1993-09-05 - REMAIL: 9/6/93

Header Data

From: Karl Lui Barrus <klbarrus@owlnet.rice.edu>
To: cypherpunks@toad.com
Message Hash: c98acec2db81b6f1599704d19ff2189c81ab6ca3f948c5d9bb4b28bc04cc1e12
Message ID: <9309051640.AA28953@flammulated.owlnet.rice.edu>
Reply To: N/A
UTC Datetime: 1993-09-05 16:46:01 UTC
Raw Date: Sun, 5 Sep 93 09:46:01 PDT

Raw message

From: Karl Lui Barrus <klbarrus@owlnet.rice.edu>
Date: Sun, 5 Sep 93 09:46:01 PDT
To: cypherpunks@toad.com
Subject: REMAIL: 9/6/93
Message-ID: <9309051640.AA28953@flammulated.owlnet.rice.edu>
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain

With all the new remailers, and more to come soon, I thought I'd post an
updated list.

Updated public keys and unix scripts should be available soon; hopefully I'll
update the dos batch files this weekend as well.

NOTE: my new remailer (elee9sf@menudo.uh.edu) is not on this list, partly
because I don't expect it to run for any great length of time.  It is more
of an experiment to support PGP and RIPEM at the same remailer.  If you
missed the public keys, mail to me and I'll send them.


Cypherpunk anonymous remailers, 9/6/93

Q1: What are the anonymous remailers?


 1: nowhere@bsu-cs.bsu.edu
 2: hh@cicada.berkeley.edu
 3: hh@pmantis.berkeley.edu
 4: hh@soda.berkeley.edu
 5: 00x@uclink.berkeley.edu
 6: cdodhner@indirect.com
 7: hal@alumni.caltech.edu
 8: cs60a-qu@cory.eecs.berkeley.edu
 9: ebrandt@jarthur.claremont.edu
10: catalyst@netcom.com
11: sameer@netcom.com
12: remailer@rebma.mn.org
13: elee7h5@rosebud.ee.uh.edu
14: hfinney@shell.portal.com
15: remail@tamsun.tamu.edu
16: remail@tamaix.tamu.edu
17: remailer@utter.dis.org
18: remailer@entropy.linet.org
19: remail@extropia.wimsey.com


1-6		no encryption of remailing requests
7-19		support encrypted remailing requests
19		special - header and message must be encrypted together
12,17,18,19	introduce larger than average delay (not direct connect)
12,17,19	running on privately owned machines


Q2: What help is available?


Check out the pub/cypherpunks/remailer directory at soda.berkeley.edu

chain.zip             - program that helps with using remailers
dosbat.zip            - MSDOS batch files that help with using remailers
hal's.instructions.gz - in depth instruction on how to use
hal's.remailer.gz     - remailer code
pubkeys.tar.gz        - public keys of remailers which support encryption
pubkeys.zip           - MSDOS zip file of public keys
scripts.tar.gz        - scripts that help with using remailers

Mail to me (klbarrus@owlnet.rice.edu) for further help and/or questions.


Q3.  Email-to-Usenet gateways?


 1: group-name@cs.utexas.edu
 2: group.name.usenet@decwrl.dec.com
 3: group.name@news.demon.co.uk
 4: group.name@news.cs.indiana.edu
 5: group-name@pws.bull.com
 6: group-name@ucbvax.berkeley.edu


*  This does not include ones that work for single groups, like twwells.com.
#1 apparently blocks anonymous remailer posts
#6 blocks from non-berkeley sites (so use the berkeley remailers :-)

Version: 2.3a

