1993-10-03 - troglodyte MIND RAPIST flames, take II

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From: an12070@anon.penet.fi (S. Boxx)
To: cypherpunks@toad.com
Message Hash: 0cba9bdcd3bb3cbe4ee7174061685ddfc8e11d32b6c365be2f84a7a9c3fd0058
Message ID: <9310030132.AA28944@anon.penet.fi>
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UTC Datetime: 1993-10-03 01:34:26 UTC
Raw Date: Sat, 2 Oct 93 18:34:26 PDT

Raw message

From: an12070@anon.penet.fi (S. Boxx)
Date: Sat, 2 Oct 93 18:34:26 PDT
To: cypherpunks@toad.com
Subject: troglodyte MIND RAPIST flames, take II
Message-ID: <9310030132.AA28944@anon.penet.fi>
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain

anon.penet.fi cut my message. now I know how Infocalypse feels.

send this EVERYWHERE in cyberspace it might make a difference.



does routine FIDOnet email INVASION by operators VIOLATE the U.S. 
Electronic Communications Privacy Act? EFF's lawyer M. Godwin speaks
with FIDOnet operator Al Billings <mimir@u.washington.edu> on the 
cypherpunks mailing list. Resident list crank Perry Metzger offers
his own whitehot flame.

this forward brought to you by

Cyberspatial Reality Advancement Movement (CRAM)
Information Liberation Front (ILF)


From: Mike Godwin <mnemonic@eff.org>
Subject: Re: FIDOnet encryption (or lack thereof)
To: cypherpunks@toad.com
Date: Fri, 1 Oct 1993 16:40:09 -0400 (EDT)
Al Billings writes:

> On Thu, 30 Sep 1993, Mike Godwin wrote:
> > 
> > My question is this: how does he know that the mail is encrypted if he's
> > not examining the mail that passes through his system? If he *is*
> > examining the mail that passes through his system, it seems likely that he
> > is violating the Electronic Communications Privacy Act.
>  Only if he has stated that he allows private mail. Most sysops have
> specifically worded policy statements for their systems that say that the
> sysop can read any and all messages on the system and may do so at any
> time.

That's all very nice, but it doesn't enable a FIDO sysop to intercept
messages from people who are not users of his or her particular system.
Those people did not waive their rights to privacy under the ECPA.

> Bulletin boards do not normally offer truely private mail because of
> some of the legal implications.

This is a common myth. First of all, there are many BBSs that do
offer truly private mail, or whose sysops, as a matter of policy, do not
read others' private mail. Secondly, there's no legal liability associated
with allowing e-mail privacy. Third, federal law (the ECPA) bars
sysops from examining mail except under some very precisely defined

I suggest that you inform sysops who tell you otherwise that they can
contact me at the Legal Services Department of EFF. You've got my e-mail
address already--my phone number is 202-347-5400.


From: Mike Godwin <mnemonic@eff.org>
Subject: Re: FIDOnet encrypted mail issues
Date: Fri, 1 Oct 1993 17:16:48 -0400 (EDT)
To: cypherpunks@toad.com

anonymous@extropia.wimsey.com writes:
 > Now, the point most internet people forget is that FIDOnet hosts are
 > hobbyists with 100% privately-owned machines and generally pay for the
 > entire participation of their userbase out of their own pockets,
 > excepting a few who get some dollars here and there from their generous
 > callers.

I have never forgotten this. But their commitment and efforts do not
amount to an amendment to federal law.

 > As a completely justified consequence, they can decide if they
 > allow encrypted traffic _on their individual BBSs_.  

Under what legal theory do they get an ECPA exemption as a "completely
justified consequence"?

 > In that there is
 > considerable fear of the consequences of illegal activity being
 > conducted on their BBSs via encrypted mail, many sysops (such as the one
 > you mention, leaving aside, for now, that he apparently confused a PGP
 > key with an encrypted message) do not wish to take the risk and forbid
 > encrypted traffic.

What they don't realize is that, rather than reducing the risk of legal
liability, they are increasing it.

 > They also monitor e-mail, if only incidentally
 > during the course of routine system maintenance, and notices to this
 > effect are generally contained in log-on screens and new-user info
 > files.

Any monitoring that results *directly* as a function of system maintenance
is okay--it's sanctioned by ECPA.

 > In that these sysops are extremely, _personally_ vulnerable, they are
 > generally more cautious than those internet folks who can hide behind
 > institutions and businesses.

If they were really cautious, they'd talk to a lawyer before setting
policy based on some guess as to what their legal liabilities may be.

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