1993-07-20 - An Ode to Sternlight (fwd)

Header Data

From: fergp@sytex.com (Paul Ferguson)
To: cypherpunks@toad.com
Message Hash: f1b96e371f10cca29bd373fa80f98e87a37f8fb691e216a32fe1904eafca0be6
Message ID: <JZ7Z7B1w165w@sytex.com>
Reply To: N/A
UTC Datetime: 1993-07-20 23:05:34 UTC
Raw Date: Tue, 20 Jul 93 16:05:34 PDT

Raw message

From: fergp@sytex.com (Paul Ferguson)
Date: Tue, 20 Jul 93 16:05:34 PDT
To: cypherpunks@toad.com
Subject: An Ode to Sternlight (fwd)
Message-ID: <JZ7Z7B1w165w@sytex.com>
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain

From: warlock@PASCAL.ACM.ORG
Newsgroups: sci.crypt
Subject: Sternlight, Sternlight, burning bright...
Date: 20 Jul 1993 00:07:29 GMT
Organization: ACM Network Services, Waco, TX
Lines: 38
Reply-To: warlock@PASCAL.ACM.ORG
NNTP-Posting-Host: acm.org
           The Sternlight Tyger (Apologies to Wm. Blake)
              Sternlight, Sternlight, burning bright
              From the flamings left and right, 
              What group covert or front pontific
              Dare frame thy postings so prolific.
              From what cloistered chamber flows
              The torrents of your party prose?
              Who foots the bill? Who pays the piper?
              Are you saint or are you viper?
              Are you the likes of Walter Mitty
              Or just another gov-committee
              Whose Dole-ful charge, we must confess,
              Is simply to obstruct progress.*
              When the Evil Empire of the Left
              Gave up the ghost (of cash bereft),
              Did he smile his work to see
              Did he who made the spooks make thee?
              Sternlight, Sternlight, burning bright
              From the flamings left and right, 
              What group covert or front pontific
              Dare frame thy postings so prolific.
              * progress = private sector cryptographic 
                innovation and use.

Paul Ferguson               |  "Government, even in its best state,
Network Integrator          |   is but a necessary evil; in its worst
Centreville, Virginia USA   |   state, an intolerable one."
fergp@sytex.com             |      - Thomas Paine, Common Sense
         I love my country, but I fear its government.
