From: Peter Wayner <>
Message Hash: 3a2daa3ed4942c5103e371bfcd1837d8459dcd3fbd17a3593fa0f4996b24d961
Message ID: <>
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UTC Datetime: 1993-08-29 22:56:18 UTC
Raw Date: Sun, 29 Aug 93 15:56:18 PDT
From: Peter Wayner <>
Date: Sun, 29 Aug 93 15:56:18 PDT
Subject: Crypto and Jurassic Park
Message-ID: <>
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain
Here is an anecdote about the use of cryptography taken
from "The Beauty in the Beasts" an article by Jody Duncan on
page 95 of the magazine "Cinefex".
Principal (sic) photography on Jurassic Park wrapped just after
the Thanksgiving weekend. In the six months that followed,
the film was editted, scored, mixed for sound and provided
with finalized computer graphics dinosaurs. Already on to his
next project-- Schindler's List-- Speilberg was shooting in
Europe throughout most of the postproduction phase, but continued
to keep his hand in Jurassic Park through an encrypted satellite
feed from ILM (Industrial Lights and Magic).
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1993-08-29 (Sun, 29 Aug 93 15:56:18 PDT) - Crypto and Jurassic Park - Peter Wayner <>