To: (Samuel Pigg)
Message Hash: 0154a4127bbb654679d187e59ee0df4e2ef842f23ac35d34b8d18e2f7b6c7bdf
Message ID: <>
Reply To: N/A
UTC Datetime: 1993-09-09 02:42:10 UTC
Raw Date: Wed, 8 Sep 93 19:42:10 PDT
Date: Wed, 8 Sep 93 19:42:10 PDT
To: (Samuel Pigg)
Subject: Re: Viacrypt export?
Message-ID: <>
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain
Alex> Why would people in Europe want to buy an exported
Alex> Viacrypt when it's completely legal for them to use PGP,
Alex> which is free and which is built from published source
Alex> code?
I wouldn't, but most corporations don't like purchasing software
without the safety blanket of commercial support. (At least in the
states. I assume it's the same in europe.)
It's not a matter of a safety blanket, it's where you choose to spend
your time and effort. A well-supported application can easily pay
for itself in decreased staff time.
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1993-09-09 (Wed, 8 Sep 93 19:42:10 PDT) - Re: Viacrypt export? -