1993-08-10 - Cypherpunks write code

Header Data

From: fergp@sytex.com (Paul Ferguson)
To: cypherpunks@toad.com
Message Hash: 355844ef0d4115365554d20b94db7ddcc3114d93ae1f516c38012d0a4a207a75
Message ID: <usN28B5w165w@sytex.com>
Reply To: N/A
UTC Datetime: 1993-08-10 04:21:56 UTC
Raw Date: Mon, 9 Aug 93 21:21:56 PDT

Raw message

From: fergp@sytex.com (Paul Ferguson)
Date: Mon, 9 Aug 93 21:21:56 PDT
To: cypherpunks@toad.com
Subject: Cypherpunks write code
Message-ID: <usN28B5w165w@sytex.com>
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain

Can I entice someone to post the Cypherpunk charter statement again? I've 
been looking at the FAQ that Eric Raymond started, and need to to fill in 
some gaps.... This has taken way too long and I thought perhaps I might 
toss a few free moments into adding some text.

Paul Ferguson               |  "Government, even in its best state,
Network Integrator          |   is but a necessary evil; in its worst
Centreville, Virginia USA   |   state, an intolerable one."
fergp@sytex.com             |      - Thomas Paine, Common Sense
Type bits/keyID   Date       User ID
pub  1024/1CC04D 1993/03/15  Paul Ferguson <fergp@sytex.com>
  Key fingerprint =  EE D2 93 7D 04 6D C6 05  AC 36 AD 9D 8E 4F 41 58
