From: Mike Ingle <>
Message Hash: 1420f62ddb863e79fb15b8f0f8999af73119a7cad03b0ddd5cbc0b48bd757d1c
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UTC Datetime: 1993-10-21 06:27:53 UTC
Raw Date: Wed, 20 Oct 93 23:27:53 PDT
From: Mike Ingle <>
Date: Wed, 20 Oct 93 23:27:53 PDT
Subject: Russian LanCrypto info
Message-ID: <>
MIME-Version: 1.0
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Here is some information about LanCrypto, a Russian public-key
encryption program. This one sounds interesting.
From: IN%"" 20-OCT-1993 14:36:24.72
System of programms of encryption (decryption) of files
To work all users must have the files:
afina.exe - programm for generation of new public and secret keys
afinall.exe - programm for creation of a common list of public keys
vesta.exe - programm for encryption/decryption of file
NNNNN.pbl - file contains a new public key,NNNNN is a number of user - file contains a new secret key
secret.key - file contains an old secret key
FIRST stage. Generation of new secret and public keys by user
User runs prigramm:
A message apears on the screen:
Press any keys
User begins to strike rand set of keys.A new secret key
writes to floppy diskette A to file
A public key writes to the current directory in the file
NNNNNN.pbl (NNNNNN is a number of user).
If you want to write your secret key on hard disk in
current directory you run:
afina.exe /k
Then all users of sistem exchange their public keys(files
NNNNNN.pbl.).We recommend thate users organise a CENTER .(The
CENTER collects all public keys,creates a common list of public
keys and sends it to users.)
SECOND stage. Creation and sending a list of public keys.
After exchanging of the files NNNNNN.pbl, user( CENTER )
has the files, received from his partners:
To create common list of public keys , user( CENTER ) runs
the programm
afinall.exe . (dot in the end)
if files * .pbl lokate in current directory
afinall.exe [path]
if files *.pbl lokate in other directory.
Programm creates a common list and writes it to the file
THIRD stage. Encrypting of a file.
If user number NNNNN encrypts file for user number LLLLL
,user number NNNNN runs :
vesta.exe [path\]file_name LLLLLL [\k] (1)
(\k is a parametre, the programm vesta.exe finds a secret
key in a current directory, ;if you run vesta.exe
[path\]file_name LLLLLL ,the programm vesta.exe finds a secret
key in floppy diskette )
During the process of its work vesta.exe takes the secret
key of user number NNNNN (from current directory(if you use \k)
or from ffloppy diskette), takes the public key of user LLLLL
(from file publall.key).Useing a secret key of user NNNNN and a
public key of user LLLLL vesta.exe creats a common secret
key.Then vesta.exe generates a rand session key,useing it and
the comman secret key vesta.exe creats a secret session key and
encrypts the file. The rand session key is not secret ant it is
added to the file.
FORTH stage. Decrypting of a file
Encrypted file may be decrypted by two ways:
1. by user NNNNN, if he repeats programm (1);
2. by user LLLLL, if he runs :
vesta.exe [path\]file_name NNNNN [\k]
EXAMPLE 1 ( We have user 000(CENTER) and user 001):
User 001 runs afina.exe \k.User 001 has files
and 001.pbl in the current directory.
User 001 sends 001.pbl to user 000(CENTR).
User 000 runs afina.exe \k.User 000 has files
and 000.pbl .User 000 receivs a file 001.pbl.He has:
User 000 runs afinall.exe . (dot in the end ).He has:
The file publall.key user 000(CENTER) sends to user 001.
User 000 has : ! User 001 has :
vesta.exe ! vesta.exe
publall.key ! publall.key
000.pbl ! 001.pbl
secret.key ! secret.key !
User 000 encrypts file test.txt for user 001 .He runs :
vesta.exe test0.txt 001 /k
User 001 receivs test0.txt and decrypts it :
vesta.exe test0.txt 000 /k
User 001 encrypts file test1.txt for user 000.He runs :
vesta.exe test.txt1 000 /k
User 000 receivs test1.txt and decrypts it:
vesta.exe test1.txt 001 /k
To sign a message you must do:
sign.exe file
To check yoy must do:
notary.exe file
NOTALL.EXE makes of all public keys of signatures )
AFINA is a unique package of programs for automatic generation
of a common private key for a specific commynication session between
two users.
AFINA canbe used in any data transmission system with
cryptographical protection. It rules out the need for a prior
distribution of private keys to users.
