have to switch software.
Actually, I've implimented much of this in telix, using it's (C-like) script
language. From the command line, I can type in the name of a batch file. That
batch file starts telix, logs me in, sends any mail I have created/encrypted on
my machine, and downloads all my new mail, to be read from another batch file.
My mail reader batch file uses pgp to read my mail and presents a nice message
selection menu, too. Totally transparent, and automated. I'm quite prowd of
it. The only thing to do is clean it up a bit, and impliment reply-quoting.
That should be done by the end of the week. If any one is interested in what
I have.....ask me.
BTW, I have had a few bug reports on my pgp menu batch file for 4dos. I will
also have it fixed by the end of the week and will release it next week.
| J. Michael Diehl ;-) | I thought I was wrong once. | PGP KEY |
| | But, I was mistaken. |available|
| | | Ask Me! |
| (505) 299-2282 +-----------------------------+---------+
| |
+------"I'm just looking for the opportunity to be -------------+
| Politically Incorrect!" <Me> |
+-----If codes are outlawed, only criminals wil have codes.-----+
+----Is Big Brother in your phone? If you don't know, ask me---+
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