From: (Greg Broiles)
Message Hash: 7f6e6ae64fe75a31b1b4154fa66da0ec2b3e98ce545ac134d4e62c2c96d190f5
Message ID: <>
Reply To: N/A
UTC Datetime: 1993-10-24 01:33:29 UTC
Raw Date: Sat, 23 Oct 93 18:33:29 PDT
From: (Greg Broiles)
Date: Sat, 23 Oct 93 18:33:29 PDT
Subject: Digital signatures to be required?
Message-ID: <>
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain
My C-punks feed comes over a UUCP connection, and I only poll once or twice
per day, under normal circumstances. I'd likely never notice a 6-hour delay,
and hence wouldn't give a shit one way or the other.
Delaying message posting seems likely to exacerbate the "ask a question,
get the same answer 8 times" problem.
If we're going to reward some behaviors and punish others, I'd prefer to see
something that'd create exponentially increasing delays for > 1 post per
person per 24 hours; of course, remailers make that impractical.
Imposing a digital signature requirement strikes me as an arbitrary
exercise of authority which would be largely without benefit. I doubt that
people interested in the C-punks list are the folks who need to be dragged
kicking & screaming into the 21st century; at least not in terms of personal
use of technology. :)
Count mine as a "NO" vote; let's talk about the delay thing again when we
come up with a filter that can spot "what is [anarchy|libertarianism]
anyway?" or bogus pseudo-economic jibberish.
Greg Broiles Baked, not fried.
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1993-10-24 (Sat, 23 Oct 93 18:33:29 PDT) - Digital signatures to be required? - (Greg Broiles)