1993-09-30 - Re: Clipper specifics

Header Data

From: cme@ellisun.sw.stratus.com (Carl Ellison)
To: karn@qualcomm.com
Message Hash: 1745b2de1e7d62b9ed1b626c942610bcc32c0ac3333e4b6a47cea42cda873b0f
Message ID: <9309300351.AA28935@ellisun.sw.stratus.com>
Reply To: N/A
UTC Datetime: 1993-09-30 03:51:57 UTC
Raw Date: Wed, 29 Sep 93 20:51:57 PDT

Raw message

From: cme@ellisun.sw.stratus.com (Carl Ellison)
Date: Wed, 29 Sep 93 20:51:57 PDT
To: karn@qualcomm.com
Subject: Re:  Clipper specifics
Message-ID: <9309300351.AA28935@ellisun.sw.stratus.com>
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain

I'd be surprised if they allow you a month or two for more comments.

My current fantasy about Clipper is that the NSA did a deal with AT&T,
demanding removal of DES chips in favor of Skipjack, getting AT&T to buy
into a limited delay in product introduction with the gov't promising to
get the Skipjack standard in place by Summer so that the AT&T phones
weren't held up too long.

That's all out of my own head, but it hangs together.

Does anyone know specifics about AT&T's prior plans?  Was there
a DES version?

 - Carl
