1993-07-02 - Science News article request

Header Data

From: fergp@sytex.com (Paul Ferguson)
To: sandfort@attmail.com
Message Hash: 8972c275f75041b77db23171ac141d764540e547576c39c4c1ea6818d3a2c274
Message ID: <3Fg36B1w165w@sytex.com>
Reply To: N/A
UTC Datetime: 1993-07-02 21:44:23 UTC
Raw Date: Fri, 2 Jul 93 14:44:23 PDT

Raw message

From: fergp@sytex.com (Paul Ferguson)
Date: Fri, 2 Jul 93 14:44:23 PDT
To: sandfort@attmail.com
Subject: Science News article request
Message-ID: <3Fg36B1w165w@sytex.com>
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain

On 01 Jul 93 21:00:49 EDT,
 Sandy Sandfort <uunet!CompuServe.COM!72114.1712> wrote -
> I have missed some messages because of a computer problem.
> Perhaps someone has already mentioned or reprinted an article
> by Ivars Peterson ("Encryption Controversy -- A Fierce Debate
> Erupts over Cryptography and privacy") about the Clipper,
> Capstone, et al. in June 19 issue of SCIENCE NEWS.  If not, I
> would be willing to transcribe the article into ASCII and upload
> it to the list if enough folks are interested.
 Please do. I'm interested in seeing any article relative to the
 subject at hand...

Paul Ferguson               |  "Confidence is the feeling you get
Network Integrator          |   just before you fully understand
Centreville, Virginia USA   |   the problem."
fergp@sytex.com             |      - Murphy's 7th Law of Computing
               Quis Custodiet Ipsos Custodes?