AFINA uses the best methods of public key generation between
two users that have been tested and widely aookied by Western
governments and commercial ventyres.
Oyr original algorithm and programs have a four-fold increase in
the speed of generating a public key compared to the best known
standards while also improving data protection 100-fold.
Having purchased the AFINA program, you will become fully
independent of any key supplying service. AFINA automatically
generates common private key for communication sessions with any user
in several seconds. You can choose the key length.
It will take two users less than 3 seconds to generate a common
private key of 256 bits useng an AT 286 pc operating at 16 MHg.
AFINA uses the disk operating system MS DOS 3.30 + and needs
32K of RAM memory. Any CGA, EGA or VGA graphic adapter can be used. A
hard disk is desirable to speed up processing.
Delivery: AFINA software on 5.25 DS/DD or installation by
LAN-Ctypto. LAN-Cryoto provides guides and after-sales (warranty and
post-warranty) service of the installed products as well as uodated
versions and supplies them on favourable terms.
File encryption system
VESTA is a package of programs providing the encryption of files
on a user's disk.
VESTA employs the most secure methods of cryptographic data
protection such as the Data Encryption Standart (DES), a universally
recognized system endrosed by Western goverments and commercial
institutions, GOST 28147-89, national data encryption standards in
computer networks as well as two LAN-Crypto algorithms for data
encryption providing processing speed of 200 Kbyte/sec. on AT-286 (12
Mhz) PC. This is a record time for encryption programs.
VESTA will allow you to assure your PC's data integrity, provide
raw a "transparent" mode of exchange with a hard disk without
delaying data processing. By choosing the appropriate VESTA
encryption algorithm, you will be able to have secure exchange of
information with most encryption programm users in this country and
abroad. Encryption key input can be carried out both from magnetic
mediums or keyboard.
The number of keys of VESTA for cryptographic algorithms:
- DES 10
- GOST 28147-89 10
- VESTA 1 10
- VESTA 2 10
The low boundary of the encryption security is determined by the
DES algoritm.
For users of IBM PC , and compatibles, VESTA provides
man-machine communicatin through the Disk Operating System MS DOS
Program size of VESTA package:
DES - 6 Kb
GOST 28146-89 - 2 Kb
VESTA 1 - 2 Kb
VESTA 2 - 2 Kb
VESTA provides friendly interface and detailed help.
DELIVERY: VESTA software on 5.25 DS/DD or installation by
LAN-Crypto, guides.
LAN-Crypto provides after-sales (warranty and post-warranty)
service of the installed products and information on updated versions
of programms and makes them available on favourable terms. The
extrended reference services.
NOTARY is a system for generating electronic signature for PC
files assuring their integrity and providing the ability to verify
the identy of the author of the data auhor. You can use Notarius
while storing information distributing floppy disks, or transmitting
information throw public communication chanel. "Digital (electronic)
signature" is a full analogue of a handwritten signature.
The NOTARY " digital signature " employs two algorithms: one
which produces the signature is kept secret, while the other, which
verifies the identity of the author, is disseminated to recipients of
of the signed documents.
The NOTARY "digital signature" procedure employs the program
"SIGNATUR" to "sign" a document file and creates a signature file
which impossible to forge.
The NOTARY checking programm analysizes the contents of
document file and quickly and securely checks that the signature is
NOTARY allows you to quickly and effectively introduce
paperless processing into offices, local networks, banking systems,
exchanges system, data communication networks, etc.
NOTARY employs more advanced method of "electronic signature"
than widely recognized RSA Digital Signature, which has been endorsed
by commercial and goverment institotions in the United States.
NOTARY's original algorithms and programm solutions allow the
user to speed up the operation of signing documents four-fold
compared with best known standarts.
NOTARY employs the Disk Operating System MS DOS 3.30+ on IBM
PC, and compatibles with the graphic adapter EGA (VGA).
NOTARY needs 15 KB of RAM and offers a friendly interface and
detalied help.
Delivery: NOTARY software comes on 5.25 DS/DD or can be
installed by "LAN Crypto", stuff we also provide documentation.
"LAN Crytpo" provides warranty and post-warranty service of
the installation products and information on updated versions of
programs when avaiilable offers them on favourable terms to current
Best regards.
Alex Smirnov
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1993-10-21 (Wed, 20 Oct 93 23:27:53 PDT) - Russian LanCrypto info - Mike Ingle <>